Scott Baio, the most famous republican celebrity, accused child molester


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
last stop for sanity before reaching the south
Sources are reporting the RNC is now scrambling to determine if there's any route to elect him to Congress

Eggert brought the accusations to Twitter after she commented on a tweet referring to Baio’s support of Donald Trump: “Ask [Scott Baio] what happened in his garage at his house when I was a minor. Creep.” This started a series of tweets where she claims she was molested by him from ages 14 to 17 and went into details about the assaults. The two starred together on the ’80s sitcom Charles in Charge

'Charles in Charge' actress Nicole Eggert accuses Scott Baio of molesting her, Baio fires back on Facebook Live

More "MeToo" bullshit. It's old now, and so is the skank that is pointing her finger. Why didn't she speak up back then? Same question is asked of ALL of the finger pointers...and their cop out is "I was too afraid". Yeah. And I'm Snow White.

More "MeToo" bullshit. It's old now, and so is the skank that is pointing her finger. Why didn't she speak up back then? Same question is asked of ALL of the finger pointers...and their cop out is "I was too afraid". Yeah. And I'm Snow White.

I don't have a problem with people not speaking out then. Sometimes it's hard to point fingers at your accuser. Especially when you are young and naive. I do think their should be a time limit though. Just so there is a proper defense. It would be hard for anyone to defend themselves against these type of accusations years beyond the date it happened. I'm just not willing to point the finger at either side right now.
The lie worked for Roy Moore. Democrats will now use it on every republican running for office.
Sources are reporting the RNC is now scrambling to determine if there's any route to elect him to Congress

Eggert brought the accusations to Twitter after she commented on a tweet referring to Baio’s support of Donald Trump: “Ask [Scott Baio] what happened in his garage at his house when I was a minor. Creep.” This started a series of tweets where she claims she was molested by him from ages 14 to 17 and went into details about the assaults. The two starred together on the ’80s sitcom Charles in Charge

'Charles in Charge' actress Nicole Eggert accuses Scott Baio of molesting her, Baio fires back on Facebook Live


This is what is most amazing to me. You can always tell when a left-winger is full of crap, when someone no one cares about, and some have never even heard the name..... is magically the "most famous celebrity".

This is why no one cares what the left-wing says about anything. This is why Trump can joke about being able to shoot someone, and no one would care. Why? Because you have ZERO credibility. No one would believe you, because you have yet to show any honesty or truthfulness about anything.

"Scott Baio, the most famous republican celebrity"

Really? The most famous? Most famous in the world? Most famous on the planet? He's the most famous Republican celebrity ever? Really?

More famous than..... Arnold? More famous than Sonny? More famous than Sammy Davis? Bruce Willis? Mike Tyson? Willie Robertson? Sylvester Stallone? Clint Eastwood? More famous than Cindy Crawford? More famous than the hundreds of other far more well known celebrities?

You people discredit yourself with every attack. This is why every single time the left-wing nimrods attacked Trump during the campaign, his popularity went up. You have less than zero credibility. When you say something, not only does have the country have zero faith in what you say being true, but most automatically assume the exact opposite of what you say is true. You actually have negative credibility. You are so dishonest, that people assume that the opposite of what you say, is likely true.

That is exactly why Trump is president today. It's you. You and people like you. That's why. You keep destroying yourselves, so that now we not only do not feel the need to defend anything, but we LOVE IT when you post this crap, because it just lets us laugh at your lack of integrity.

Who the heck is Scott Baio? I've never heard that name in the last 20 years of my existence. Last time this guy was even close to well known was Happy Days. That ended in '84. Really? That's your idea of a 'most well known celebrity'? What are you? Stupid? Diagnosis Murder, which I only know because it was on his list of successful TV series, ended in '95? That was over 20 years ago.

You are a moron. This is why the hallmark of the left-wing, is intellectual dishonesty. Until you people stop being full of lies and deceit like your hero Hillary, no one on the right-wing will ever care what you have to say about anything. The only people that will listen to you, will be the other intellectually bankrupt mindless lemmings like yourself. You keep this up, and Trump will win a second term in office. I guarantee it. You have to build credibility, and start by.......(gasp) lying less... and being more honest.
If he is guilty, all that she did is give him the ability to go after others by her choice to remain silent. To me, that only makes her an accessory to his every choice of action. In other words, if he truly is a sick little word that I can't say, her choice to speak about him now only exposes her own guilty behind. I thank her so much for letting a rodent run rampant. (sarcasm)

God bless you always!!!


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