Scott Walker (R) knows how to fire up the conservative Repub Base AKA-

The Rabbi STILL doesn't know that the pentagon is the repubs cash-cow. His party's people are "crony capitalists". You'd think he knew that being one of the very 1st Perry supporters on this board :lol:

Yet the 1st words out of his mouth are "we need to rebuild the military!!! :mad-61: ", (he hasn't served either :eusa_shhh: so he has no idea what they might need but he wants $50,000,000,000 MORE in taxpayer $$$). Don't ask him to chip in more in taxes, by golly, because he's a life-long civilian (chickenhawk) repub-voter as well.


Hmm Ashton Carter believes we need to rebuild the military. So did Panetta. So did a bunch of military types, many of whom didnt serve. And neither did Obama.
What was your point, other than abject stupidity, stolen valor, and lies?
He looks at workers as lazy

Paying a fair wage interferes with the ability of the rich to accumulate more wealth

But I thought scum of the earth dimocraps were so much better edumucated than us Teabilly Republicans?

Don't better edumucated people make more money?

dimocraps are lying scum. You say one thing, then turn around and contradict yourself without even taking a breath.

You believe in, swear by and belittle anyone who says that Evolution is not scientific fact, then in the next breath, claim that thousands of years of selective breeding haven't made descendants of The 'Rich' superior to you in every way.

How can you believe that shit? How can you believe that you are worthy of running -- Anything? How can you believe you are as knowledgeable or as intelligent as someone, like me, that comes from thousands of years of my Ancestors selecting the best, most intelligent and prettiest females, and my female ancestors selecting the best, most successful, powerful, strongest and most intelligent Males?

IOW, what the FUCK are you good for? fucking peasant

Every post
Edge writes makes me feel more smug and superior. How can it not?

Take your meds, bitch.

And don't even bother reading this -- It is for fair-minded people

Scott Walker Is a Threat to the Existing Social Order

(A snippet)

There are no real class divisions in America except one: the college-educated versus the non-college educated. It helps to think of this in terms borrowed from the world of a Jane Austen novel: graduating from college is what makes you a “gentleman.” (A degree from an Ivy League school makes you part of the aristocracy.) It qualifies you to marry the right people and hold the right kind of positions. It makes you respectable. And even if you don’t achieve much in the world of work and business, even if you’re still working as a barista ten years later, you still retain that special status. It’s a modern form of “genteel poverty,” which is considered superior to the regular kind of poverty.

If you don’t have a college degree, by contrast, you are looked down upon as a vulgar commoner who is presumptuously attempting to rise above his station. Which is pretty much what they’re saying about Scott Walker. This prejudice is particularly strong when applied to anyone from the right, whose retrograde views are easily attributed to his lack of attendance at the gentleman’s finishing school that is the university.

That brings us to the heart of the matter. I have observed before that left-leaning politics has become “part of the cultural class identity of college-educated people,” a prejudice that lingers long after they have graduated. You can see how this goes the other way, too. If to be college-educated is to have left-leaning views—then to have the “correct” political values, one must be college-educated.

You can see now what is fueling the reaction on the left. If Scott Walker can run for president, he is challenging the basic cultural class identity of the mainstream left. He is more than a threat to the Democrats’ hold on political power. He is a threat to the existing social order.
Still feeling inadequate because you don't have a degree, aren't you?
the "MURICAN taliban"- :up: personally attack our two-term, President :eusa_doh:

That college dropout knows how to dole-out the hate & fear his Repub voting Base craves :clap2:

As Controversy Swirls Scott Walker Plays With Fire - NBC News
Few issues fire up a good chunk of conservatives more than personal attacks against President Obama. At the same time, these attacks also turn off swing voters and minorities that the Republican Party is trying to court. And this is the situation that Scott Walker now finds himself in, after refusing 1) to comment on Rudy Giuliani's assertion that Barack Obama doesn't love his country, and 2) declining to weigh in on whether Obama is a Christian.

If they choose walker they have a real crazy owned by the Koch brothers right winger. He will fire up the way right without having to try.

And he can't even balance a state budget.
If they choose walker they have a real crazy owned by the Koch brothers right winger. He will fire up the way right without having to try.

And if you liberals choose Hillary you'll have a possibly brain-dead figurehead owned by China (remember those campaign contributions you wish you could forget?) and controlled by a sex-crazed pedophile.

So, as "the lady" herself is so prone to saying:

"What difference does it make?"
If they choose walker they have a real crazy owned by the Koch brothers right winger. He will fire up the way right without having to try.

And if you liberals choose Hillary you'll have a possibly brain-dead figurehead owned by China (remember those campaign contributions you wish you could forget?) and controlled by a sex-crazed pedophile.

So, as "the lady" herself is so prone to saying:

"What difference does it make?"

Not too excited about either of those choices. Seems a two party system just gives us bad and worse to choose. Maybe Rand will pull it off and some other for the Dems. Doubt it though.
the "MURICAN taliban"- :up: personally attack our two-term, President :eusa_doh:

That college dropout knows how to dole-out the hate & fear his Repub voting Base craves :clap2:

As Controversy Swirls Scott Walker Plays With Fire - NBC News
Few issues fire up a good chunk of conservatives more than personal attacks against President Obama. At the same time, these attacks also turn off swing voters and minorities that the Republican Party is trying to court. And this is the situation that Scott Walker now finds himself in, after refusing 1) to comment on Rudy Giuliani's assertion that Barack Obama doesn't love his country, and 2) declining to weigh in on whether Obama is a Christian.
"That college dropout" decided , when he dropped out, that looking after his family was more important than a meaningless college degree. If he had been a freeloading Democrat, he would have freeloaded from the government, got his degree and would be right now happily unemployed.

"That college dropout" won election and re-election as a union-busting conservative Republican in a blue state.

"That college dropout" joined the ranks of other college dropouts who achieved the kind of success on their own merit that freeloading and affirmative action supported liberals can only dream of.

"That college dropout" is honest enough to believe in a Superior Being rather than believe that everything we see around us just came to be helter skelter, without design and planning.

"That college dropout" would probably be smart and brave enough to admit that he does not know everything, unlike the overeducated functional under achievers like those Democrats who hold the White House now and the previously failed contender who is facing another humiliating defeat if she ever has the courage to make a bid for it, probably unopposed because the cowardice of other gutless liberals.

"That college dropout" could and would make a short lunch of conceited and arrogant punks like Howard Dean and new grandmamma but old and worn out broad like Hilary Clinton.
Your post proves why some are better for dropping out of college.
Higher level intellectual thought and education are lost on you...

Your "higher level intellectual thought" is expressed by personal insults.
Your post proves why some are better for dropping out of college.
Higher level intellectual thought and education are lost on you...
agreed. A post by FJO in your thread is basically the kiss of intellectual death ;) reconmark

As to the OP, Walker is doing what his fundie, know-nothing, basers want BUT, that comes w/ a huge price tag :up: alienating every other voter in this great nation.
Your post proves why some are better for dropping out of college.
Higher level intellectual thought and education are lost on you...
agreed. A post by FJO in your thread is basically the kiss of intellectual death ;) reconmark

As to the OP, Walker is doing what his fundie, know-nothing, basers want BUT, that comes w/ a huge price tag :up: alienating every other voter in this great nation.
Walker's base is neither fundie nor know nothing. Nice try attempting to define him though.
Walker is kind of dull

Not much at pushing anyone's buttons
TRANSLATION: I can't refute anything he said or did, but I hate it anyway. So I'll complain about his style instead, and hope nobody notices I'm ignoring everything that matters.
Poor Walker has had a bad week
When asked about evolution........I'll punt
When asked if Obama is a Christian........I don't know
When asked if Obama loves America ......I don't know
I can't wait for Katie Couric to ask him what newspapers he reads

I have no issue with any if these answers... frankly, who cares what his views are on evolution are and why/how would he know if Obama is a Christian or if he truly loves America?

Are you lefties all this batshit crazy?

You can tell how good a President someone will be, by measuring:

1.) How loudly and hysterically liberals scream at him;
2.) How many lies they gin up about him;
3.) and how little evidence they present to back up what they say about him.

By the Lib-o-meter of this forum, it looks like Scott Walker is the best candidate Republicans have fielded in a long time.
Poor Walker has had a bad week
When asked about evolution........I'll punt
When asked if Obama is a Christian........I don't know
When asked if Obama loves America ......I don't know
I can't wait for Katie Couric to ask him what newspapers he reads

I have no issue with any if these answers... frankly, who cares what his views are on evolution are and why/how would he know if Obama is a Christian or if he truly loves America?

Are you lefties all this batshit crazy?

You can tell how good a President someone will be, by measuring:

1.) How loudly and hysterically liberals scream at him;
2.) How many lies they gin up about him;
3.) and how little evidence they present to back up what they say about him.

By the Lib-o-meter of this forum, it looks like Scott Walker is the best candidate Republicans have fielded in a long time.
They're terrified of Walker. Look at the crap they have to find to throw against him. Next they'll be criticizing his taste in neckties as making him unfit to be president.
My thread must have hit an eXtreme rw nerve as The Rabbi is latched onto it like a Carolina tick lol
Yeah, it hit my "stupid" nerve. My stupid nerve gets stimulated every time someone posts something stupid. Whch is why I respond to most of your threads.
Poor Walker has had a bad week
When asked about evolution........I'll punt
When asked if Obama is a Christian........I don't know
When asked if Obama loves America ......I don't know
I can't wait for Katie Couric to ask him what newspapers he reads

I have no issue with any if these answers... frankly, who cares what his views are on evolution are and why/how would he know if Obama is a Christian or if he truly loves America?

Are you lefties all this batshit crazy?

You can tell how good a President someone will be, by measuring:

1.) How loudly and hysterically liberals scream at him;
2.) How many lies they gin up about him;
3.) and how little evidence they present to back up what they say about him.

By the Lib-o-meter of this forum, it looks like Scott Walker is the best candidate Republicans have fielded in a long time.
They're terrified of Walker. Look at the crap they have to find to throw against him. Next they'll be criticizing his taste in neckties as making him unfit to be president.

He can't even balance a state budget. Conservatives want this guy? Only proves they don't care about balancing the budget.

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