Screaming Topless Feminists storm Trump's polling station

Things like this don't happen in banana republics. There were no soldiers with guns at the doorway and no one stuffing the ballot boxes in the backroom.

Uh, Al Franken is bound to be around somewhere, stuffing the ballot boxes....

There is no such thing as an honest election that involves you Khmer Rouge democrats. All we can do is try and keep your corruption to a minimum.

Makes me wonder why I vote absentee ballot

You vote absetee so that you can engage in fraud and vote a dozen times.

You're a democrat.

I know you don't get out of the trailer park very often, but some of us do. And I voted absentee as well. And they only send you one big envelope with the watermarked goodies on the inside and the bar code on everything.
Things like this don't happen in banana republics. There were no soldiers with guns at the doorway and no one stuffing the ballot boxes in the backroom.

Uh, Al Franken is bound to be around somewhere, stuffing the ballot boxes....

There is no such thing as an honest election that involves you Khmer Rouge democrats. All we can do is try and keep your corruption to a minimum.

You really have nothing to say worth reading. Like so much pixelated methane. Buh-bye.
I know you don't get out of the trailer park very often, but some of us do. And I voted absentee as well. And they only send you one big envelope with the watermarked goodies on the inside and the bar code on everything.

Then the party sends you 10 more, under the names of dead people.......

Makes me wonder why I vote absentee ballot

You vote absetee so that you can engage in fraud and vote a dozen times.

You're a democrat.

I know you don't get out of the trailer park very often, but some of us do. And I voted absentee as well. And they only send you one big envelope with the watermarked goodies on the inside and the bar code on everything.

Corrupt repulsive party you are so in love with. Voting machines purposefully fixed to change votes, and you do not care. All kinds of evidence of voter fraud and you do not care. A-hole Obama tells illegals to go vote and no one will catch you and you do not care. This is the sickness that is in you. Plus that creep in your avatar is another major liar. All for the party of course, lie, deny, cover up, commit crimes, all for the cause.

You have no honor to stand on. What you have is an equally corrupt mainstream media that lets everyone get away with this evil. They, too, will be held accountable one day.
In most places, there are polling stations…. This is the first I heard of one belonging to a candidate specifically.
Me thinks your story is bull shit.

it's the polling station he is assigned to you dimwit.

And they are violating election laws by electioneering within a polling station.
She's not very sharp. Stop trying to confuse her with facts.
New York always has the breast polling places.

This isn't appropriate or legal in most states. You have to stay at least 100 feet away from a polling place to campaign. I mean NO ONE wants to see a naked Trump supporter running around anywhere.

And it is unAmerican to intimidate anyone while they are voting. They should have had a spot 150 feet away asking people to vote for HRC instead.

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