Science proves Roe v. Wade wrong, humanity doesn't start at 20 weeks

There is no new information on the topic of abortion.
There have been some improvements since 1973 to help the survival rates for premature babies.... And they should be at least discussed....

Born premature at 23 weeks and living, was unheard of, same with 24 weeks...

But now at 23 weeks, there is a 33% survival rate, and at 24 weeks, premature babies have a 65% survival rate.

That's not to say they don't have lung issues and heart issues later in life....

But even that is improving, more premature babies are not only surviving, but more are going on in life with fewer health issues due to our increase in knowledge of neonatal care for premies....

Many are simple things that changed, like allowing parents in hospitals at all hours to hold and touch their babies, had premies healing quicker....

Tiny tiny tiny needles to transfuse blood, and give medicines....

Knowing what a mother's body does for the child in each week of pregnancy, and trying to mimic it....artificial wombs.... This is very promising for the future of premature babies.

Any way, I do think we all should consider the fact that at the time of Roe, 26 weeks was considered the week of viability, and it is now, 23 weeks with a 1 in 3 chance of living thru adulthood....

We should be able to discuss this, without the fear of abortion rights being stripped away comp!etely....

No such luck! Mainly due to rightwingers wanting all abortions gone or nothing and liberals concern with that....

It's something science should determine, along with ethical reasoning....

Not for the supreme court....On weeks gestation.

Congress should have hearings with medical experts... But we already know, right-wingers will turn that into a political circus.

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So you support basic human rights for ALL!

Well, except for the most basic human and most vulnerable humans of all?

Yeah. That makes sense.


Actually I am against abortion. I am also agasint illogical arguments and the SCTOUS changing 50 years of precedent due to partisan politics
Illustrating the hypocrisy of the right.

If states should have the right to force a woman to give birth against her will through force of law, then the states should likewise have the right to regulate firearms as they see fit.

Conservatives can’t have it both ways.


Let's try this again. The Second Amendment is one of the Bill of Rights. Get it now?
Oh the irony...............

This is a baby at 16 weeks. Go ahead and kill it and see it for body parts if you're too young to have one, can't afford it, or fucked up and didn't use contraceptives properly when you had sex? Democrats say "fuck yeah, it isn't even debatable". My body my right to kill, and...the state should fully pay for this genocide.

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By what mechanism is the state paying for abortions? At 16 weeks, it is incapable of living outside the womb. It is not a person. 91% of abortions are performed within the first 13 weeks. Most after this point are due to danger to the mother or the fetus has been discovered not to be viable. You're arguing about something that doesnt even occur. Unless you're saying a mother should be forced to die just because you are a sick asshole.
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Yes the science has changed, mr. dufus. Due to technological advances, we are able to see with much more detail how and when a baby is formed. But never mind the science, this is like the gender argument with you nut jobs, it’s when does the mother actually feel like whats inside her is alive? To hell with science.
Right, let's let ignorance and stupidity decide the fate of a woman's health. My God you people think like vegetables.
By what mechanism is the state paying for abortions? At 16 weeks, it is incapable of living outside the womb. It is not a person. 91% of abortions are performed within the first 13 weeks. Most after this point are due to danger to the mother or the fetus has been discovered not to be viable. You're arguing about something that doesnt even occur. Unless you're saying a mother should be forced to die just because you are a sick asshole.
The instances in which early abortions are performed to maintain the life of the mother are very rare, and late-term abortions are never preformed to save the mother's life. Fact.

In the meantime, life begins at conception. We know this scientifically and theologically.
This is a baby at 16 weeks. Go ahead and kill it and see it for body parts if you're too young to have one, can't afford it, or fucked up and didn't use contraceptives properly when you had sex? Democrats say "fuck yeah, it isn't even debatable". My body my right to kill, and...the state should fully pay for this genocide.

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Based on that analogy, what about these cultists running around here talking about "my body my choice?" Are all for these folks not getting vaccinated so they can continue spreading the virus to others, and even killing some of them? And these folks are already out of the womb, who have been viable for a long time. Show me how that isn't murder?
The instances in which early abortions are performed to maintain the life of the mother are very rare, and late-term abortions are never preformed to save the mother's life. Fact.
That said, that has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with the health and well being of the mother. Her body is her choice for her over all health. Period!
This is a baby at 16 weeks. Go ahead and kill it and see it for body parts if you're too young to have one, can't afford it, or fucked up and didn't use contraceptives properly when you had sex? Democrats say "fuck yeah, it isn't even debatable". My body my right to kill, and...the state should fully pay for this genocide.

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That's not a baby you dumb ass. It's a Fetus.
By the way, while I think there's a good chance the Mississippi law will be upheld, I don't think there's any chance we'll be seeing the end of legal abortion.
In the end, it should be a state by state decision.

On one hand, you say the science is wrong that viability doesn't begin at 20 weeks ... but then on the other, you point to two premies born at a record young 21 weeks.
This is a baby at 16 weeks. Go ahead and kill it and see it for body parts if you're too young to have one, can't afford it, or fucked up and didn't use contraceptives properly when you had sex? Democrats say "fuck yeah, it isn't even debatable". My body my right to kill, and...the state should fully pay for this genocide.

View attachment 572703
No consciousness at 16 weeks.
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Not at all I have never brought religion into the baby killing debate, it's a matter of logic and the law. This a legal matter not a science matter. If the Court wants respect they have a minimum duty to at least be consistent. As it stands, activist judges created arbitrary standards that defy centuries of common law and common sense.
It's always been a science matter, and it always will be. Logic comes from science, and the law is manufactured by man. The law needs to reflect the accurate science known to man. That's the only common sense any truthful person needs. Anything straying from that, is nothing more than an attempt at political and religious manipulation.
The instances in which early abortions are performed to maintain the life of the mother are very rare, and late-term abortions are never preformed to save the mother's life. Fact.

In the meantime, life begins at conception. We know this scientifically and theologically.
A clump of cells isnt a human.
No consciousness at 16 weeks.
Like animals, eh? Euthanize them and either eat them or sell them for parts, as some abortion clinics have already done. Consciousness has zero to do with life. A born baby has no “consciousness” either. You‘re a good example of the moral depravity of the Left. .

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