Scott Walker (R) knows how to fire up the conservative Repub Base AKA-

Blowing Navy sailors in the mens rooms of bars isnt exactly "service". But whatever.
you haven't served. Got it :thup: You know zero about what the military needs. Why you started-off your zany post w/ that utterance is a mystery given you're a chickenhawk
You blew sailors in a men's room and that qualifes you to know what the military needs?
Ashton Carter priorities as defense secretary include Pentagon funds Obama advice - Washington Times
making assumptions about what I did. Someone who served wouldn't make assumptions. Oh well enough w/ your deflection ad homs.

Willing to have your taxes raised to pay for the already $500 BILLION $$$ defense budget.son? Oh thats right. :eusa_doh:You vote Repub and taxes are baaad :rolleyes-41: . Go away, you bother me boy.
Willing to give up your food stamps to help defend freedom, boi? Oh yeah you're a lib. Gimme my free shit, man.
You didnt serve. Thats for certain. Stolen valor types disgust me.
"Defend freedom"? lol. Been there, done that, Again, I served active-duty. You? Not so much. I was "manning the wall" while you & your BF were going out to the diner for late night snuggling sessions :gay:.
There, that's the metric I was looking for. Smallest army since 1940. Thanks, Obama!

Strike TWO for the Rabbi as he somehow thinks the number of bodies is what makes a military strong

No concept of modern military doctrine
he has no idea what he's talking about. He just wants more $$$. Don't ask him for what. He's against having his taxes raised to pay for whatever it is he doesn't know about either. rw circular logic.
"Defend freedom"? lol. Been there, done that, Again, I served active-duty. You? Not so much. I was "manning the wall" while you & your BF were going out to the diner for late night snuggling sessions :gay:.

I guess we shouldn't be surprised that East Germany had women keeping folks inside the wall.
back to topic people-

how potential republican primary candidates are not condemning Rudy for his gross comments.
ummm..... restoring the military??? How much do we spend on it now AND have you served?
Umm, we spend less than we did prior to WW2. What difference does it make whether I've served or not (the answer is No)? I also pay taxes here, unlike you. I can also assure you I've done more for the military than you ever have.

Prior to WWII we had the 18th biggest military in the world.

Today, our military is bigger than the next ten countries combined
That had to leave a mark. :redface: The Rabbi I was looking for a pie chart while you posted that.

Watch will be fun as The Rabbi cherry picks his data to support his bizarre statement
yep. the U.S. was a backwater prior to WW II. Roosevelt changed all that. A Democrat. Ironic for The Rabbi eh?

democrats turned us into a superpower
There, that's the metric I was looking for. Smallest army since 1940. Thanks, Obama!

Strike TWO for the Rabbi as he somehow thinks the number of bodies is what makes a military strong

No concept of modern military doctrine
Rabbi Rules #2!
You're way over quota for the day, nutsucker.
Nothing says......I am rightwingers bitch
More than Rabbi dedicating a sig to me

Notice how he has backed away from his ridiculous statement about the power of pre WWII military compared to today?

Only the Rabbi
Umm, we spend less than we did prior to WW2. What difference does it make whether I've served or not (the answer is No)? I also pay taxes here, unlike you. I can also assure you I've done more for the military than you ever have.

Prior to WWII we had the 18th biggest military in the world.

Today, our military is bigger than the next ten countries combined
That had to leave a mark. :redface: The Rabbi I was looking for a pie chart while you posted that.

Watch will be fun as The Rabbi cherry picks his data to support his bizarre statement
yep. the U.S. was a backwater prior to WW II. Roosevelt changed all that. A Democrat. Ironic for The Rabbi eh?

democrats turned us into a superpower
Exactly. Now the Repub- voters want to rewrite history to score cheap political points. Surprised?
Last edited:
Nice shot at deflection there toad!

Now can we get back to discussing Walker's skill at pushing liberals panic buttons?
Poor Walker has had a bad week
When asked about evolution........I'll punt
When asked if Obama is a Christian........I don't know
When asked if Obama loves America ......I don't know
I can't wait for Katie Couric to ask him what newspapers he reads

I have no issue with any if these answers... frankly, who cares what his views are on evolution are and why/how would he know if Obama is a Christian or if he truly loves America?

Are you lefties all this batshit crazy?

You can tell how good a President someone will be, by measuring:

1.) How loudly and hysterically liberals scream at him;
2.) How many lies they gin up about him;
3.) and how little evidence they present to back up what they say about him.

By the Lib-o-meter of this forum, it looks like Scott Walker is the best candidate Republicans have fielded in a long time.
Poor Walker has had a bad week
When asked about evolution........I'll punt
When asked if Obama is a Christian........I don't know
When asked if Obama loves America ......I don't know
I can't wait for Katie Couric to ask him what newspapers he reads

I have no issue with any if these answers... frankly, who cares what his views are on evolution are and why/how would he know if Obama is a Christian or if he truly loves America?

Are you lefties all this batshit crazy?

You can tell how good a President someone will be, by measuring:

1.) How loudly and hysterically liberals scream at him;
2.) How many lies they gin up about him;
3.) and how little evidence they present to back up what they say about him.

By the Lib-o-meter of this forum, it looks like Scott Walker is the best candidate Republicans have fielded in a long time.

Chris Mathews said Ed Schultz almost "got him" referring to Walker.
There, that's the metric I was looking for. Smallest army since 1940. Thanks, Obama!

Strike TWO for the Rabbi as he somehow thinks the number of bodies is what makes a military strong

No concept of modern military doctrine
Rabbi Rules #2!
You're way over quota for the day, nutsucker.
Nothing says......I am rightwingers bitch
More than Rabbi dedicating a sig to me

Notice how he has backed away from his ridiculous statement about the power of pre WWII military compared to today?

Only the Rabbi
I didnt back away. I proved it and moved on.
Wow you have some man crush on me or something, always trying to get me to notice you. Proud when I do. I'm a happily married man so knock it off.
There, that's the metric I was looking for. Smallest army since 1940. Thanks, Obama!

Strike TWO for the Rabbi as he somehow thinks the number of bodies is what makes a military strong

No concept of modern military doctrine
Rabbi Rules #2!
You're way over quota for the day, nutsucker.
Nothing says......I am rightwingers bitch
More than Rabbi dedicating a sig to me

Notice how he has backed away from his ridiculous statement about the power of pre WWII military compared to today?

Only the Rabbi
I didnt back away. I proved it and moved on.
Wow you have some man crush on me or something, always trying to get me to notice you. Proud when I do. I'm a happily married man so knock it off.

Self proclamed victories are so shallow........don't you think?
There, that's the metric I was looking for. Smallest army since 1940. Thanks, Obama!

Strike TWO for the Rabbi as he somehow thinks the number of bodies is what makes a military strong

No concept of modern military doctrine
Rabbi Rules #2!
You're way over quota for the day, nutsucker.
Nothing says......I am rightwingers bitch
More than Rabbi dedicating a sig to me

Notice how he has backed away from his ridiculous statement about the power of pre WWII military compared to today?

Only the Rabbi
I didnt back away. I proved it and moved on.
Wow you have some man crush on me or something, always trying to get me to notice you. Proud when I do. I'm a happily married man so knock it off.

Self proclamed victories are so shallow........don't you think?
That's why they're all you've got.
There, that's the metric I was looking for. Smallest army since 1940. Thanks, Obama!

Strike TWO for the Rabbi as he somehow thinks the number of bodies is what makes a military strong

No concept of modern military doctrine
Rabbi Rules #2!
You're way over quota for the day, nutsucker.
Nothing says......I am rightwingers bitch
More than Rabbi dedicating a sig to me

Notice how he has backed away from his ridiculous statement about the power of pre WWII military compared to today?

Only the Rabbi
I didnt back away. I proved it and moved on.
Wow you have some man crush on me or something, always trying to get me to notice you. Proud when I do. I'm a happily married man so knock it off.

Self proclamed victories are so shallow........don't you think?
The Rabbi :laugh: First words out of his mouth are "rebuild the military" when:

A) he knows nothing about it


B) we're already spending $500 BILLION+/- yr to pay for what we already have (multiples more than the next 5 countries combined).

You can't make this stuff up

One way to "rebuild our military" is to keep them out of optional, wars-for-profit like Iraq. Ya think?

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