Scott Atlas interviews with Russian propaganda TV right before the election. Color me surprised

Why it matters: RT, formerly known as Russia Today, is a Russian state-owned media outlet registered under the Foreign Agents Registration Act. This means that all of its content is labeled as propaganda attempting to influence U.S. public opinion, policy and laws.

  • Atlas appeared on RT just hours after the Washington Post released an interview with Anthony Fauci, who criticized Atlas for his controversial views on the pandemic.
  • “I have real problems with that guy,” Fauci told the Post. “He’s a smart guy who’s talking about things that I believe he doesn’t have any real insight or knowledge or experience in. He keeps talking about things that when you dissect it out and parse it out, it doesn’t make any sense.”
After Atlas apologizes the damage was done. So typical of Trump and his administration. Let's slip in a little propaganda through RT. Trump COVID adviser Scott Atlas apologizes for appearing on Russian state TV

Do you whine when Democrats are interviewed by The Guardian?
The Guardian isn't in Russia you traitor.
the Guardian is anti-American you fucking moron. If you won't call it against people you agree with, that makes YOU the fucking traitor; you front hole.
They gave us accurate information, "shit for brains" that you have nothing intelligent to dispute or rebut. Atlas apologized you dumb fuck. Now, what have you got potato head?
Bullshit. Just like the US media gives us accurate information? What a fucking baffoon you are.
Why it matters: RT, formerly known as Russia Today, is a Russian state-owned media outlet registered under the Foreign Agents Registration Act. This means that all of its content is labeled as propaganda attempting to influence U.S. public opinion, policy and laws.

  • Atlas appeared on RT just hours after the Washington Post released an interview with Anthony Fauci, who criticized Atlas for his controversial views on the pandemic.
  • “I have real problems with that guy,” Fauci told the Post. “He’s a smart guy who’s talking about things that I believe he doesn’t have any real insight or knowledge or experience in. He keeps talking about things that when you dissect it out and parse it out, it doesn’t make any sense.”
After Atlas apologizes the damage was done. So typical of Trump and his administration. Let's slip in a little propaganda through RT. Trump COVID adviser Scott Atlas apologizes for appearing on Russian state TV

Omigawd. This is so silly.
Certainly no more sillier than your non-existent argument.

I discovered long ago that trying to debate someone else's inane opinion is completely pointless.
Which is why most of us ignore you.
You ignore me, because you don't have the where with all or the balls to debate anything intelligent. You support lies and stupidity. How far have you gone with that? No fucking where.
I ignore you because you are a helplessly brain-damaged front hole.
Why it matters: RT, formerly known as Russia Today, is a Russian state-owned media outlet registered under the Foreign Agents Registration Act. This means that all of its content is labeled as propaganda attempting to influence U.S. public opinion, policy and laws.

  • Atlas appeared on RT just hours after the Washington Post released an interview with Anthony Fauci, who criticized Atlas for his controversial views on the pandemic.
  • “I have real problems with that guy,” Fauci told the Post. “He’s a smart guy who’s talking about things that I believe he doesn’t have any real insight or knowledge or experience in. He keeps talking about things that when you dissect it out and parse it out, it doesn’t make any sense.”
After Atlas apologizes the damage was done. So typical of Trump and his administration. Let's slip in a little propaganda through RT. Trump COVID adviser Scott Atlas apologizes for appearing on Russian state TV

Omigawd. This is so silly.
Certainly no more sillier than your non-existent argument.

I discovered long ago that trying to debate someone else's inane opinion is completely pointless.
You have no opinion or argument for this thread. Which is how you ended up baiting yourself with your own stupidity by responding with nothing to begin with. You have nothing intelligent to counter the thread, so you simply punted with your nothing comment. We can't expect much else from you really.

You spewed a bunch of prog nonsense. Any rational person knows that it is a waste of time to debate prog nonsense.
Why it matters: RT, formerly known as Russia Today, is a Russian state-owned media outlet registered under the Foreign Agents Registration Act. This means that all of its content is labeled as propaganda attempting to influence U.S. public opinion, policy and laws.

  • Atlas appeared on RT just hours after the Washington Post released an interview with Anthony Fauci, who criticized Atlas for his controversial views on the pandemic.
  • “I have real problems with that guy,” Fauci told the Post. “He’s a smart guy who’s talking about things that I believe he doesn’t have any real insight or knowledge or experience in. He keeps talking about things that when you dissect it out and parse it out, it doesn’t make any sense.”
After Atlas apologizes the damage was done. So typical of Trump and his administration. Let's slip in a little propaganda through RT. Trump COVID adviser Scott Atlas apologizes for appearing on Russian state TV

Omigawd. This is so silly.
Certainly no more sillier than your non-existent argument.

I discovered long ago that trying to debate someone else's inane opinion is completely pointless.
You have no opinion or argument for this thread. Which is how you ended up baiting yourself with your own stupidity by responding with nothing to begin with. You have nothing intelligent to counter the thread, so you simply punted with your nothing comment. We can't expect much else from you really.

You spewed a bunch of prog nonsense. Any rational person knows that it is a waste of time to debate prog nonsense.
Atlas apologized dumb ass. That means he fucked up.
Why it matters: RT, formerly known as Russia Today, is a Russian state-owned media outlet registered under the Foreign Agents Registration Act. This means that all of its content is labeled as propaganda attempting to influence U.S. public opinion, policy and laws.

  • Atlas appeared on RT just hours after the Washington Post released an interview with Anthony Fauci, who criticized Atlas for his controversial views on the pandemic.
  • “I have real problems with that guy,” Fauci told the Post. “He’s a smart guy who’s talking about things that I believe he doesn’t have any real insight or knowledge or experience in. He keeps talking about things that when you dissect it out and parse it out, it doesn’t make any sense.”
After Atlas apologizes the damage was done. So typical of Trump and his administration. Let's slip in a little propaganda through RT. Trump COVID adviser Scott Atlas apologizes for appearing on Russian state TV

Do you whine when Democrats are interviewed by The Guardian?

The UK is not our enemy. Russia is. That's why the unqualified radiologist who hasn't practiced medicine in 10 years was forced to apologize.
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Why it matters: RT, formerly known as Russia Today, is a Russian state-owned media outlet registered under the Foreign Agents Registration Act. This means that all of its content is labeled as propaganda attempting to influence U.S. public opinion, policy and laws.

  • Atlas appeared on RT just hours after the Washington Post released an interview with Anthony Fauci, who criticized Atlas for his controversial views on the pandemic.
  • “I have real problems with that guy,” Fauci told the Post. “He’s a smart guy who’s talking about things that I believe he doesn’t have any real insight or knowledge or experience in. He keeps talking about things that when you dissect it out and parse it out, it doesn’t make any sense.”
After Atlas apologizes the damage was done. So typical of Trump and his administration. Let's slip in a little propaganda through RT. Trump COVID adviser Scott Atlas apologizes for appearing on Russian state TV

I'll bet the American Propaganda networks...ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, NPR, MSNBC, Facebook and Twitter... are super pissed they couldn't achieve complete censorship...

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