Science, or Scientists?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Well, after several threads in which the so-called 'experts' and self-anointed science wonks have lied, clouded the issue, and attacked, let's get to the truth.

I've proven that the actual physical evidence necessary to verify Darwin's theory of evolution doesn't exist. I proved it by simply demanding that they produce it.
There is no fossil evidence of serial changes from the simple early life to the advanced trilobites and brachiopods so prevalent in the Cambrian period.

I've challenged the other side dozens of times to present it....and nothing but lies, hot air, and vituperation.

1. Look, biases aside, scientists are simply people. I know, we love to invest folks with quasi-divine characteristics...doing only good, wanting only what is best for others, or for all mankind.....not the case.
Scientists are just people with careers to advance, with mouths to feed and mortgages to pay.

There is the implication that scientists only report, conclude, what the data tells them.
The Global Warming scam should disabuse any of that notion.

2. Yet, as one put it...Darwin's theory is "robust." That's true.
Want the explanation?
Here's what science was:
"Empiricism in the philosophy of science emphasizes evidence, especially as discovered in experiments. It is a fundamental part of the scientific method that all hypotheses and theories must be tested against observations of the natural world rather than resting solely on a priori reasoning, intuition, or revelation.."
Empiricism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You've been taught that, haven't you?

Philosopher Michael Devitt explains that “there is only one way of knowing, the empirical way that is the basis of science
Discuss. (An interesting quote from Michael Devitt)

a. This echoes David Hume, “An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding:”
“If we take in our hand any volume; ... let us ask, Does it contain any abstract reasoning concerning quantity or number? No. Does it contain any experimental reasoning concerning matter of fact and existence? No. Commit it then to the flames: for it can contain nothing but sophistry and illusion.”

3. But Richard Feynman, of quantum mechanics fame, attacked philosophy often, calling it “low-level baloney,” and saying philosophers “are always on the outside making stupid remarks.” Richard Feynman: Accidental Philosopher | Issue 59 | Philosophy Now

4. Here comes the hermeneutical key that will unlock the puzzle.
While religion provided the conclusions in science early on, by the late 19th century, methodological naturalism took over:
Methodological naturalists limit their scientific research to the study of natural causes, excluding appeal to the divine for explanations. Many concur, i.e., science has been a success because it eschews pointing to some sort of creative intelligence.

a. is either empirical, requiring evidence....or, it can rely on logic and a philosophical basis for truth.

5. Those scientists who either refused to accept Darwin's theory due to the absence of physical evidence, or who relied on a theological explanation for the sudden appearance of species, i.e., with no fossil trail transitional evidence leading up to the species, were the era's version of 'Global Warming deniers.'

6. But...what explanation did the 'consensus' guys give? After all, they were denying the empiricism basis of science! Well, the honest ones- not the variety that I've been able to entice into making fools of themselves in previous threads-

a. Openly admit that the physical evidence doesn't fossil proof, and no observations of one species changing into another...

b. But, no matter what, no supernatural basis will be admitted! OK.

c. Instead, their faith rests on the belief that evidence will be found....or, that the theory just plain makes sense!!
And....and this may be the most important aspect....Darwin's theory is elegant. The logic, even without physical evidence, is unassailable.

Generally, when the less astute attempt to field questions about the absence of fossil evidence, it is answered with anger.

See what I mean about 'scientists' being just like other folks?

Well, then....there are two versions of science.
Rationalists claim that there are significant ways in which our concepts and knowledge are gained independently of sense experience. Empiricists claim that sense experience is the ultimate source of all our concepts and knowledge.
Rationalism vs. Empiricism (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)

Darwin's theory support is populated with the former, the rationalists.
And lots of 'em are simply outraged if you don't agree with them.
Well, after several threads in which the so-called 'experts' and self-anointed science wonks have lied, clouded the issue, and attacked, let's get to the truth.

I've proven that the actual physical evidence necessary to verify Darwin's theory of evolution doesn't exist. I proved it by simply demanding that they produce it

This is so silly.

You abandoned the other thread when your cutting and pasting from Harun Yahya was shown to be a hapless attempt to vilify science.

Your fraudulent "quotes" were exposed as lies.

What would Jimmy Swaggert do?
Well, after several threads in which the so-called 'experts' and self-anointed science wonks have lied, clouded the issue, and attacked, let's get to the truth.

I've proven that the actual physical evidence necessary to verify Darwin's theory of evolution doesn't exist. I proved it by simply demanding that they produce it

This is so silly.

You abandoned the other thread when your cutting and pasting from Harun Yahya was shown to be a hapless attempt to vilify science.

Your fraudulent "quotes" were exposed as lies.

What would Jimmy Swaggert do?

Well, well....look who's here!

How did I know that, when I presented your motto..."nothing but lies, hot air, and vituperation".....'d pop right out of your midden.

I have skewered you, haven't I.

The OP is....brilliant.
It explains why many don't accept Darwin....and why many do.

You're grinding your teeth, slapping your forehead, muttering..."why didn't I see this could I have fallen into this trap?????"

Shall I tell you why?

Because you're dull-witted.

I hate to gloat....but do you see a future trap for your ilk?
The hint is there.
Well, after several threads in which the so-called 'experts' and self-anointed science wonks have lied, clouded the issue, and attacked, let's get to the truth.

I've proven that the actual physical evidence necessary to verify Darwin's theory of evolution doesn't exist. I proved it by simply demanding that they produce it

This is so silly.

You abandoned the other thread when your cutting and pasting from Harun Yahya was shown to be a hapless attempt to vilify science.

Your fraudulent "quotes" were exposed as lies.

What would Jimmy Swaggert do?

Well, well....look who's here!

How did I know that, when I presented your motto..."nothing but lies, hot air, and vituperation".....'d pop right out of your midden.

I have skewered you, haven't I.

The OP is....brilliant.
It explains why many don't accept Darwin....and why many do.

You're grinding your teeth, slapping your forehead, muttering..."why didn't I see this could I have fallen into this trap?????"

Shall I tell you why?

Because you're dull-witted.

I hate to gloat....but do you see a future trap for your ilk?
The hint is there.

1. How impressive that you can multitask in this fashion.

1a. Between serving orders at Billy Bob's Burger Shack, you can scour Harun Yahya for "quotes".

2. Hold the pickles on my order and biggie-size the soda.

3. Remember, smile for the customer.
For one not every square inch of the planet has been excavated for fossils and two fossils aren't so easy to find. To think with all the destructive forces of nature that every living thing that ever existed would be in the fossil record is a little overblown is it not?.

Evolution like the big bang are merely workable theories; another attempt to make sense of the natural world just like religion and creationism.

But in reality we may never understand the origins of the universe and life. We may be physically incapable of understanding the complexities of the required physics and the dizzying infinite number of processes involved just as my dog is incapable of understanding trigonometry.
For one not every square inch of the planet has been excavated for fossils and two fossils aren't so easy to find. To think with all the destructive forces of nature that every living thing that ever existed would be in the fossil record is a little overblown is it not?.

Evolution like the big bang are merely workable theories; another attempt to make sense of the natural world just like religion and creationism.

But in reality we may never understand the origins of the universe and life. We may be physically incapable of understanding the complexities of the required physics and the dizzying infinite number of processes involved just as my dog is incapable of understanding trigonometry.

1. "Evolution like the big bang are merely workable theories; another attempt to make sense of the natural world just like religion and creationism".

This, of course, is the correct analysis.

Too bad I can't rep you for this.

2. "We may be physically incapable of understanding the complexities of the required physics..."

Interesting that Dr.Andrew Parker, University of Oxford Department of Zoology , Royal Society University Research Fellow, an Ernest Cook Research Fellow, and a Research Associate of the Australian Museum and University of Sydney. He was characterised by The Times as "one of the three most important young scientists in the world for his work in investigating and answering the great riddle of the Cambrian explosion."...

....wrote something very similar to what you did.

I may post it later.

3. " dog is incapable of understanding trigonometry."

While pretty much the same with my dog, he is presently teaching Hollie the basic elements of philosophy and crocheting. Actually, much of the time he is pulling his hair out.

There is NO proof that modern theories of evolution are true. So, on that point you are correct. So, if someone says to you that those theories are true, then that person holds an unscientific perspective of how science works: science does not make claims on "T"ruth. Evolution is a fact - it happens and that is lower case "true". Even you agree that it is, though only to some degree: that species do not evolve into other species.

The modern theories of evolution are simply the current most robust explanations of observed evidence. There are gaps in the fossil record. I believe those gaps will never be completely closed. The evidence from those gaps will never be used to support nor detract from the current theories of evolution. On the other hand, all the rest of the fossil record does support those theories. There ARE fossils of organisms in transition, perhaps not to a degree you would find convincing maybe because of a religious bias. There are many, many other pieces of evidence which do support the current theories of evolution as well such as mitochondrial DNA, shared DNA, areas of proliferation of species and fossils of species, etc., etc., etc.....

Now, that scientists are regular people, I would agree, and so would the man who came up with the systems that modern science still uses to find truth: Rene Descartes. His system is the best so far in weeding out bias and falsity. New theories and discoveries are put through a strict rigorous process of peer review. Is it a perfect system? No, but there can never be a perfect system because human beings are involved. However, it works pretty good: we have tvs, microwaves, planes, nuclear reactors, space shuttles, cancer treatments, the eradication of small pox and polio, particle accelerators, etc. Science, for the most part, has proven itself trustworthy.

Scientific theories can change to encompass new discoveries or be scrapped if the evidence disproves any or all of them. All theories SHOULD NOT be believed based entirely or even partly on faith. They are only the current best explanations of the evidence. They should never be believed, only accepted as valid, and hopefully on the right track.

Now, if your argument is that the current theories of evolution are invalid because of a required faith then all scientists and those who have a good understanding of science would disagree because theories are not Truth. If your argument is that you can't credit those theories because there isn't proof, then I must turn that argument around and rebut: then why do you believe in God when there isn't proof?
For one not every square inch of the planet has been excavated for fossils and two fossils aren't so easy to find. To think with all the destructive forces of nature that every living thing that ever existed would be in the fossil record is a little overblown is it not?.

Evolution like the big bang are merely workable theories; another attempt to make sense of the natural world just like religion and creationism.

But in reality we may never understand the origins of the universe and life. We may be physically incapable of understanding the complexities of the required physics and the dizzying infinite number of processes involved just as my dog is incapable of understanding trigonometry.

1. "Evolution like the big bang are merely workable theories; another attempt to make sense of the natural world just like religion and creationism".

This, of course, is the correct analysis.

Too bad I can't rep you for this.

2. "We may be physically incapable of understanding the complexities of the required physics..."

Interesting that Dr.Andrew Parker, University of Oxford Department of Zoology , Royal Society University Research Fellow, an Ernest Cook Research Fellow, and a Research Associate of the Australian Museum and University of Sydney. He was characterised by The Times as "one of the three most important young scientists in the world for his work in investigating and answering the great riddle of the Cambrian explosion."...

....wrote something very similar to what you did.

I may post it later.

3. " dog is incapable of understanding trigonometry."

While pretty much the same with my dog, he is presently teaching Hollie the basic elements of philosophy and crocheting. Actually, much of the time he is pulling his hair out.

1. You seem to be confusing philosophy with science.

1a. They are different. That they're spelled differently might have clued you in.

2. It's comical to watch you stutter and mumble without a handy Harun Yahya "quote" to dump into the thread.
One thing I have to say about science. if you look at their theory for the creation of the earth and the universe and the order which things developed, they pretty much took genesis and added a few scientific terms to beef it up. but the basic premise is pretty much the same. if we had only listened to God in the first place.
Then why was there another civilization of humans that were around when God kicked Cain out of his Dad's homeland?

Who were the Heavenly beings that had sex with Adams daughters and created giants, and wanted them to be taken to Heaven without a physical death cause they wanted them for sex partners?
For one not every square inch of the planet has been excavated for fossils and two fossils aren't so easy to find. To think with all the destructive forces of nature that every living thing that ever existed would be in the fossil record is a little overblown is it not?.

Evolution like the big bang are merely workable theories; another attempt to make sense of the natural world just like religion and creationism.

But in reality we may never understand the origins of the universe and life. We may be physically incapable of understanding the complexities of the required physics and the dizzying infinite number of processes involved just as my dog is incapable of understanding trigonometry.

1. "Evolution like the big bang are merely workable theories; another attempt to make sense of the natural world just like religion and creationism".

This, of course, is the correct analysis.

Too bad I can't rep you for this.

2. "We may be physically incapable of understanding the complexities of the required physics..."

Interesting that Dr.Andrew Parker, University of Oxford Department of Zoology , Royal Society University Research Fellow, an Ernest Cook Research Fellow, and a Research Associate of the Australian Museum and University of Sydney. He was characterised by The Times as "one of the three most important young scientists in the world for his work in investigating and answering the great riddle of the Cambrian explosion."...

....wrote something very similar to what you did.

I may post it later.

3. " dog is incapable of understanding trigonometry."

While pretty much the same with my dog, he is presently teaching Hollie the basic elements of philosophy and crocheting. Actually, much of the time he is pulling his hair out.

1. You seem to be confusing philosophy with science.

1a. They are different. That they're spelled differently might have clued you in.

2. It's comical to watch you stutter and mumble without a handy Harun Yahya "quote" to dump into the thread.

"....stutter and mumble..."
There it is!

I was wondering when I'd make you so nervous you lapsed back into repeating those meaningless phrases you used know....mumble and mutter....and...I didn't have to wait that long!

I get such a kick out of how easy it is to get you to lie and repeat those jingles.

I used to think you were insane, tied to constant repetition of meaningless phrases...but I realize now, they're incantations!

"mutter and stutter"
"quote mine"
" Harun Yahya, " (whatever the heck that means)
"cut and paste"

You even took your name from your fav holiday!!!

I should have guessed earlier!

Y'know....I forgot to congratulate were terrif in act 4, scene 1 of Macbeth!
A bit type-cast...but still....

"1. You seem to be confusing philosophy with science.
1a. They are different. That they're spelled differently might have clued you in."


As you brought this up, perhaps you could explain that to me.
1. "Evolution like the big bang are merely workable theories; another attempt to make sense of the natural world just like religion and creationism".

This, of course, is the correct analysis.

Too bad I can't rep you for this.

2. "We may be physically incapable of understanding the complexities of the required physics..."

Interesting that Dr.Andrew Parker, University of Oxford Department of Zoology , Royal Society University Research Fellow, an Ernest Cook Research Fellow, and a Research Associate of the Australian Museum and University of Sydney. He was characterised by The Times as "one of the three most important young scientists in the world for his work in investigating and answering the great riddle of the Cambrian explosion."...

....wrote something very similar to what you did.

I may post it later.

3. " dog is incapable of understanding trigonometry."

While pretty much the same with my dog, he is presently teaching Hollie the basic elements of philosophy and crocheting. Actually, much of the time he is pulling his hair out.

1. You seem to be confusing philosophy with science.

1a. They are different. That they're spelled differently might have clued you in.

2. It's comical to watch you stutter and mumble without a handy Harun Yahya "quote" to dump into the thread.

"....stutter and mumble..."
There it is!

I was wondering when I'd make you so nervous you lapsed back into repeating those meaningless phrases you used know....mumble and mutter....and...I didn't have to wait that long!

I get such a kick out of how easy it is to get you to lie and repeat those jingles.

I used to think you were insane, tied to constant repetition of meaningless phrases...but I realize now, they're incantations!

"mutter and stutter"
"quote mine"
" Harun Yahya, " (whatever the heck that means)
"cut and paste"

You even took your name from your fav holiday!!!

I should have guessed earlier!

Y'know....I forgot to congratulate were terrif in act 4, scene 1 of Macbeth!
A bit type-cast...but still....

"1. You seem to be confusing philosophy with science.
1a. They are different. That they're spelled differently might have clued you in."


As you brought this up, perhaps you could explain that to me.

1. How easy was that?

1a. A simple challenge to your mindless prattle causes you to ruthlessly spam your own pointless thread.

There is NO proof that modern theories of evolution are true. So, on that point you are correct. So, if someone says to you that those theories are true, then that person holds an unscientific perspective of how science works: science does not make claims on "T"ruth. Evolution is a fact - it happens and that is lower case "true". Even you agree that it is, though only to some degree: that species do not evolve into other species.

The modern theories of evolution are simply the current most robust explanations of observed evidence. There are gaps in the fossil record. I believe those gaps will never be completely closed. The evidence from those gaps will never be used to support nor detract from the current theories of evolution. On the other hand, all the rest of the fossil record does support those theories. There ARE fossils of organisms in transition, perhaps not to a degree you would find convincing maybe because of a religious bias. There are many, many other pieces of evidence which do support the current theories of evolution as well such as mitochondrial DNA, shared DNA, areas of proliferation of species and fossils of species, etc., etc., etc.....

Now, that scientists are regular people, I would agree, and so would the man who came up with the systems that modern science still uses to find truth: Rene Descartes. His system is the best so far in weeding out bias and falsity. New theories and discoveries are put through a strict rigorous process of peer review. Is it a perfect system? No, but there can never be a perfect system because human beings are involved. However, it works pretty good: we have tvs, microwaves, planes, nuclear reactors, space shuttles, cancer treatments, the eradication of small pox and polio, particle accelerators, etc. Science, for the most part, has proven itself trustworthy.

Scientific theories can change to encompass new discoveries or be scrapped if the evidence disproves any or all of them. All theories SHOULD NOT be believed based entirely or even partly on faith. They are only the current best explanations of the evidence. They should never be believed, only accepted as valid, and hopefully on the right track.

Now, if your argument is that the current theories of evolution are invalid because of a required faith then all scientists and those who have a good understanding of science would disagree because theories are not Truth. If your argument is that you can't credit those theories because there isn't proof, then I must turn that argument around and rebut: then why do you believe in God when there isn't proof?

Very well done post, thoughtful and well written.

1." There is NO proof that modern theories of evolution are true."

2. " Even you agree that it is, though only to some degree: that species do not evolve into other species."
Actually, I haven't said that. I have said that no one has seen one species change into another.

3. " The evidence from those gaps will never be used to support nor detract from the current theories of evolution. "

And this is the crux of the OP. Based on that sentence, you are firmly in the camp of the rationalists. So says the phrase next to your avi.
If you say that all scientists accept the theory whether or not such support can be found, you are incorrect, and we disagree.

a. The lack of such evidence certainly does detract from the theory.

"THE ABRUPT manner in which whole groups of species suddenly appear in certain formations, has been urged by several palæontologists—for instance, by Agassiz, Pictet, and Sedgwick—as a fatal objection to the belief in the transmutation of species. If numerous species, belonging to the same genera or families, have really started into life at once, the fact would be fatal to the theory of evolution through natural selection."
That was the statement of Charles Darwin.

4. "On the other hand, all the rest of the fossil record does support those theories."
Not quite.
"There is no fossil record establishing historical continuity of structure for most characters that might be used to assess relationships among phyla."
Katherine G. Field et al., "Molecular Phylogeny of the animal Kingdom," Science, Vol. 239, 12 February 1988, p. 748.

5. " There ARE fossils of organisms in transition, perhaps not to a degree you would find convincing maybe because of a religious bias."

If I have any is one based on science.
Referring to the OP, did you find any reference to any religion outside of the rationalist view of science?

As to transitional fossils:
". . . the gradual morphological transitions between presumed ancestors and descendants, anticipated by most biologists, are missing."
David E. Schindel (Curator of Invertebrate Fossils, Peabody Museum of Natural History), "The Gaps in the Fossil Record," Nature, Vol. 297, 27 May 1982, p. 282.

6. "New theories and discoveries are put through a strict rigorous process of peer review. "
And that is the perspective of the OP.
Consensus in not an empirical basis for the older, more rigorous form of science.
If you say you are willing to accept one based on opinions....that certainly is your prerogative.

a. "However, it works pretty good: we have tvs, microwaves, planes, nuclear reactors, space shuttles, cancer treatments, the eradication of small pox and polio, particle accelerators, etc. Science, for the most part, has proven itself trustworthy."
And that is the reason why so very many accept the theory....a kind of homage to the success of science.
Many, in fact, generalize the above to mean, 'you must be crazy if you also believe science's successes are worthy!'
I've said no such thing.

7. "if your argument is that the current theories of evolution are invalid because of a required faith..."
If there is not evidence, it must be based on faith.
And the theory is certainly valid on that basis.
So if you say, "based on what seems to me to be true, I believe in the theory..." I would
have no argument with you.

8. "...then why do you believe in God when there isn't proof?"
There is no mention of God in this thread....not from my side.

That was great fun!
One thing I have to say about science. if you look at their theory for the creation of the earth and the universe and the order which things developed, they pretty much took genesis and added a few scientific terms to beef it up. but the basic premise is pretty much the same. if we had only listened to God in the first place.

What a great point!

This, from "The Genesis Enigma," chapter nine...Dr. Andrew Parker:

1. The Old Testament was written, although not compiled, almost three millennia ago. It is extraordinary that the writer of the creation account in Genesis, chapter one, got it right in his exposition of the series of events: his sequence turns out to be scientifically accurate in terms of contemporary knowledge.

2. The images in that writer’s mind of how our planet and life came to be must have seemed curious for the knowledge and experience of the time! Yet….he presented it as though it had been dictated to him, as though he had been spoken to by God.

3. If it is not evidence for the God, then the author of Genesis 1, or Moses, perhaps, must have understood that the universe formed first, then the seas appeared on earth, and that life forms were photosynthetic.

Following that, he had to have realized that an eye evolved in an early animal in the geological past, which triggered the evolution of all the major groups of animals that exist today.

Still further, he must have felt that all of this occurred in the seas, before animals moved onto land, and only when they did move out of the water did mammals and birds evolve.

a. Wow! What an incredibly lucky guess! What a considerable stroke of good fortune!
rdean is right about one thing and this is why you won't get the 18-30 age group.

Who's to say god didn't create the earth to evolve and "think".

Not really clear as to exactly what you mean....

...but if you have seen ceiling of the Sistine Chapel at the Vatican, you may have noted that the 'cape' on which God sits as he reaches out to Adam has a very specific shape.

It was always believed that God was bestowing 'life.'

But the shape of the 'cape' is clearly that of the human cerebrum.

Check @ 7:23

[ame=]Sistine Chapel: Part 1, The Inspiration - YouTube[/ame]
One thing I have to say about science. if you look at their theory for the creation of the earth and the universe and the order which things developed, they pretty much took genesis and added a few scientific terms to beef it up. but the basic premise is pretty much the same. if we had only listened to God in the first place.

What a great point!

This, from "The Genesis Enigma," chapter nine...Dr. Andrew Parker:

1. The Old Testament was written, although not compiled, almost three millennia ago. It is extraordinary that the writer of the creation account in Genesis, chapter one, got it right in his exposition of the series of events: his sequence turns out to be scientifically accurate in terms of contemporary knowledge.

2. The images in that writer’s mind of how our planet and life came to be must have seemed curious for the knowledge and experience of the time! Yet….he presented it as though it had been dictated to him, as though he had been spoken to by God.

3. If it is not evidence for the God, then the author of Genesis 1, or Moses, perhaps, must have understood that the universe formed first, then the seas appeared on earth, and that life forms were photosynthetic.

Following that, he had to have realized that an eye evolved in an early animal in the geological past, which triggered the evolution of all the major groups of animals that exist today.

Still further, he must have felt that all of this occurred in the seas, before animals moved onto land, and only when they did move out of the water did mammals and birds evolve.

a. Wow! What an incredibly lucky guess! What a considerable stroke of good fortune!

I think science is guilty of plagiarism here lol
1. You seem to be confusing philosophy with science.

1a. They are different. That they're spelled differently might have clued you in.

2. It's comical to watch you stutter and mumble without a handy Harun Yahya "quote" to dump into the thread.

"....stutter and mumble..."
There it is!

I was wondering when I'd make you so nervous you lapsed back into repeating those meaningless phrases you used know....mumble and mutter....and...I didn't have to wait that long!

I get such a kick out of how easy it is to get you to lie and repeat those jingles.

I used to think you were insane, tied to constant repetition of meaningless phrases...but I realize now, they're incantations!

"mutter and stutter"
"quote mine"
" Harun Yahya, " (whatever the heck that means)
"cut and paste"

You even took your name from your fav holiday!!!

I should have guessed earlier!

Y'know....I forgot to congratulate were terrif in act 4, scene 1 of Macbeth!
A bit type-cast...but still....

"1. You seem to be confusing philosophy with science.
1a. They are different. That they're spelled differently might have clued you in."


As you brought this up, perhaps you could explain that to me.

1. How easy was that?

1a. A simple challenge to your mindless prattle causes you to ruthlessly spam your own pointless thread. can't elucidate the distinctions between philosophy and science? unusual for you to be stumped by your own post.

Don't ever change.

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