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Scientology - A Quiet Birth And No Nurturing Of Young Children

Hagbard Celine said:
I answered the door in my underwear once for two Jehova's witnesses. They gave me some weird pamphlet on Satan.
My neighbor invites them in and then tries to sell them insurance.
The ClayTaurus said:
You have to buy gifts for NO reason. Believe me, you don't get out of jewelry duty.

Right, but it is unnecessary to remember dates. Just purchase gifts for no reason. This is a good thing for most of us short memoried men.
no1tovote4 said:
Right, but it is unnecessary to remember dates. Just purchase gifts for no reason. This is a good thing for most of us short memoried men.
But a bad thing for the wallets.
I did a little research and at first glance, some of their ideas are kind of interesting.

What does Scientology say about the raising of children?

L. Ron Hubbard has written a great deal about raising children. In Scientology, children are recognized as people who should be given all the respect and love granted adults.

Scientologists believe children should be encouraged to contribute to family life and not just be “seen and not heard” as the old saying goes. Children are spiritual beings, and as such they need to exchange with those around them in order to thrive and live productive, happy lives. For more information on raising children, the book Child Dianetics and the course “How to Be a Successful Parent” are recommended reading.

Most children raised in good Scientology homes are above average in ability and quickly begin to understand how and why people act as they do. Life thus becomes a lot happier and safer for them.

For more information, see How Can Scientology Help Me with Children?

Do Scientologists use medical doctors?

Of course. The Church of Scientology has always had the firm policy of not diagnosing or treating the sick. Medical doctors are trained to deal with the physical aspects of illness and injury. A Scientologist with a physical condition is always advised to seek and obtain the needed examination and treatment of a qualified medical professional. Once under medical treatment, a Scientologist then addresses his illness or injury with auditing to handle any spiritual trauma or other factors connected with the physical condition which may have predisposed him to illness or injury.

There are also many medical doctors who are Scientologists themselves.

What is the Scientology view on drugs?

Scientologists use medical drugs when physically ill and also rely on the advice and treatment of medical doctors. Scientologists do not take street drugs or mind-altering psychiatric drugs of any kind.

Scientologists believe that psychotropic or street drugs damage a person physically, mentally and spiritually. They decrease awareness and hinder abilities. They are a “solution” to some other problem and themselves become a problem.

Mr. Hubbard developed an entire body of technology to enable individuals to recover from the harmful mental and spiritual effects of drugs. His discoveries are widely used in countries all over the world. (See “What is the Purification Program?” and “What is Narconon?”)

What is a “Silent Birth”?

In the book, Dianetics, L. Ron Hubbard writes that for the benefit of the mother and child, silence should be maintained during childbirth. This is because any words spoken are recorded in the reactive mind and can have an aberrative effect on the mother and the child. The same applies to the vicinity of any injured person. To find out why, read Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health.

Run, Katie, run!

Looks like Tom would have been a willing Kool-aid drinker if Jim Jones got him before the spawn of L. Ron Hubbard did.
Mr. P said:
Lets call a spade a spade, these Scientology folks are F'ing NUTS!

but they are entertaining no? Kinda like hag and clay with there 'born again' philosophy...could be wrong... then again old age experience trumps all....could be wrong on this also...but will stay the course...if not all is lost!...sigh....!
fuzzykitten99 said:
I didn't have a natural birth with my first baby, but the contractions alone were horrid. Not to mention I had back labor that would cripple an elephant. Then after my c-section, it felt like someone was holding a lighter to the spot of my incision every time i moved more than a few inches.

How about this. We take Tom, and those muscle stimulators they use in physical therapy. Plaster them all over his abdomen, back, and groin. Turn it up to about 75% and blast him, say, oh, every 5-6 minutes. Then turn it up to 100% and do the same, every 2-3 minutes or less. Then lets see how silent he is.

What if she needs a c-section, which is entirely possible? If this needs to be anesthetic-free, then he's a certifiable nutcase. If she is allowed anesthetic, but no pain reliever, then he gets a similar treatment, though instead of the muscle stimulators, just hold a match (or some high heat source) to his abdomen, and see how he fares.

Don't ya love it when a man comes up with this kind of :bs1:

Now if they were to say...men had to undergo a vasectomy without anesthetia then I would start to listen to them about birth. Since that will never happen. I ain't listening.

Giving birth hurts and anyone who can stay quiet during it gets my standing ovation. I managed to give birth 4 times naturally with hardly any pain meds, but I sure wasn't quiet about it.

I used to think Tom was hot, now he's just a nut case who should be ashamed of himself for going after a girl so much younger than him.
Hagbard Celine said:
Doesn't being able to scream and curse relieve a small part of the strain you're experiencing?

I didn't scream or curse. It was more like AAAAAAHHHHHHHH during the pushing. I don't know that it relieves any strain, it's just hard not to make noise when your in pain.
Hagbard Celine said:
Doesn't being able to scream and curse relieve a small part of the strain you're experiencing?

Swearing at the father helped some. :) I felt guilty at the time, less so as time moved on...
Hagbard Celine said:
Doesn't being able to scream and curse relieve a small part of the strain you're experiencing?

Sometimes you scream without even knowing you are screaming. It's very primal and IMO necessary. Poor Katie.
Abbey Normal said:
Sometimes you scream without even knowing you are screaming. It's very primal and IMO necessary. Poor Katie.

I'm glad my ex didn't have a baby every time she went into her primal screaming. :D
Trigg said:
Don't ya love it when a man comes up with this kind of :bs1:

Now if they were to say...men had to undergo a vasectomy without anesthetia then I would start to listen to them about birth. Since that will never happen. I ain't listening.

Giving birth hurts and anyone who can stay quiet during it gets my standing ovation. I managed to give birth 4 times naturally with hardly any pain meds, but I sure wasn't quiet about it.

I used to think Tom was hot, now he's just a nut case who should be ashamed of himself for going after a girl so much younger than him.

4 times? Damn...I don't think I could go through this a third time. My mom was surprised after the crap I was put through with Nathan, that I would even want a 2nd one. Then again, I felt this same way when I was still in the first tri with Nathan. I was like, "I am never doing this again, any more kids we want-they are being adopted."

I'll probably change my mind, but until then...2 is enough for me.

I never really thought Tom was hot at all. I actually thought he was kind of on the limp-wristed side, and his marriage to Nicole was for show. Guess I was right. I admit, I do like several of the movies he is in, but not because he is in them. I just like the stories. T/C just happened to be in them. I would like them if someone else played his parts.
-Days of Thunder (I'm a Nascar fan)
-Top Gun (if i hadn't needed corrective lenses, i would be flying in the air force now, kicking terrorist ass)
-A Few Good Men (I love military dramas, and courtroom dramas-this had the best of both)
I'm not so much bothered by the silent delivery (hey...if natural, silent, upside down childbirth makes you happy go for it...more drugs for me) as I am by the "treating children like adults and avoiding coddling them," stuff.

They have done numerous studies that show that higher level mammals - dolphins, whales, chimps, HUMANS....absolutely, positively REQUIRE positive, nurturing, LOVING contact with their parents or at least some other human/chimp/etc. in order to develop proper social/mental functioning and interactions with others.

Its shown in a small instance in the experiment they did with the baby chimps where they gave them a "fake mommy" made of wire with a milk bottle and a "fake mommy" made of soft, fur-like fabric but no milk bottle. The monkey clung to the wire mommy ONLY while feeding and clung to the soft mommy any other time, including if it was feeding and something scared it - it would immediately jump to the soft mommy.

Nurturing, loving parents (even fake ones) provide safety, security, happiness, and a feeling of comfort to children. In turn, children grow up to be well-adjusted people. Scientologists sound like they will raise very mature, cold children incapable of dealing with other people or affection or anything normal - HEY, kinda like most Hollywood actors!?!?!

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