Scott Walker (R) knows how to fire up the conservative Repub Base AKA-

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Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
the "MURICAN taliban"- :up: personally attack our two-term, President :eusa_doh:

That college dropout knows how to dole-out the hate & fear his Repub voting Base craves :clap2:

As Controversy Swirls Scott Walker Plays With Fire - NBC News
Few issues fire up a good chunk of conservatives more than personal attacks against President Obama. At the same time, these attacks also turn off swing voters and minorities that the Republican Party is trying to court. And this is the situation that Scott Walker now finds himself in, after refusing 1) to comment on Rudy Giuliani's assertion that Barack Obama doesn't love his country, and 2) declining to weigh in on whether Obama is a Christian.
I actually thought his declining to comment on Obama’s faith to be in good taste, if it weren't for his claim that he didn't recall the president talking about his faith. That was disingenuous
the "MURICAN taliban"- :up: personally attack our two-term, President :eusa_doh:

That college dropout knows how to dole-out the hate & fear his Repub voting Base craves :clap2:

As Controversy Swirls Scott Walker Plays With Fire - NBC News
Few issues fire up a good chunk of conservatives more than personal attacks against President Obama. At the same time, these attacks also turn off swing voters and minorities that the Republican Party is trying to court. And this is the situation that Scott Walker now finds himself in, after refusing 1) to comment on Rudy Giuliani's assertion that Barack Obama doesn't love his country, and 2) declining to weigh in on whether Obama is a Christian.

As usual, Repubs will do and say anything rather than address issues.

For that matter, we see the same thing from the RWs here - any time Do Nothing Repub incompetence is mentioned, they start in with lies about Obama.
Beneath the Mask

But beneath the genial exterior lurks a classic passive-aggressive personality, with the aggressive side displaying grandiose ambition, a relentless drive to win at any cost, and a vision of essentially transforming Wisconsin—and then the nation—into a version of Mississippi offering a low-wage, docile, and disenfranchised (via restrictive voter ID laws like the one signed by Walker) workforce, shriveled public services and low corporate taxes.

Alert observers recently saw the essence of Walker encapsulated in his budget plan for the University of Wisconsin. The episode displayed the governor's drive to chain public institutions to serving private power as well as an extraordinary contempt for the truth.

Walker and his team had slyly deleted “the search for truth” from a passage on the University of Wisconsin’s central mission in his budget proposal. Also eliminated were references to the widely revered 111-year-old "Wisconsin Idea" committing the university to “public service.” The “Wisconsin Idea” linking the university to the needs of farmers, workers and other ordinary citizens was a product of Progressive-era leaders like Gov. Robert LaFollette, whose legacy Walker has long sought to undermine.

In place of “the search for truth,” unbounded debate and a public-interest orientation, Walker and his administration assigned the university a narrow, corporatized function of “meeting the workforce needs of the state.” Initially, Walker’s proposed UW budget drew intensified scrutiny because of $300 million in crippling cuts he proposed, which were coupled with other assaults on public education like weakening K-12 public education through more subsidies for private religious schools.

But repurposing the university’s mission touched a deeper nerve. Scouring through the budget, the progressive Center for Media and Democracy discovered and publicized the attempt to reset the university’s purpose as meeting corporate personnel needs. This triggered extensive coverage and an enormous furor arose across the state. The outrage spanned UW students, faculty, officials, alumni, and the broader citizenry.

Walker hastily retreated as public outcry expanded, sheepishly claiming the elimination of “the search for truth” and the beloved Wisconsin Idea was a mere “drafting error.” But that rationale quickly melted down after media reports showing that UW officials had strenuously objected to the rewriting of UW’s mission, but were ignored by Walker’s minions. Walker’s account about dumping “the search for the truth” turned out to be utterly untruthful.

This same pattern—of serving private wealth and power—is expected resurface later this week, as Walker and his Republican-majority statehouse take up “right-to-work” legislation, which exempts employees from paying union dues—hurting fundraising and organizing—even though Walker last fall said that wasn’t on his agenda when campaigning for re-election.

The pending right-to-work battle revives Walker’s venomous war on labor, which emerged in electrifying fashion in a Feb. 11, 2011 address just a month after he became governor. Like a strutting generalissimo, Walker announced that the state faced a “budget crisis” demanded the passage of Act 10, which would eradicate meaningful union-representation rights for most public employees. He did not go after police and fire fighter unions, which have long supported Republicans. In 1959, Wisconsin was the first state to grant such rights to public workers.

Ominously, Walker threatened to call out the National Guard if workers defied his Act 10 proposal with job actions. Walker viewed Act 10 as a move to “drop the bomb” on public employees, as he told his staff, and to politically isolate them with a cynical “divide and conquer” strategy.
This is another sickening :puke: chapter in the Repub party's history :(
the "MURICAN taliban"- :up: personally attack our two-term, President :eusa_doh:

That college dropout knows how to dole-out the hate & fear his Repub voting Base craves :clap2:

As Controversy Swirls Scott Walker Plays With Fire - NBC News
Few issues fire up a good chunk of conservatives more than personal attacks against President Obama. At the same time, these attacks also turn off swing voters and minorities that the Republican Party is trying to court. And this is the situation that Scott Walker now finds himself in, after refusing 1) to comment on Rudy Giuliani's assertion that Barack Obama doesn't love his country, and 2) declining to weigh in on whether Obama is a Christian.
"That college dropout" decided , when he dropped out, that looking after his family was more important than a meaningless college degree. If he had been a freeloading Democrat, he would have freeloaded from the government, got his degree and would be right now happily unemployed.

"That college dropout" won election and re-election as a union-busting conservative Republican in a blue state.

"That college dropout" joined the ranks of other college dropouts who achieved the kind of success on their own merit that freeloading and affirmative action supported liberals can only dream of.

"That college dropout" is honest enough to believe in a Superior Being rather than believe that everything we see around us just came to be helter skelter, without design and planning.

"That college dropout" would probably be smart and brave enough to admit that he does not know everything, unlike the overeducated functional under achievers like those Democrats who hold the White House now and the previously failed contender who is facing another humiliating defeat if she ever has the courage to make a bid for it, probably unopposed because the cowardice of other gutless liberals.

"That college dropout" could and would make a short lunch of conceited and arrogant punks like Howard Dean and new grandmamma but old and worn out broad like Hilary Clinton.

The Democrat Party, that is.

First they fear Cruz
Then they fear Palin
They lost interest in attacking her children
Then they vent their hate on Jeb
Now it's on to Walker

But funny thing.....

The stench of their fear never changes.
The strength of the stench never changes.
Hell, even skunks can ring a few changes....
I like how the "college dropout" keeps sticking it up the union and dem's asses in Wisconsin. Not bad, the dropout having his way with the so called "intelligent and elite"
the "MURICAN taliban"- :up: personally attack our two-term, President :eusa_doh:

That college dropout knows how to dole-out the hate & fear his Repub voting Base craves :clap2:

As Controversy Swirls Scott Walker Plays With Fire - NBC News
Few issues fire up a good chunk of conservatives more than personal attacks against President Obama. At the same time, these attacks also turn off swing voters and minorities that the Republican Party is trying to court. And this is the situation that Scott Walker now finds himself in, after refusing 1) to comment on Rudy Giuliani's assertion that Barack Obama doesn't love his country, and 2) declining to weigh in on whether Obama is a Christian.
Pulling this one out of their ass, the left decides to criticize Walker for saying nothing.

This is the ultimate bull shit story. The guy doesn't voice his opinion so they criticize him for nothing, essentially making shit up about him.
I find it extremely funny the far left has their collective nuts in a knot over Walkers not commenting on Obamas faith yet they trash conservatives over theirs all the time. Can you say hypocrites and faux outrage?
the "MURICAN taliban"- :up: personally attack our two-term, President :eusa_doh:

That college dropout knows how to dole-out the hate & fear his Repub voting Base craves :clap2:

As Controversy Swirls Scott Walker Plays With Fire - NBC News
Few issues fire up a good chunk of conservatives more than personal attacks against President Obama. At the same time, these attacks also turn off swing voters and minorities that the Republican Party is trying to court. And this is the situation that Scott Walker now finds himself in, after refusing 1) to comment on Rudy Giuliani's assertion that Barack Obama doesn't love his country, and 2) declining to weigh in on whether Obama is a Christian.
Pulling this one out of their ass, the left decides to criticize Walker for saying nothing.

This is the ultimate bull shit story. The guy doesn't voice his opinion so they criticize him for nothing, essentially making shit up about him.
He should have had the balls to criticize giulani. He didn't because he knows comments like that play well with a certain section of the republican party.

He slso lied when he claimed he didnt know about Obama’s faith. It's true that the question is unimportant, and that it's not for him to decide the faith of others, but he again played to that section of republicans by not also stating that he believes the president to be a christian
I like how the "college dropout" keeps sticking it up the union and dem's asses in Wisconsin. Not bad, the dropout having his way with the so called "intelligent and elite"
The "college dropout" earned more money in his career than probably 25 college contemporaries with their sociology degrees.
I see now that "spewing hate" doesnt mean you actually have to say something. Not saying anything is now also spewing hate.
Dems are really desperate, running scared as shit of Walker.
the "MURICAN taliban"- :up: personally attack our two-term, President :eusa_doh:

That college dropout knows how to dole-out the hate & fear his Repub voting Base craves :clap2:

As Controversy Swirls Scott Walker Plays With Fire - NBC News
Few issues fire up a good chunk of conservatives more than personal attacks against President Obama. At the same time, these attacks also turn off swing voters and minorities that the Republican Party is trying to court. And this is the situation that Scott Walker now finds himself in, after refusing 1) to comment on Rudy Giuliani's assertion that Barack Obama doesn't love his country, and 2) declining to weigh in on whether Obama is a Christian.
Pulling this one out of their ass, the left decides to criticize Walker for saying nothing.

This is the ultimate bull shit story. The guy doesn't voice his opinion so they criticize him for nothing, essentially making shit up about him.
It is literally outrage over nothing.
Let a Patriotic American Conservative start a thread this controversial and loaded; then see how fast it ends up in the Flame Zone.

But a dimocrap scumbag?

Hey, they speak 'truth to power' right mods?
the "MURICAN taliban"- :up: personally attack our two-term, President :eusa_doh:

That college dropout knows how to dole-out the hate & fear his Repub voting Base craves :clap2:

As Controversy Swirls Scott Walker Plays With Fire - NBC News
Few issues fire up a good chunk of conservatives more than personal attacks against President Obama. At the same time, these attacks also turn off swing voters and minorities that the Republican Party is trying to court. And this is the situation that Scott Walker now finds himself in, after refusing 1) to comment on Rudy Giuliani's assertion that Barack Obama doesn't love his country, and 2) declining to weigh in on whether Obama is a Christian.
Pulling this one out of their ass, the left decides to criticize Walker for saying nothing.

This is the ultimate bull shit story. The guy doesn't voice his opinion so they criticize him for nothing, essentially making shit up about him.
He should have had the balls to criticize giulani. He didn't because he knows comments like that play well with a certain section of the republican party.

He slso lied when he claimed he didnt know about Obama’s faith. It's true that the question is unimportant, and that it's not for him to decide the faith of others, but he again played to that section of republicans by not also stating that he believes the president to be a christian
So he should have opened his mouth and really given you something to bitch about?

Duly noted
When you spend half of your time apologizing for something and tell people over and over that you want to fundamentally transform something, it means you don't like it, much less love it. It's the same in any marriage. How can you say you love a husband you're always critical of???
The Marxists are terrified of Scott Walker. He's been elected three times in a Democrat leaning state that is heavily invested in unions despite giving the unions the middle finger they've deserved for a long time.
the "MURICAN taliban"- :up: personally attack our two-term, President :eusa_doh:

That college dropout knows how to dole-out the hate & fear his Repub voting Base craves :clap2:

As Controversy Swirls Scott Walker Plays With Fire - NBC News
Few issues fire up a good chunk of conservatives more than personal attacks against President Obama. At the same time, these attacks also turn off swing voters and minorities that the Republican Party is trying to court. And this is the situation that Scott Walker now finds himself in, after refusing 1) to comment on Rudy Giuliani's assertion that Barack Obama doesn't love his country, and 2) declining to weigh in on whether Obama is a Christian.
Pulling this one out of their ass, the left decides to criticize Walker for saying nothing.

This is the ultimate bull shit story. The guy doesn't voice his opinion so they criticize him for nothing, essentially making shit up about him.
He should have had the balls to criticize giulani. He didn't because he knows comments like that play well with a certain section of the republican party.

He slso lied when he claimed he didnt know about Obama’s faith. It's true that the question is unimportant, and that it's not for him to decide the faith of others, but he again played to that section of republicans by not also stating that he believes the president to be a christian
So he should have opened his mouth and really given you something to bitch about?

Duly noted
What do you think there would have been to bitch about if he would have criticized Giuliani's comments and said the president was a christian but questioning him about someone else's faith was ridiculous
I wonder if the DNC will charge him with murder if he [Walker] shows up at a political even and just says nothing at all. No speech, no comments. Just shows up, applauds politely, and then goes home.

The exploding heads will be blamed on him!

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