Scott Ritter on Israel Palestine


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Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
Ritter says that if people view Hamas as terrorists, they would have to say the same thing about the IDF who indiscriminately bomb civilians. Ritter also says that the current IDF lacks professional fighters, and is not ready to face off against Hamas who had a “brilliant“ attack against Israel on October 7.

Ritter says the IDF is overrated and points to their failure on Oct 7.

Ritter also says Iran and Hezbollah don’t want anything to do with the war and that it’s all on Hamas. He says Hamas would wipe the floor with the IDF in a man to man fight situation in Gaza.

Ritter says after living 75 years as second class citizens many Palestinians would die for the idea of a two state solution.

I know many supporters of Israel here admire Ritter for his stance on Russia and Ukraine..

Thoughts on Ritters take on Israel/Palestine?
Ritter says that if people view Hamas as terrorists, they would have to say the same thing about the IDF who indiscriminately bomb civilians. Ritter also says that the current IDF lacks professional fighters, and is not ready to face off against Hamas who had a “brilliant“ attack against Israel on October 7.

Ritter says the IDF is overrated and points to their failure on Oct 7.

Ritter also says Iran and Hezbollah don’t want anything to do with the war and that it’s all on Hamas. He says Hamas would wipe the floor with the IDF in a man to man fight situation in Gaza.

Ritter says after living 75 years as second class citizens many Palestinians would die for the idea of a two state solution.

I know many supporters of Israel here admire Ritter for his stance on Russia and Ukraine..

Thoughts on Ritters take on Israel/Palestine?

Scott Ritter is absolutely right

Ritter says that if people view Hamas as terrorists, they would have to say the same thing about the IDF who indiscriminately bomb civilians. Ritter also says that the current IDF lacks professional fighters, and is not ready to face off against Hamas who had a “brilliant“ attack against Israel on October 7.

Ritter says the IDF is overrated and points to their failure on Oct 7.

Ritter also says Iran and Hezbollah don’t want anything to do with the war and that it’s all on Hamas. He says Hamas would wipe the floor with the IDF in a man to man fight situation in Gaza.

Ritter says after living 75 years as second class citizens many Palestinians would die for the idea of a two state solution.

I know many supporters of Israel here admire Ritter for his stance on Russia and Ukraine..

Thoughts on Ritters take on Israel/Palestine?

Flat idiocy.
Ritter says that if people view Hamas as terrorists, they would have to say the same thing about the IDF who indiscriminately bomb civilians. Ritter also says that the current IDF lacks professional fighters, and is not ready to face off against Hamas who had a “brilliant“ attack against Israel on October 7.

Ritter says the IDF is overrated and points to their failure on Oct 7.

Ritter also says Iran and Hezbollah don’t want anything to do with the war and that it’s all on Hamas. He says Hamas would wipe the floor with the IDF in a man to man fight situation in Gaza.

Ritter says after living 75 years as second class citizens many Palestinians would die for the idea of a two state solution.

I know many supporters of Israel here admire Ritter for his stance on Russia and Ukraine..

Thoughts on Ritters take on Israel/Palestine?

Here is what some Gaza civilians say:

Ritter says that if people view Hamas as terrorists, they would have to say the same thing about the IDF who indiscriminately bomb civilians. Ritter also says that the current IDF lacks professional fighters, and is not ready to face off against Hamas who had a “brilliant“ attack against Israel on October 7.

Ritter says the IDF is overrated and points to their failure on Oct 7.

Ritter also says Iran and Hezbollah don’t want anything to do with the war and that it’s all on Hamas. He says Hamas would wipe the floor with the IDF in a man to man fight situation in Gaza.

Ritter says after living 75 years as second class citizens many Palestinians would die for the idea of a two state solution.

I know many supporters of Israel here admire Ritter for his stance on Russia and Ukraine..

Thoughts on Ritters take on Israel/Palestine?

Israel, not ready to face Hamas:

Ritter says that if people view Hamas as terrorists, they would have to say the same thing about the IDF who indiscriminately bomb civilians. Ritter also says that the current IDF lacks professional fighters, and is not ready to face off against Hamas who had a “brilliant“ attack against Israel on October 7.

Ritter says the IDF is overrated and points to their failure on Oct 7.

Ritter also says Iran and Hezbollah don’t want anything to do with the war and that it’s all on Hamas. He says Hamas would wipe the floor with the IDF in a man to man fight situation in Gaza.

Ritter says after living 75 years as second class citizens many Palestinians would die for the idea of a two state solution.

I know many supporters of Israel here admire Ritter for his stance on Russia and Ukraine..

Thoughts on Ritters take on Israel/Palestine?

Scott Ritter was convicted of pedophilia, which meant he could no longer be a credible analyst in Western media and intellectual and government circles.

So to put food on the table, he became an anti-Western commentator. Now he gets paid by the far left and the enemies of America to peddle anti-Western propaganda.

This is no different.
Anyone who does not acknowledge that Hamas - at least its military wing - is a "terrorist" organization is either a liar, or doesn't know the meaning of the word.
Scott Ritter was convicted of pedophilia, which meant he could no longer be a credible analyst in Western media and intellectual and government circles.

So to put food on the table, he became an anti-Western commentator. Now he gets paid by the far left and the enemies of America to peddle anti-Western propaganda.

This is no different.
Wasn’t he critical of the US involvement in iraq before that ordeal which he denies, but it still obviously an issue.

Ritter was a weapons inspector and later became critical of US involvement in the Middle East before his criminal conviction… I believe.
Scott Ritter was convicted of pedophilia, which meant he could no longer be a credible analyst in Western media and intellectual and government circles.

So to put food on the table, he became an anti-Western commentator. Now he gets paid by the far left and the enemies of America to peddle anti-Western propaganda.

This is no different.
This is how the establishment works. If you don't agree with them and toe the line they bribe you, black-mail you, or find some way to destroy you.

He never diddled any kids, nor would he ever. Once he showed he was a threat to the establishment, they entrapped him, like they do everyone else. Just as they attempted to do with Trump. . . :rolleyes:

Scott Ritter’s Other War​


“. . . So why u don’t like me,” Venneman typed, mimicking an adolescent’s mangled syntax.

“I do, very much. LOL. Just don’t want any trouble.”

After about an hour of this, according to logs later presented in court, the man Venneman was talking to masturbated in front of a webcam and announced he was off to take a shower.

“U know ur in a lot of trouble, don’t you,” Venneman typed.


“I’m a undercover police officer. U need to call me A.S.A.P.”

“Nah,” delmarm4fun wrote. “Your not 15. Yahoo is for 18 and over. It’s all fantasy. No crime.”

“I have your phone number and I will be getting your IP address from Yahoo and your carrier,” Venneman wrote. “We can do this 2 ways call me and you can turn yourself in at a latter date or I’ll get a warrant for you and come pick you up.”

The perpetrator turned himself in almost immediately. Delmarm4fun, it turned out, was Scott Ritter, one of the most controversial figures in American foreign policy for the past decade and a half. It was Ritter, a former Marine major and United Nations weapons inspector in Iraq, who quit the U.N. inspection team in 1998 and railed against Saddam Hussein’s government for misleading inspectors and scamming the international community. And it was Ritter who then did an about-face and emerged, during the long period that led to the war, as the loudest and most credible skeptic of the Bush administration’s contention that Hussein was hiding weapons of mass destruction.. . . "


". . . In Ritter’s case, the public vindication to which he would seem entitled — and which he has never quite received — has now been replaced by a very public disgrace, his life having slowly come undone in the years after the invasion. “It’s tragic,” Seymour Hersh, The New Yorker’s investigative reporter, said when we spoke this fall. Hersh grew close to Ritter in the late ’90s and appeared as a character witness at his trial in Pennsylvania last April. “He understands the Arab world in a way that few Westerners I know do. You have no idea how smart he is.”

Even after he was convicted on five felony counts and two misdemeanors last year, Ritter remained, as he always has, self-righteous and inclined toward seeing conspiracies. “I’m not humiliated,” he told me recently, when I suggested he should be. “It’s nobody else’s business. And anybody who seeks to make it their business, they should be humiliated. They should be ashamed. They should be embarrassed. What I did or what I didn’t do is nobody’s business but my own and my wife’s. And the fact that this had been dragged out into the public eye the way it has speaks volumes about our society.”

Those who came to Ritter’s defense around Iraq always argued that he was a courageous and patriotic American, unjustly defamed by opponents, while his critics portrayed him as unreliable and attention-starved — an “unstable” character, as Richard Perle, one of the administration’s war planners, once described him. The confounding thing about a figure as self-defeating and polarizing as Scott Ritter is that, with enough time, supporters and critics alike can come to feel they’ve been proved right.

“I’ll tell you why it doesn’t matter,” Ritter was saying. This was in October, a few weeks before he was to be sentenced for his crimes. I had asked him whether he thought he deserved some public acknowledgment that his warnings about Iraq and its supposed W.M.D.’s were correct. “Because today everybody knows I was right. I was right about one of the most significant issues in modern American history. I was the only one who was right about one of the most significant issues in modern American history. . . ."

He was right about Iraq, he was right about the Ukraine war, and he is right about this too.

He makes psychopathic lunatics like Zbigniew Brzezinski & Henry Kissinger look like rank amateurs by comparison.

. .. telling that establishment toadies deploy fallacious arguments like this as their best counter narrative. :rolleyes:

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Ritter says that if people view Hamas as terrorists, they would have to say the same thing about the IDF who indiscriminately bomb civilians.

That's just stupid. People don't view Hamas as terrorists, Hamas ARE terrorists.
Israel doesn't indiscriminately bomb civilians.

He says Hamas would wipe the floor with the IDF in a man to man fight situation in Gaza.

What are they waiting for? Come out and fight. Stop hiding behind kids. Pussies.
He says Hamas would wipe the floor with the IDF in a man to man fight situation in Gaza.
Defender has the advantage, naturally. Of course they would, just as the Vietcong whipped our asses. duh.

What are they waiting for? Come out and fight. Stop hiding behind kids. Pussies.

That isn't how a defensive war works.

You don't storm out into no man's land like idiots. Neither the Russians, nor the Ukrainians have any desire to do that. duh.

It is the Israelis that want Gaza now, not the reverse. . they will have to go in and remove them. . . and it will be bloody.
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I agreed with Ritter on his opinion in the Ukraine Russia conflict


When it comes to defending Hamas in this Israel war.....

Ritter can go and suck a mango for all I care!

When it comes to defending Hamas in this Israel war.....

Ritter can go and suck a mango for all I care!
Did you even listen to what he said?

He didn't "defend Hamas." :rolleyes:

He unequivocally denounced their actions, and defended Israel's right to exist.

I think you just don't like the reality he is laying out.

Just like folks didn't like to hear that we were going to lose in Vietnam.
Did you even listen to what he said?

He didn't "defend Hamas." :rolleyes:

He unequivocally denounced their actions, and defended Israel's right to exist.

I think you just don't like the reality he is laying out.

Just like folks didn't like to hear that we were going to lose in Vietnam.

I still do not like Ritter's position about this Israel Hamas war.

I just don't, and that's my position on this.

Do not like Ritter.... when he opens with mouth about the Israel war.

It is what it is :dunno:

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