Scores injured, 1 dead as Palestinians hold 'Day of Rage' over Jerusalem

I guess that the two state solution is dead now..thank-you Mr. President--The man just does not care..that hundreds may a result of his meaningless gesture.

There was never a two state solution
Recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel may very well be better for peace in the long run. The Palestinians need to realized that they lost a war and by avoiding peace they will loose more and more of what they want. Peace need to be negotiated from a position of strength, not weakness.

Peace between Israel and Muslims is a pipe dream
Arab League declare hostilities against Israel....masses troops on three sides.

They've tried that before, in '67 it ended up doubling the size of Israel and winning back Jerusalem. I'm not sure they'd be stupid enough to try it again but no one was ever right under estimating the stupidity of the Arab world.
1967..was a long time ago....I would look at the Yom Kippur war..and how close the Arabs came to ending Israel..had not the the US intervened...might have been the end of Israel. If Israel had to use nukes to win..they would lose.
Recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel may very well be better for peace in the long run. The Palestinians need to realized that they lost a war and by avoiding peace they will loose more and more of what they want. Peace need to be negotiated from a position of strength, not weakness.

Peace between Israel and Muslims is a pipe dream
Another reason to just do it!
Arab League declare hostilities against Israel....masses troops on three sides.

They've tried that before, in '67 it ended up doubling the size of Israel and winning back Jerusalem. I'm not sure they'd be stupid enough to try it again but no one was ever right under estimating the stupidity of the Arab world.

Israel opened up a can of major whoop ass
I guess that the two state solution is dead now..thank-you Mr. President--The man just does not care..that hundreds may a result of his meaningless gesture.

There was never a two state solution
I agree..there really is not solution at all---Israel will not accept them a citizens...the only real solution is move them..or kill them. Or..what has been the de facto solution..the status quo.

Scores injured, 1 dead as Palestinians hold "Day of Rage" over Jerusalem

"Palestinians demonstrated, scores were hurt and at least one killed in clashes with Israeli troops on a "day of rage" on Friday against U.S. President Donald Trump's recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital.
Across the Arab and Muslim worlds, thousands more demonstrators took to the streets on Friday, the Muslim holy day, expressing solidarity with the Palestinians and outrage at Trump's reversal of decades of U.S. policy.
Israeli soldiers shot dead a Palestinian man near the Gaza border, the first confirmed death in two days of unrest.
The Israeli army said hundreds of Palestinians were rolling burning tires and throwing rocks at soldiers across the border.
"During the riots IDF soldiers fired selectively towards two main instigators and hits were confirmed," it said.
More than 80 Palestinians were wounded in the occupied West Bank and Gaza by Israeli live fire and rubber bullets, according to the Palestinian Red Crescent ambulance service. Dozens more suffered from tear gas inhalation. Thirty-one were wounded on Thursday.
As Friday prayers ended at the Al Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem, worshippers made their way toward the walled Old City gates, chanting "Jerusalem is ours, Jerusalem is our capital," and "We don't need empty words, we need stones and Kalashnikovs." Some scuffles broke out between protesters and police."

I guess that the two state solution is dead now..thank-you Mr. President--The man just does not care..that hundreds may a result of his meaningless gesture.

The 2 state solution was dead because of the Palestinians and the cult called Islam.

Too bad it was only one. I prefer a few thousand dead Franksteinians

Sent from my iPhone using
The Pussy Obama and the pussy left believe that the way to deal with a bully is to appease him. Don’t do anything that might piss him off. Give up your lunch money, let him cheat off of you, do his homework for him, just don’t upset him because then he HAS to beat you up and it’s your fault for making him mad.

That’s how the left runs foreign policy.

Trump is a man and a true American. We face bullies head on and do what is right.

Scores injured, 1 dead as Palestinians hold "Day of Rage" over Jerusalem

"Palestinians demonstrated, scores were hurt and at least one killed in clashes with Israeli troops on a "day of rage" on Friday against U.S. President Donald Trump's recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital.
Across the Arab and Muslim worlds, thousands more demonstrators took to the streets on Friday, the Muslim holy day, expressing solidarity with the Palestinians and outrage at Trump's reversal of decades of U.S. policy.
Israeli soldiers shot dead a Palestinian man near the Gaza border, the first confirmed death in two days of unrest.
The Israeli army said hundreds of Palestinians were rolling burning tires and throwing rocks at soldiers across the border.
"During the riots IDF soldiers fired selectively towards two main instigators and hits were confirmed," it said.
More than 80 Palestinians were wounded in the occupied West Bank and Gaza by Israeli live fire and rubber bullets, according to the Palestinian Red Crescent ambulance service. Dozens more suffered from tear gas inhalation. Thirty-one were wounded on Thursday.
As Friday prayers ended at the Al Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem, worshippers made their way toward the walled Old City gates, chanting "Jerusalem is ours, Jerusalem is our capital," and "We don't need empty words, we need stones and Kalashnikovs." Some scuffles broke out between protesters and police."

I guess that the two state solution is dead now..thank-you Mr. President--The man just does not care..that hundreds may a result of his meaningless gesture.

The 2 state solution was dead because of the Palestinians and the cult called Islam.

Too bad it was only one. I prefer a few thousand dead Franksteinians

Sent from my iPhone using
Ahhh...another pocket Hitler in favor of genocide. Thank you for your honesty...good to know who the monsters are.
had not the the US intervened

The US has never intervened militarily in any conflict between Arabs and Israelis.

The US did supply military aid to Israel but only after the tide had turned in Israel's favour and only to counter Soviet aid to the Arab states ... something Russia is not capable of doing today.
The Pussy Obama and the pussy left believe that the way to deal with a bully is to appease him. Don’t do anything that might piss him off. Give up your lunch money, let him cheat off of you, do his homework for him, just don’t upset him because then he HAS to beat you up and it’s your fault for making him mad.

That’s how the left runs foreign policy.

Trump is a man and a true American. We face bullies head on and do what is right.
Uhh...who is the bully again? Because that is how I see Israel. You see it differently? How are the Palestinian people, "the bully'? Not Islam..not Muslims..but the Palestinian people.

Scores injured, 1 dead as Palestinians hold "Day of Rage" over Jerusalem

"Palestinians demonstrated, scores were hurt and at least one killed in clashes with Israeli troops on a "day of rage" on Friday against U.S. President Donald Trump's recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital.
Across the Arab and Muslim worlds, thousands more demonstrators took to the streets on Friday, the Muslim holy day, expressing solidarity with the Palestinians and outrage at Trump's reversal of decades of U.S. policy.
Israeli soldiers shot dead a Palestinian man near the Gaza border, the first confirmed death in two days of unrest.
The Israeli army said hundreds of Palestinians were rolling burning tires and throwing rocks at soldiers across the border.
"During the riots IDF soldiers fired selectively towards two main instigators and hits were confirmed," it said.
More than 80 Palestinians were wounded in the occupied West Bank and Gaza by Israeli live fire and rubber bullets, according to the Palestinian Red Crescent ambulance service. Dozens more suffered from tear gas inhalation. Thirty-one were wounded on Thursday.
As Friday prayers ended at the Al Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem, worshippers made their way toward the walled Old City gates, chanting "Jerusalem is ours, Jerusalem is our capital," and "We don't need empty words, we need stones and Kalashnikovs." Some scuffles broke out between protesters and police."

I guess that the two state solution is dead now..thank-you Mr. President--The man just does not care..that hundreds may a result of his meaningless gesture.

The 2 state solution was dead because of the Palestinians and the cult called Islam.

Too bad it was only one. I prefer a few thousand dead Franksteinians

Sent from my iPhone using
Ahhh...another pocket Hitler in favor of genocide. Thank you for your honesty...good to know who the monsters are.
had not the the US intervened

The US has never intervened militarily in any conflict between Arabs and Israelis.

The US did supply military aid to Israel but only after the tide had turned in Israel's favour and only to counter Soviet aid to the Arab states ... something Russia is not capable of doing today.
In 1973 I was on an aircraft the Gulf..and we flew combat sorties against Egyptian armor in the Sinai--believe it or not...I don't care. Was it Secret, yes. But it did did our intel overflights and coordination with Israel.

As for aid: Yom Kippur War - Wikipedia

U.S. aid to Israel
Based on intelligence estimates at the commencement of hostilities, American leaders expected the tide of the war to quickly shift in Israel's favor, and that Arab armies would be completely defeated within 72 to 96 hours.[292] On October 6, Secretary of State Kissinger convened the National Security Council's official crisis management group, the Washington Special Actions Group, which debated whether the U.S. should supply additional arms to Israel. High-ranking representatives of the Defense and State Departments opposed such a move. Kissinger was the sole dissenter; he said that if the U.S. refused aid, Israel would have little incentive to conform to American views in postwar diplomacy. Kissinger argued the sending of U.S. aid might cause Israel to moderate its territorial claims, but this thesis raised a protracted debate whether U.S. aid was likely to make it more accommodating or more intransigent toward the Arab world.[293]

An Israeli M48 Patton captured by Egyptian forces

By October 8, Israel had encountered military difficulties on both fronts. In the Sinai, Israeli efforts to break through Egyptian lines with armor had been thwarted, and while Israel had contained and begun to turn back the Syrian advance, Syrian forces were still overlooking the Jordan River and their air defense systems were inflicting a high toll on Israeli planes.[294][295][296] It became clear by October 9 that no quick reversal in Israel's favor would occur and that IDF losses were unexpectedly high.[297]

During the night of October 8–9, an alarmed Dayan told Meir that "this is the end of the third temple."[295] He was warning of Israel's impending total defeat, but "Temple" was also the code word for Israel's nuclear weapons.[296] Dayan raised the nuclear topic in a cabinet meeting, warning that the country was approaching a point of "last resort".[298] That night Meir authorized the assembly of thirteen 20-kiloton-of-TNT (84 TJ) tactical nuclear weapons for Jericho missiles at Sdot Micha Airbase and McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom II aircraft at Tel Nof Airbase.[296] They would be used if absolutely necessary to prevent total defeat, but the preparation was done in an easily detectable way, likely as a signal to the United States.[298] Kissinger learned of the nuclear alert on the morning of October 9. That day, President Nixon ordered the commencement of Operation Nickel Grass, an American airlift to replace all of Israel's material losses.[299] Anecdotal evidence suggests that Kissinger told Sadat that the reason for the U.S. airlift was that the Israelis were close to "going nuclear".[296] However, subsequent interviews with Kissinger, Schlesinger, and William Quandt suggested that the nuclear aspect was not a major factor in the decision to re-supply. These officials cited the ongoing Soviet re-supply effort and Sadat's early rejection of a ceasefire as the primary motivators.[300] European countries refused to allow U.S. airplanes carrying supplies for Israel to refuel at their bases, fearing an Arab oil embargo, with the exception of Portugal and the Netherlands. Portugal permitted the United States to use a leased base in the Azores,[301] and the defence minister of the Netherlands, apparently acting without consulting his cabinet colleagues, secretly authorised the use of Dutch airfields.[302]

An M60 delivered during Operation Nickel Grass

Israel began receiving supplies via U.S. Air Force cargo airplanes on October 14,[303] although some equipment had arrived on planes from Israel's national airline El Al before this date. By that time, the IDF had advanced deep into Syria and was mounting a largely successful invasion of the Egyptian mainland from the Sinai, but had taken severe material losses. According to Abraham Rabinovich, "while the American airlift of supplies did not immediately replace Israel's losses in equipment, it did allow Israel to expend what it did have more freely".[304] By the end of Nickel Grass, the United States had shipped 22,395 tons of matériel to Israel. 8,755 tons of it arrived before the end of the war.[305] American C-141 Starlifter and C-5 Galaxy aircraft flew 567 missions throughout the airlift.[306] El Al planes flew in an additional 5,500 tons of matériel in 170 flights.[307][308] The airlift continued after the war until November 14. The United States delivered approximately 90,000 tons of materiel to Israel by sealift by the beginning of December, using 16 ships.[305] 33,210 tons of it arrived by November.[309]

By the beginning of December, Israel had received between 34 and 40 F-4 fighter-bombers, 46 A-4 attack airplanes, 12 C-130 cargo airplanes, 8 CH-53 helicopters, 40 unmanned aerial vehicles, 200 M-60/M-48A3 tanks, 250 armored personnel carriers, 226 utility vehicles, 12 MIM-72 Chaparral surface-to-air missile systems, three MIM-23 Hawk surface-to-air missile systems, 36 155 mm artillery pieces, seven 175 mm artillery pieces, and large quantities of 105 mm, 155 mm and 175 mm ammunition. State of the art equipment, such as the AGM-65 Maverick missile and the BGM-71 TOW, weapons that had only entered production one or more years prior, as well as highly advanced electronic jamming equipment, was also sent. Most of the combat airplanes arrived during the war, and many were taken directly from United States Air Force units. Most of the large equipment arrived after the ceasefire. The total cost of the equipment was approximately US$800 million (US$4.32 billion today).[307][308][310][311]

On October 13 and 15, Egyptian air defense radars detected an aircraft at an altitude of 25,000 metres (82,000 ft) and a speed of Mach 3 (3,675 km/h; 2,284 mph), making it impossible to intercept either by fighter or SAM missiles. The aircraft proceeded to cross the whole of the canal zone, the naval ports of the Red Sea (Hurghada and Safaga), flew over the airbases and air defenses in the Nile delta, and finally disappeared from radar screens over the Mediterranean Sea. The speed and altitude were those of the U.S. Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird, a long-range strategic-reconnaissance aircraft. According to Egyptian commanders, the intelligence provided by the reconnaissance flights helped the Israelis prepare for the Egyptian attack on October 14 and assisted it in conducting Operation Stouthearted Men.[312][313][314]

As you see...we totally backed Israel's they were panicking and contemplating using Nukes.
The Pussy Obama and the pussy left believe that the way to deal with a bully is to appease him. Don’t do anything that might piss him off. Give up your lunch money, let him cheat off of you, do his homework for him, just don’t upset him because then he HAS to beat you up and it’s your fault for making him mad.

That’s how the left runs foreign policy.

Trump is a man and a true American. We face bullies head on and do what is right.
Uhh...who is the bully again? Because that is how I see Israel. You see it differently? How are the Palestinian people, "the bully'? Not Islam..not Muslims..but the Palestinian people.

The Israelis were not saying: “If you don’t recognize Jerusalem we will kill people.”

The bully says: “We don’t like your decision so we are going to punish you!”

How is that hard for you to understand?
The Pussy Obama and the pussy left believe that the way to deal with a bully is to appease him. Don’t do anything that might piss him off. Give up your lunch money, let him cheat off of you, do his homework for him, just don’t upset him because then he HAS to beat you up and it’s your fault for making him mad.

That’s how the left runs foreign policy.

Trump is a man and a true American. We face bullies head on and do what is right.
Uhh...who is the bully again? Because that is how I see Israel. You see it differently? How are the Palestinian people, "the bully'? Not Islam..not Muslims..but the Palestinian people.

The Israelis were not saying: “If you don’t recognize Jerusalem we will kill people.”

The bully says: “We don’t like your decision so we are going to punish you!”

How is that hard for you to understand?
You really don't get it..these people have been living as prisoners for 60+ years don't think that tensions might boil over? Never mind the fact that Intifada or no..America is not being punished for anything....What you see is desperation..but I have a side..and they ain't it.
sounds like an un-industrious, violent, whiny ,etc group here in the US
the ''victim'' bullshit----when in reality they are their own worst enemy
the Pals should be thankful Israel doesn't shove their murderous asses into the sea/river
the Pals have been targeting and killing innocent Israelis for dozens of years
what do you think the US would do if Mexico kept attacking US cities on the border??
attacking with rockets, killing families, etc?? blowing up school buses full of children?
and Israel does not directly target innocent civilians in general

Scores injured, 1 dead as Palestinians hold "Day of Rage" over Jerusalem

"Palestinians demonstrated, scores were hurt and at least one killed in clashes with Israeli troops on a "day of rage" on Friday against U.S. President Donald Trump's recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital.
Across the Arab and Muslim worlds, thousands more demonstrators took to the streets on Friday, the Muslim holy day, expressing solidarity with the Palestinians and outrage at Trump's reversal of decades of U.S. policy.
Israeli soldiers shot dead a Palestinian man near the Gaza border, the first confirmed death in two days of unrest.
The Israeli army said hundreds of Palestinians were rolling burning tires and throwing rocks at soldiers across the border.
"During the riots IDF soldiers fired selectively towards two main instigators and hits were confirmed," it said.
More than 80 Palestinians were wounded in the occupied West Bank and Gaza by Israeli live fire and rubber bullets, according to the Palestinian Red Crescent ambulance service. Dozens more suffered from tear gas inhalation. Thirty-one were wounded on Thursday.
As Friday prayers ended at the Al Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem, worshippers made their way toward the walled Old City gates, chanting "Jerusalem is ours, Jerusalem is our capital," and "We don't need empty words, we need stones and Kalashnikovs." Some scuffles broke out between protesters and police."

I guess that the two state solution is dead now..thank-you Mr. President--The man just does not care..that hundreds may a result of his meaningless gesture.
Pali's care less for their own people than the Israelis do. FUCK'EM.

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