Scott Walker: We might have to take military action on Day One

nulcear iran will be the primary reason the GOP will take the white house, the nominee needs to go to manhattan and warn them what will happen to new york if we let Iran build bombs.
Iran will never launch

there's no chance of winning
They have no desire to win in any secular sense. That is the difference. Those who are too young and/or naive don't realize that Iran's theocratic, totalitarian goal is apocalyptic.
Nuke weapons are expensive to make, hard to build and easily taken out by the worlds major powers.

There will not be a WW3 with nukes b/c no one can win, the iranians are crazy but they still want to win and part of winning is being alive.
This will get Walker lots of votes from the Right.

Scott Walker We might have to take military action on Day One - The Washington Post

A dispute has erupted between Scott Walker and Jeb Bush over how to handle the task of undoing Obama’s Iran deal as president, with Bush hinting that Walker is approaching the issue with a lack of maturity, and Walker suggesting that Bush is not zealous enough about confronting the enemy.

Walker is also saying that it’s “very possible” the next president will have to take military action on Day One of his presidency — though it’s unclear whether he means against Iran in particular, or more generally.

Nothing wrong with what he said. Every President should be ready to do whatever it takes to protect this country and leave nothing off the table.
nulcear iran will be the primary reason the GOP will take the white house, the nominee needs to go to manhattan and warn them what will happen to new york if we let Iran build bombs.
Iran will never launch

there's no chance of winning

You are relying on the rationality of theological zelots.

The Japanese had no real chance of winning, and thy went ahead with Pearl Harbor anyway.

And any attack wouldn't be aimed at us, nukes would try to wipe out enough Israelis and withstand any retaliation to make the whole thing a fait accompli.
so what's the beef here?

you all haven't cared Obama has BOMBED seven different countries leaving MILLIONS to fend off the vultures who swoop in on them

you prefer his chicken shit way of doing things, I guess
I think Scott means he'll conduct military exercises on Day 1 in hostile Democrat controlled cities to simulate counter-insurgency
Making statements like this might help Walker in the primary, but doom him in the General.
When you buy too much milk and figger out it's gonna spoil you do creative stuff like make a custard (quiche to you libbies). And so it should be with nuclear materials. They, like milk, degrade with time.

Can't let expensive stuff go wasted and unused, can we?
Yeah we need more war to keep the bankers and defense contractors even more flush with cash.

War is always the health of the state.
Actually, energy supply negates that and unfortunately we have a president who intentionally stifles energy supply.
This will get Walker lots of votes from the Right.

Scott Walker We might have to take military action on Day One - The Washington Post

A dispute has erupted between Scott Walker and Jeb Bush over how to handle the task of undoing Obama’s Iran deal as president, with Bush hinting that Walker is approaching the issue with a lack of maturity, and Walker suggesting that Bush is not zealous enough about confronting the enemy.

Walker is also saying that it’s “very possible” the next president will have to take military action on Day One of his presidency — though it’s unclear whether he means against Iran in particular, or more generally.
Not sure what the issue is here...?
nulcear iran will be the primary reason the GOP will take the white house, the nominee needs to go to manhattan and warn them what will happen to new york if we let Iran build bombs.
Iran will never launch

there's no chance of winning
They have no desire to win in any secular sense. That is the difference. Those who are too young and/or naive don't realize that Iran's theocratic, totalitarian goal is apocalyptic.
Nuke weapons are expensive to make, hard to build and easily taken out by the worlds major powers.

There will not be a WW3 with nukes b/c no one can win, the iranians are crazy but they still want to win and part of winning is being alive.
No. That it the difference in this scenario. They are religious fanatics. They will consider world destruction as a victory and feel they are destined by allah to make that happen.
nulcear iran will be the primary reason the GOP will take the white house, the nominee needs to go to manhattan and warn them what will happen to new york if we let Iran build bombs.
Iran will never launch

there's no chance of winning
They have no desire to win in any secular sense. That is the difference. Those who are too young and/or naive don't realize that Iran's theocratic, totalitarian goal is apocalyptic.
Nuke weapons are expensive to make, hard to build and easily taken out by the worlds major powers.

There will not be a WW3 with nukes b/c no one can win, the iranians are crazy but they still want to win and part of winning is being alive.
No. That it the difference in this scenario. They are religious fanatics. They will consider world destruction as a victory and feel they are destined by allah to make that happen.
Not so different than religious fanatics right here in the US.
nulcear iran will be the primary reason the GOP will take the white house, the nominee needs to go to manhattan and warn them what will happen to new york if we let Iran build bombs.
Iran will never launch

there's no chance of winning
They have no desire to win in any secular sense. That is the difference. Those who are too young and/or naive don't realize that Iran's theocratic, totalitarian goal is apocalyptic.
Nuke weapons are expensive to make, hard to build and easily taken out by the worlds major powers.

There will not be a WW3 with nukes b/c no one can win, the iranians are crazy but they still want to win and part of winning is being alive.
No. That it the difference in this scenario. They are religious fanatics. They will consider world destruction as a victory and feel they are destined by allah to make that happen.
Not so different than religious fanatics right here in the US.
We have islimic religious fanatics here in the US. That's what this is about. Islime poses way more of a threat than any other religious fanatics and to dispute that is bias and denial.
Iran will never launch

there's no chance of winning
They have no desire to win in any secular sense. That is the difference. Those who are too young and/or naive don't realize that Iran's theocratic, totalitarian goal is apocalyptic.
Nuke weapons are expensive to make, hard to build and easily taken out by the worlds major powers.

There will not be a WW3 with nukes b/c no one can win, the iranians are crazy but they still want to win and part of winning is being alive.
No. That it the difference in this scenario. They are religious fanatics. They will consider world destruction as a victory and feel they are destined by allah to make that happen.
Not so different than religious fanatics right here in the US.
We have islimic religious fanatics here in the US. That's what this is about. Islime poses way more of a threat than any other religious fanatics and to dispute that is bias and denial.
Evangelical Christians Want to Start WWIII to Speed the Second Coming ... and Atheist Neocons are Using Religion to Rile Them Up to Justify War Against Iran Washington s Blog
Millions of Evangelical Christians Want to Start WWIII to Speed the “Second Coming” … and Atheist Neocons are Using Religion to Rile Them Up to Justify War Against Iran
Posted on February 18, 2012 by WashingtonsBlog
Millions of Evangelical Christians Want to Start World War III … to Speed Up the Second Coming
The Founding Fathers weren’t particularly anti-Islam.

But millions of Americans believe that Christ will not come again until Israel wipes out its competitors and there is widespread war in the Middle East. Some of these folks want to start a huge fire of war and death and destruction, so that Jesus comes quickly.

According to French President Chirac, Bush told him that the Iraq war was needed to bring on the apocalypse:
They have no desire to win in any secular sense. That is the difference. Those who are too young and/or naive don't realize that Iran's theocratic, totalitarian goal is apocalyptic.
Nuke weapons are expensive to make, hard to build and easily taken out by the worlds major powers.

There will not be a WW3 with nukes b/c no one can win, the iranians are crazy but they still want to win and part of winning is being alive.
No. That it the difference in this scenario. They are religious fanatics. They will consider world destruction as a victory and feel they are destined by allah to make that happen.
Not so different than religious fanatics right here in the US.
We have islimic religious fanatics here in the US. That's what this is about. Islime poses way more of a threat than any other religious fanatics and to dispute that is bias and denial.
Evangelical Christians Want to Start WWIII to Speed the Second Coming ... and Atheist Neocons are Using Religion to Rile Them Up to Justify War Against Iran Washington s Blog
Millions of Evangelical Christians Want to Start WWIII to Speed the “Second Coming” … and Atheist Neocons are Using Religion to Rile Them Up to Justify War Against Iran
Posted on February 18, 2012 by WashingtonsBlog
Millions of Evangelical Christians Want to Start World War III … to Speed Up the Second Coming
The Founding Fathers weren’t particularly anti-Islam.

But millions of Americans believe that Christ will not come again until Israel wipes out its competitors and there is widespread war in the Middle East. Some of these folks want to start a huge fire of war and death and destruction, so that Jesus comes quickly.

According to French President Chirac, Bush told him that the Iraq war was needed to bring on the apocalypse:
That's what I mean by denial.
Muslims murder people with terror attacks by the score on a daily basis but we need to look out for apocalyptic Christians?
I'm going to go ahead and keep my eyes on the muslims. You're on your own.
This will get Walker lots of votes from the Right.

Scott Walker We might have to take military action on Day One - The Washington Post

A dispute has erupted between Scott Walker and Jeb Bush over how to handle the task of undoing Obama’s Iran deal as president, with Bush hinting that Walker is approaching the issue with a lack of maturity, and Walker suggesting that Bush is not zealous enough about confronting the enemy.

Walker is also saying that it’s “very possible” the next president will have to take military action on Day One of his presidency — though it’s unclear whether he means against Iran in particular, or more generally.
Not sure what the issue is here...?
it's just leftist pussies responding with fear whenever a con speaks.

they don't have the ability to think, so they respond how they are trained; Walker is a war monger who will send up to fight if he is elected.
nulcear iran will be the primary reason the GOP will take the white house, the nominee needs to go to manhattan and warn them what will happen to new york if we let Iran build bombs.
Iran will never launch

there's no chance of winning
They have no desire to win in any secular sense. That is the difference. Those who are too young and/or naive don't realize that Iran's theocratic, totalitarian goal is apocalyptic.
Nuke weapons are expensive to make, hard to build and easily taken out by the worlds major powers.

There will not be a WW3 with nukes b/c no one can win, the iranians are crazy but they still want to win and part of winning is being alive.
No. That it the difference in this scenario. They are religious fanatics. They will consider world destruction as a victory and feel they are destined by allah to make that happen.
Not so different than religious fanatics right here in the US.
that's so far from factual is shocking.
nulcear iran will be the primary reason the GOP will take the white house, the nominee needs to go to manhattan and warn them what will happen to new york if we let Iran build bombs.
Iran will never launch

there's no chance of winning
Presupposes that Iran would do this to win a war......

That would be a semi-sane thought process on their part. Evidence suggests that they are no where near sane...

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