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Scott Walker Goes for ‘Bland,’ Ends Up ‘Moronic’ on Evolution Softball

Political Junky

Gold Member
May 27, 2009
Yet another republican would be candidate messes up in London. Scott Walker drew laughter by refusing to discuss evolution. How embarrassing.

Scott Walker Goes for Bland Ends Up Moronic on Evolution Softball - The Daily Beast

Scott Walker wanted to avoid a Christie-like mistake during his trip to London this week. He failed.
LONDON — Governor Scott Walker was so determined not to make news during his trip to London this week, he made news.

A week after Chris Christie’s disastrous trip to London, Walker was desperate to avoid the kind of slip that cost the New Jersey governor any positive headlines back home.

“I’d rather be bland than stupid or moronic,” he said.

Sadly, he may have been all three.

He was attempting to bolster his foreign policy credentials by saying nothing at all, and during a question and answer session at a foreign policy think tank he refused to be drawn on whether he believed in evolution.

“I’m going to punt on that one as well,” he said, which was met by harrumphs in the audience at a foreign policy think tank. It was suggested that pretty much any politician on earth could manage to answer that one. Walker changed tack, but only slightly: “I like the evolution of trade in Wisconsin.”

The dullness did not end there.
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He should have the courage to express his opinion – if he believes the Earth is only 6000 years old, he should clearly state it.

Or not.

What does what he thinks about how old the earth is have to do with his ability to run the country?

Look the reality is, America IS 90% Christian. If you guys really think this is the issue you are going to trip this guy up on, you are going to be disappointed.
Only 42% of Americas believe in Creationism and most of them who vote, vote Republican. If he had answered definitively either way his chances would be nil. As it happened, he demonstrated he couldn't even handle a softball question diplomatically. He'll have to face it again, if he does the same he's toast.
Probably about 99% of the voting population will not hear know about this so early in the presidential race. That being said, Walker better craft a response to the evolution question because there will be some reporters looking to make home stumble with it.
Perhaps if they asked him how many glasses of water is there in the Atlantic ocean, it would have been of more interest!.... The Socialist pond scum will S-T-R-E-T-C-H for anything they can...hey, how about Biden being a PEDOPHILE!!! What say you girls?


I mean, after the Hildebeasty's BLOW OUT from her "BRIAN WILLIAMS" episode, this guy MIGHT be you DummycRATS front runner!
This is only news to liberals looking for something negative to post about any Republican candidate.
He should have the courage to express his opinion – if he believes the Earth is only 6000 years old, he should clearly state it.

Or not.

What does what he thinks about how old the earth is have to do with his ability to run the country?

Its a matter of does he believe in Science or is he a regular one tooth no information low brow slack jawed GOP nut bag ....
Only 42% of Americas believe in Creationism and most of them who vote, vote Republican. If he had answered definitively either way his chances would be nil. As it happened, he demonstrated he couldn't even handle a softball question diplomatically. He'll have to face it again, if he does the same he's toast.

Guy, 42% believe in creationism. 31% believe man evolved with God guiding the process. only 19% believe that man evolved without a God being involved.

Trust me, no one is going to decide the presidency based on this issue.

Here's how it's going to play out. 45% will vote for the republican. 45% will vote for the democrat, and 10% will vote for the guy they want ot have a beer with.

I'd rather have a beer with Walker than Hillary, and I'm fairly liberal on a lot of issues.

This is only news to liberals looking for something negative to post about any Republican candidate.

Sounds like you like the shallow weedy scummy end of the gene pool,....

He was in London on a business trip to develop economic oppurtunities for British Companies doing business in Wisconsin. It was paid for by the state, not his campaign. If he answered political questions, the same people whining about how he wasn't talking about evolution would be whining he was abusing state resources.

This is only news to liberals looking for something negative to post about any Republican candidate.

Sounds like you like the shallow weedy scummy end of the gene pool,....

He was in London on a business trip to develop economic oppurtunities for British Companies doing business in Wisconsin. It was paid for by the state, not his campaign. If he answered political questions, the same people whining about how he wasn't talking about evolution would be whining he was abusing state resources.
He is beholden to no information snake talking believers who think Science is a "librul plot" to demean God ....yes they are that moronic ...yes that is the GOP base...
He is beholden to no information snake talking believers who think Science is a "librul plot" to demean God ....yes they are that moronic ...yes that is the GOP base...

Also known as "The American Electorate".

Guy, here's the thing. 73% of Americans think their Magic Sky Fairy created man in some way or another. This is NOT a losing issue for Walker.

It's why Obama has to pretend to be a Christian when in fact, he's probably an agnostic, at best. Any Democrat who said, "There is no God and you all evolved from monkeys!!!" would probably be the real loser.

Now, right now, if the election came down to HIllary vs. Walker, I'd seriously consider voting for Walker, not because of what he believes about Evolution, but because he strikes me as a guy who can get things done.

But if you want this election to be about 'Was Darwin Wrong", have at it.
Your ignorance is only good enough in the deep south ....where Mississippi sits as the shining jewel of what happens where the GOP rules ...waaaahahahahahahahahaha
Your ignorance is only good enough in the deep south ....where Mississippi sits as the shining jewel of what happens where the GOP rules ...waaaahahahahahahahahaha

Uh, guy, I'm an atheist.

But here's the thing. I know we'd never elect an atheist president.

Now, there are issues tangental to this that you can attack Walker on. His extreme views on abortion, for instance.

But no one is going to win the presidency on the "You Evolved from Monkeys, Deal with It!" Platform.
Your ignorance is only good enough in the deep south ....where Mississippi sits as the shining jewel of what happens where the GOP rules ...waaaahahahahahahahahaha

Uh, guy, I'm an atheist.

But here's the thing. I know we'd never elect an atheist president.

Now, there are issues tangental to this that you can attack Walker on. His extreme views on abortion, for instance.

But no one is going to win the presidency on the "You Evolved from Monkeys, Deal with It!" Platform.
The broader issue Mr Atheist is "do you side with science or do you side with stupid dogma"....you side with stupid dogma ...
The broader issue Mr Atheist is "do you side with science or do you side with stupid dogma"....you side with stupid dogma ...

Well, to me the choice is, "Do you side with a shrill old lady who only has a position due to family connections, or do I side with a guy who has a track record of getting things done."

Now, there's good reasons to not vote for Walker. For instance, the kind of people he'd probably appoint to the Supreme court would lead to more awful decisions.

Frankly, I'm going to vote for the guy I think gets it and can make my life better.
who gives a shit on such stupid nonsense. He'll be running the country not become a scientist or G-d

you people think your are all so high and mighty

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