Science denialism: The problem that just won’t go away

So, we have a whole bunch of flap-yappers claiming degrees, then stating that they know more about science than the scientists. Yet we see from their posts that they are bone ignorant of science. Like ol' Billy Boob with his excited molecules from the sun.

Well, kiddies, this is how it is. Every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University has policy statements that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger. As the consequences of the warming become increasing apparent, their are people that are going to be held accountable for their lies. And that accounting will be political and economic. And not to your liking.
Well real scientists test theories correct? So in the world of your scientists, have they tested what adding PPM of CO2 will do to temperatures? hmmmm, if so, you fail to present them. Those would be your scientists, the ones way smarter than average human beings who are asking that they provide them to believe them. Hmmmm, now why would that be, well perhaps it is other scientists who state things that don't align with your scientists. So, merely show us the experiments and we'll be better to agree or not with their hypothesis.. See, you have failed in every forum thread to present that. Repeating past mumbo jumbo is meh!!!

Yeah they showed us charts with CO2 but no temperature axis. How can you not be convinced???

is that earth type co2


mars type c02

Off topic.
yeah right. you act like i'm the only one asking for it. So what you're saying is that we all are blind? Well you know what I say to that right? You know you haven't and let's stop playing games.

You are acting like I care. Take a class.
I don't care if you care or not. It is puzzling why you would come to a message board if you don't wish to participate in a discussion. Kind of like meaningless dude.

This is my thread, bubba. And so far, as is usual, you have participated nothing to the discussion.

Notice that you still haven't answered my question about how you tell a skeptic from a "denier." Why is that, Mr. "Science?"

Obviously you didn't read the OP. Oh dear.

Yes I did. It doesn't explain the distinction. Your claim that their arguments are "fallacious" means you think their conclusions are falls. They are not logical fallacies. Even bonafide scientists often advance arguments that turn out to be false.

The bottom line is that the only thing distinguishing a "denier" from a skeptic is the fact that you disagree with the former.

You're a crank and a cult member, in other words.
Pattycake, you are an ignoramous. And a bit stupid to boot.

The scientists have published their evidence in peer reviewed journals and shown clear evidence for the role of the GHG's in the warming we are experiancing. The denial and the push to silence the scientists by 'Conservatives' is a farce that is making America look totally stupid to the rest of the world.
You are acting like I care. Take a class.
I don't care if you care or not. It is puzzling why you would come to a message board if you don't wish to participate in a discussion. Kind of like meaningless dude.

This is my thread, bubba. And so far, as is usual, you have participated nothing to the discussion.

Notice that you still haven't answered my question about how you tell a skeptic from a "denier." Why is that, Mr. "Science?"

Obviously you didn't read the OP. Oh dear.

Yes I did. It doesn't explain the distinction. Your claim that their arguments are "fallacious" means you think their conclusions are falls. They are not logical fallacies. Even bonafide scientists often advance arguments that turn out to be false.

The bottom line is that the only thing distinguishing a "denier" from a skeptic is the fact that you disagree with the former.

You're a crank and a cult member, in other words.

And you need to stay on topic and stop your trolling, or you will be reported.
I don't care if you care or not. It is puzzling why you would come to a message board if you don't wish to participate in a discussion. Kind of like meaningless dude.

This is my thread, bubba. And so far, as is usual, you have participated nothing to the discussion.

Notice that you still haven't answered my question about how you tell a skeptic from a "denier." Why is that, Mr. "Science?"

Obviously you didn't read the OP. Oh dear.

Yes I did. It doesn't explain the distinction. Your claim that their arguments are "fallacious" means you think their conclusions are falls. They are not logical fallacies. Even bonafide scientists often advance arguments that turn out to be false.

The bottom line is that the only thing distinguishing a "denier" from a skeptic is the fact that you disagree with the former.

You're a crank and a cult member, in other words.

And you need to stay on topic and stop your trolling, or you will be reported.
Feel free to report me, dumbass.

Still not answering the question. Don't think anyone hasn't noticed you running away with your tail between your legs like a scared little puppy
Pattycake, when are you going to present evidence supporting your opinions? All you present at present is flap-yap.
Pattycake, when are you going to present evidence supporting your opinions? All you present at present is flap-yap.
I'm not required to prove a negative, Mr. "science." Pointing out the flaws in your claims is all the proof needed.
So, we have a whole bunch of flap-yappers claiming degrees, then stating that they know more about science than the scientists. Yet we see from their posts that they are bone ignorant of science. Like ol' Billy Boob with his excited molecules from the sun.

Well, kiddies, this is how it is. Every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University has policy statements that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger. As the consequences of the warming become increasing apparent, their are people that are going to be held accountable for their lies. And that accounting will be political and economic. And not to your liking.
Well real scientists test theories correct? So in the world of your scientists, have they tested what adding PPM of CO2 will do to temperatures? hmmmm, if so, you fail to present them. Those would be your scientists, the ones way smarter than average human beings who are asking that they provide them to believe them. Hmmmm, now why would that be, well perhaps it is other scientists who state things that don't align with your scientists. So, merely show us the experiments and we'll be better to agree or not with their hypothesis.. See, you have failed in every forum thread to present that. Repeating past mumbo jumbo is meh!!!

Yeah they showed us charts with CO2 but no temperature axis. How can you not be convinced???

is that earth type co2


mars type c02

Off topic.

certainly not
So, we have a whole bunch of flap-yappers claiming degrees, then stating that they know more about science than the scientists. Yet we see from their posts that they are bone ignorant of science. Like ol' Billy Boob with his excited molecules from the sun.

Well, kiddies, this is how it is. Every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University has policy statements that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger. As the consequences of the warming become increasing apparent, their are people that are going to be held accountable for their lies. And that accounting will be political and economic. And not to your liking.
Well real scientists test theories correct? So in the world of your scientists, have they tested what adding PPM of CO2 will do to temperatures? hmmmm, if so, you fail to present them. Those would be your scientists, the ones way smarter than average human beings who are asking that they provide them to believe them. Hmmmm, now why would that be, well perhaps it is other scientists who state things that don't align with your scientists. So, merely show us the experiments and we'll be better to agree or not with their hypothesis.. See, you have failed in every forum thread to present that. Repeating past mumbo jumbo is meh!!!

Yeah they showed us charts with CO2 but no temperature axis. How can you not be convinced???

is that earth type co2


mars type c02

Off topic.

certainly not

Erm, the topic is : Science denialism.

Your turn.
Well real scientists test theories correct? So in the world of your scientists, have they tested what adding PPM of CO2 will do to temperatures? hmmmm, if so, you fail to present them. Those would be your scientists, the ones way smarter than average human beings who are asking that they provide them to believe them. Hmmmm, now why would that be, well perhaps it is other scientists who state things that don't align with your scientists. So, merely show us the experiments and we'll be better to agree or not with their hypothesis.. See, you have failed in every forum thread to present that. Repeating past mumbo jumbo is meh!!!

Yeah they showed us charts with CO2 but no temperature axis. How can you not be convinced???

is that earth type co2


mars type c02

Off topic.

certainly not

Erm, the topic is : Science denialism.

Your turn.

yeah take it up with oldie rocks who made the claim several posts ago ya crank
Yeah they showed us charts with CO2 but no temperature axis. How can you not be convinced???

is that earth type co2


mars type c02

Off topic.

certainly not

Erm, the topic is : Science denialism.

Your turn.

yeah take it up with oldie rocks who made the claim several posts ago ya crank

I am responding to you since you saw fit to respond to one of my posts with off topic drivel.
is that earth type co2


mars type c02

Off topic.

certainly not

Erm, the topic is : Science denialism.

Your turn.

yeah take it up with oldie rocks who made the claim several posts ago ya crank

I am responding to you since you saw fit to respond to one of my posts with off topic drivel.

it is a free country

Erm, the topic is : Science denialism.

Your turn.

yeah take it up with oldie rocks who made the claim several posts ago ya crank

I am responding to you since you saw fit to respond to one of my posts with off topic drivel.

it is a free country

Perhaps you too should read the forum rules.
certainly not

Erm, the topic is : Science denialism.

Your turn.

yeah take it up with oldie rocks who made the claim several posts ago ya crank

I am responding to you since you saw fit to respond to one of my posts with off topic drivel.

it is a free country

Perhaps you too should read the forum rules.

take it up with oldie rocks
Erm, the topic is : Science denialism.

Your turn.

yeah take it up with oldie rocks who made the claim several posts ago ya crank

I am responding to you since you saw fit to respond to one of my posts with off topic drivel.

it is a free country

Perhaps you too should read the forum rules.

take it up with oldie rocks

Off topic.
yeah take it up with oldie rocks who made the claim several posts ago ya crank

I am responding to you since you saw fit to respond to one of my posts with off topic drivel.

it is a free country

Perhaps you too should read the forum rules.

take it up with oldie rocks

Off topic.

stuff it up yours

i didnt respond to your post in the first place

is that earth type co2


mars type c02

Off topic.

certainly not

Erm, the topic is : Science denialism.

Your turn.

yeah take it up with oldie rocks who made the claim several posts ago ya crank

I am responding to you since you saw fit to respond to one of my posts with off topic drivel.
which post number did he respond to you?
yeah right. you act like i'm the only one asking for it. So what you're saying is that we all are blind? Well you know what I say to that right? You know you haven't and let's stop playing games.

You are acting like I care. Take a class.
I don't care if you care or not. It is puzzling why you would come to a message board if you don't wish to participate in a discussion. Kind of like meaningless dude.

This is my thread, bubba. And so far, as is usual, you have participated nothing to the discussion.
so interesting, you create a thread antagonizing a group,. I am a skeptic looking for answers, you don't think I deserve them.hmmmmmmmmmmm, who's the denier?

You? A skeptic? Bwhahahahahahahahaha!
your thread, and this is all you got. I can only suppose your bwhahahahahaahaha was while your were looking in a mirror. Well If I don't agree with the science you provide, what does that mean to you?
Pattycake, you are an ignoramous. And a bit stupid to boot.

The scientists have published their evidence in peer reviewed journals and shown clear evidence for the role of the GHG's in the warming we are experiancing. The denial and the push to silence the scientists by 'Conservatives' is a farce that is making America look totally stupid to the rest of the world.

The journals are PAL reviewed, not peer reviewed, meaning only those who endorse the whole AGW scam are on the reviewing boards of the journals. It's a small tightly knit group of AGW cult members. Being published in a journal means almost nothing.

Being right is more important that what a gang of leftwing intellectual turds think about America. Those countries are all going broke paying for the "green energy" scam. Excuse me if I experience no desire to follow the lemmings over the cliff.
Pattycake, you are an ignoramous. And a bit stupid to boot.

The scientists have published their evidence in peer reviewed journals and shown clear evidence for the role of the GHG's in the warming we are experiancing. The denial and the push to silence the scientists by 'Conservatives' is a farce that is making America look totally stupid to the rest of the world.

The journals are PAL reviewed, not peer reviewed, meaning only those who endorse the whole AGW scam are on the reviewing boards of the journals. It's a small tightly knit group of AGW cult members. Being published in a journal means almost nothing.

Being right is more important that what a gang of leftwing intellectual turds think about America. Those countries are all going broke paying for the "green energy" scam. Excuse me if I experience no desire to follow the lemmings over the cliff.

Right. They should allow diesel mechanics to "peer review" those pesky science papers, because damn, this is a democracy! Oh wait...

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