SCOTUS: Throws out Detained Immigrants Deserve BOND Hearings! No Bond FOR YOU! Now Jail employers!

Baz Ares

Gold Member
Feb 2, 2017
The Supreme Court ruled Tuesday that immigrants the government has detained and is considering deporting aren’t entitled by law to a bond hearing after six months in detention and then every six months if they continue to be held

The Supreme Court on Tuesday said those held by the government and facing deportation are not entitled to a bond hearing even after months or years of detention.

The decision on the case, which had resulted in a deadlock before Justice Neil M. Gorsuch joined the court, has taken on added importance with President Trump’s order of a crackdown on immigration violations.

The ruling brought an impassioned dissent from Justice Stephen G. Breyer, who read part of it from the bench to underscore his disagreement.

In a splintered 5 to 3 decision, the court’s conservatives said that the relevant statute does not even “hint,” as Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr. wrote, at the broad reading of the right to bail hearings adopted by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit.Supreme Court rules that detained immigrants don't get automatic bond hearings

:yes_text12: ...And, I want their employers in jail with NO BOND HEARINGS AS WELL!

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