Scott Walker (R) knows how to fire up the conservative Repub Base AKA-

The Marxists are terrified of Scott Walker. He's been elected three times in a Democrat leaning state that is heavily invested in unions despite giving the unions the middle finger they've deserved for a long time.
you DO realize that he just :up: shot himself in the foot as far as the Indies & Undecideds (AKA- the "election determining" voters) are concerned? :eusa_whistle:
NO he clinched with them, refusing to get into childish non issues and instead focusing on what government is actually supposed to do.
What will the Republicans run on in 2016?

Obama is not on the ticket, so running against him seems nothing more than vindictive.

They shut down the government, caused our national credit rating to take a tumble, all out of a fit of pique and ineffective leadership in the House.

So 'red meat' for Conservatives is the current President?

What is the vision of the future under Republican leadership?

What is Republi9can leadership? Where is it and what has it accomplished?

He's a real nowhere man living in his nowhere land...
IOW's - :up: They have nothing to run on except for attacks on a two-term President who isn't up for another election. Sad. Even sadder is the fact that it will attract hate & fear voters like moths to a rw flame.
What will the Republicans run on in 2016?

Obama is not on the ticket, so running against him seems nothing more than vindictive.

They shut down the government, caused our national credit rating to take a tumble, all out of a fit of pique and ineffective leadership in the House.

So 'red meat' for Conservatives is the current President?

What is the vision of the future under Republican leadership?

What is Republi9can leadership? Where is it and what has it accomplished?

He's a real nowhere man living in his nowhere land...
Wow, desperate.
You're going to base opposiition to the GOP candidate on actions taken 2-3 years ago by Congress and the President. That's reaching.

The GOP will run and win on restoring this country's military and economic power, rolling back the regulatory and tax excesses of the last 8 years, ending the failed policies of Barak Hussein Obama, and making America proud again.
Wow, desperate.
You're going to base opposiition to the GOP candidate on actions taken 2-3 years ago by Congress and the President. That's reaching.

The GOP will run and win on restoring this country's military and economic power, rolling back the regulatory and tax excesses of the last 8 years, ending the failed policies of Barak Hussein Obama, and making America proud again.
ummm..... restoring the military??? How much do we spend on it now AND have you served?
The left isn't satisfied anymore with political correctness just being not saying things they object to, now political correctness is moving to include not saying things they want you to say

I've said this a while back...It's not going to be enough if you are a republican/conservative who doesn't have one problem with gays on any level...Live and let live.....
Soon that's not going to be acceptable....
We will have to be pro gay.....
Taking it to the next level it will not be enough to say ....I'm not gay....
How can we know if we never tried it.....

Well I never dunked my head into a deep fryer but I know I'm not gonna like it.....

I hope the Libs will never have so much power as them making us do gay shit.
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Wow, desperate.
You're going to base opposiition to the GOP candidate on actions taken 2-3 years ago by Congress and the President. That's reaching.

The GOP will run and win on restoring this country's military and economic power, rolling back the regulatory and tax excesses of the last 8 years, ending the failed policies of Barak Hussein Obama, and making America proud again.
ummm..... restoring the military??? How much do we spend on it now AND have you served?
Umm, we spend less than we did prior to WW2. What difference does it make whether I've served or not (the answer is No)? I also pay taxes here, unlike you. I can also assure you I've done more for the military than you ever have.
If the gop runs against Obama, they'll lose. They have to run FOR something. And that's why Walker's strange silence should haunt him in a general. He'll be asked to explain it. And, you know the networks will be on it.
dimocraps are the scum of the earth....

CNN Lib Sally Kohn: “I Want My Kid To Be Gay”…

Then again, this is Sally Kohn saying this.

Via WaPo:

I live in the liberal bubble of Park Slope, Brooklyn, where no yuppie would ever admit to wanting their kid to be anything in particular, other than happy. But more often than not, we define happiness as some variation on our own lives, or at least the lives of our expectations. If we went to college, we want our kids to go to college. If we like sports, we want our kids to like sports. If we vote Democrat, of course we want our kids to vote Democrat.

I’m gay. And I want my kid to be gay, too.

Many of my straight friends, even the most liberal, see this logic as warped. It’s one thing for them to admit that they would prefer their kids to be straight, something they’ll only begrudgingly confess. But wanting my daughter to be a lesbian? I might as well say I want her to grow up to be lactose intolerant.

“Don’t you want her to be happy?” one friend asked. Perhaps he just meant that it’s easier to be straight in a homophobic culture. But this attitude complies with, even reinforces, that culture in the first place. A less-charitable interpretation is that he thinks being straight is superior. When I was a teenager, my father cautioned me against marrying a black person. “I’m just trying to protect you,” he said. But it was impossible to know whether he meant to insulate me from the world’s bias or implicitly rationalize his own.
If the gop runs against Obama, they'll lose. They have to run FOR something. And that's why Walker's strange silence should haunt him in a general. He'll be asked to explain it. And, you know the networks will be on it.
Yes people totally decide who to vote for based on their views about unknowables.
The Marxists are terrified of Scott Walker. He's been elected three times in a Democrat leaning state that is heavily invested in unions despite giving the unions the middle finger they've deserved for a long time.
you DO realize that he just :up: shot himself in the foot as far as the Indies & Undecideds (AKA- the "election determining" voters) are concerned? :eusa_whistle:

I realize you want to believe that.
Wow, desperate.
You're going to base opposiition to the GOP candidate on actions taken 2-3 years ago by Congress and the President. That's reaching.

The GOP will run and win on restoring this country's military and economic power, rolling back the regulatory and tax excesses of the last 8 years, ending the failed policies of Barak Hussein Obama, and making America proud again.
ummm..... restoring the military??? How much do we spend on it now AND have you served?
Umm, we spend less than we did prior to WW2. What difference does it make whether I've served or not (the answer is No)? I also pay taxes here, unlike you. I can also assure you I've done more for the military than you ever have.
I pay taxes and I served active duty. Suffice it to say, I know a tad bit more about it than you and we spend a bundle of the discretionary budget on it. In a nutshell, you don't know what you're talking about son The Rabbi .

why you started your post out declaring "rebuilding the military" is a mystery given they are well funded & you have zero idea as to what they need.
Wow, desperate.
You're going to base opposiition to the GOP candidate on actions taken 2-3 years ago by Congress and the President. That's reaching.

The GOP will run and win on restoring this country's military and economic power, rolling back the regulatory and tax excesses of the last 8 years, ending the failed policies of Barak Hussein Obama, and making America proud again.
ummm..... restoring the military??? How much do we spend on it now AND have you served?
Umm, we spend less than we did prior to WW2. What difference does it make whether I've served or not (the answer is No)? I also pay taxes here, unlike you. I can also assure you I've done more for the military than you ever have.

Prior to WWII we had the 17th biggest military in the world.

Today, our military is bigger than the next ten countries combined

Excerpt - General George C. Marshall Strategic Leadership and the Challenges of Reconstituting the Army 1939-41
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What will the Republicans run on in 2016?

Obama is not on the ticket, so running against him seems nothing more than vindictive.

They shut down the government, caused our national credit rating to take a tumble, all out of a fit of pique and ineffective leadership in the House.

So 'red meat' for Conservatives is the current President?

What is the vision of the future under Republican leadership?

What is Republi9can leadership? Where is it and what has it accomplished?

He's a real nowhere man living in his nowhere land...
IOW's - :up: They have nothing to run on except for attacks on a two-term President who isn't up for another election. Sad. Even sadder is the fact that it will attract hate & fear voters like moths to a rw flame.
The best they can do is sit around the campfire and tell ghost stories about a lame duck President.
What will the Republicans run on in 2016?

Obama is not on the ticket, so running against him seems nothing more than vindictive.

They shut down the government, caused our national credit rating to take a tumble, all out of a fit of pique and ineffective leadership in the House.

So 'red meat' for Conservatives is the current President?

What is the vision of the future under Republican leadership?

What is Republi9can leadership? Where is it and what has it accomplished?

He's a real nowhere man living in his nowhere land...
Wow, desperate.
You're going to base opposiition to the GOP candidate on actions taken 2-3 years ago by Congress and the President. That's reaching.

The GOP will run and win on restoring this country's military and economic power, rolling back the regulatory and tax excesses of the last 8 years, ending the failed policies of Barak Hussein Obama, and making America proud again.
I never mentioned any Republican candidate. I'm incredulous that all the Republicans have to run on is opposition to a lame duck President!
Wow, desperate.
You're going to base opposiition to the GOP candidate on actions taken 2-3 years ago by Congress and the President. That's reaching.

The GOP will run and win on restoring this country's military and economic power, rolling back the regulatory and tax excesses of the last 8 years, ending the failed policies of Barak Hussein Obama, and making America proud again.
ummm..... restoring the military??? How much do we spend on it now AND have you served?
Umm, we spend less than we did prior to WW2. What difference does it make whether I've served or not (the answer is No)? I also pay taxes here, unlike you. I can also assure you I've done more for the military than you ever have.

Prior to WWII we had the 18th biggest military in the world.

Today, our military is bigger than the next ten countries combined
That had to leave a mark. :redface: The Rabbi I was looking for a pie chart while you posted that. This is from 2013 when, quelle surprise, Obama was still President.

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Wow, desperate.
You're going to base opposiition to the GOP candidate on actions taken 2-3 years ago by Congress and the President. That's reaching.

The GOP will run and win on restoring this country's military and economic power, rolling back the regulatory and tax excesses of the last 8 years, ending the failed policies of Barak Hussein Obama, and making America proud again.
ummm..... restoring the military??? How much do we spend on it now AND have you served?
Umm, we spend less than we did prior to WW2. What difference does it make whether I've served or not (the answer is No)? I also pay taxes here, unlike you. I can also assure you I've done more for the military than you ever have.

Prior to WWII we had the 18th biggest military in the world.

Today, our military is bigger than the next ten countries combined
That had to leave a mark. :redface: The Rabbi I was looking for a pie chart while you posted that.

Watch will be fun as The Rabbi cherry picks his data to support his bizarre statement
Wow, desperate.
You're going to base opposiition to the GOP candidate on actions taken 2-3 years ago by Congress and the President. That's reaching.

The GOP will run and win on restoring this country's military and economic power, rolling back the regulatory and tax excesses of the last 8 years, ending the failed policies of Barak Hussein Obama, and making America proud again.
ummm..... restoring the military??? How much do we spend on it now AND have you served?
Umm, we spend less than we did prior to WW2. What difference does it make whether I've served or not (the answer is No)? I also pay taxes here, unlike you. I can also assure you I've done more for the military than you ever have.
I pay taxes and I served active duty. Suffice it to say, I know a tad bit more about it than you and we spend a bundle of the discretionary budget on it. In a nutshell, you don't know what you're talking about son The Rabbi .

why you started your post out declaring "rebuilding the military" is a mystery given they are well funded & you have zero idea as to what they need.
Wow, desperate.
You're going to base opposiition to the GOP candidate on actions taken 2-3 years ago by Congress and the President. That's reaching.

The GOP will run and win on restoring this country's military and economic power, rolling back the regulatory and tax excesses of the last 8 years, ending the failed policies of Barak Hussein Obama, and making America proud again.
ummm..... restoring the military??? How much do we spend on it now AND have you served?
Umm, we spend less than we did prior to WW2. What difference does it make whether I've served or not (the answer is No)? I also pay taxes here, unlike you. I can also assure you I've done more for the military than you ever have.

Prior to WWII we had the 18th biggest military in the world.

Today, our military is bigger than the next ten countries combined
That had to leave a mark. :redface: The Rabbi I was looking for a pie chart while you posted that.

Watch will be fun as The Rabbi cherry picks his data to support his bizarre statement
yep. the U.S. was a backwater prior to WW II. Roosevelt changed all that. A Democrat. Ironic for The Rabbi eh?
Wow, desperate.
You're going to base opposiition to the GOP candidate on actions taken 2-3 years ago by Congress and the President. That's reaching.

The GOP will run and win on restoring this country's military and economic power, rolling back the regulatory and tax excesses of the last 8 years, ending the failed policies of Barak Hussein Obama, and making America proud again.
ummm..... restoring the military??? How much do we spend on it now AND have you served?
Umm, we spend less than we did prior to WW2. What difference does it make whether I've served or not (the answer is No)? I also pay taxes here, unlike you. I can also assure you I've done more for the military than you ever have.

Prior to WWII we had the 17th biggest military in the world.

Today, our military is bigger than the next ten countries combined

Excerpt - General George C. Marshall Strategic Leadership and the Challenges of Reconstituting the Army 1939-41
So what? Talk about cherry picking.

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