Sea level is already guaranteed to rise by 5 feet, climate scientist says

Some climate scientist saw a 'wave' at the beach and ran back to his publisher in a panic. "The water was rising right before my eyes!"
Or these climate scientists have been caught with a Lolita, or bank accounts have been padded significantly or etc etc etc

Yes, blackmail is powerful
No,that's a ridiculous, paranoid fantasy that just casts irrational doubt on all science, but you only pull it out ofyour ass when the science doesnt align with your fetishes or personal beliefs.

These physicists are all just doing fake science to get rich. You should stick a fork in an electrical outlet to show them you aren't fooled by their lies.
One side-effect of living in a democrat bubble is chronic hypocrisy. It's tragic, really.
The amount of CO2/PPM would not go down because of COVID, it would just go up a little less.
Power plants and other emitters were still churning it out. Did you stop driving? HVAC? Did the street lights go off?
IT was NOT "The day (year) the earth stood still."

Your usual STUPID 'deduction.'

Billions of people were suddenly doing 70% less of all of that yet no change in climate change, shocker.
Sure. Sure. Whatever, Boomer.

Nobody took a flight, car travel down 90%, offices vacant, stores and restaurants closed, no theaters or outings...and CO2 needle didn't move.

If you Nazi AGW Cultusts could IMPOSE those "planet saving" restrictions, it wouldn't do ANYTHING to lower deadly CO2
The left LIES! Amazon should do an original series show on them.
I'm crying from laughing so hard!!!

You're trying to say that 2020 was a normal year for human activity when running down the global economy like is was during the "Plandemic" was not even in the AGW Cult's most obscene fantasies!

Offices closed!

Schools closed!!

Restaurants closed!

Highways empty!!

If in fact humans were a major contributor to CO2 you would expect to see some leveling off during 2020, but it went up like it did every other year. Therefore, we postulate that human activity has almost absolutely no impact on CO2
no You're LYING again.
No I withdraw that. You are just BREATHTAKINGLY STUPID!
IT was Not normal it was as I said: "LESS".
But still with More CO2 ejected into the atmosphere.
Got it?
Power Plants still working, and many other factories providing Food, Trucks, etc

IF/when we get to -0- emissions as a planet the ACCUMULATED CO2 will start going down every year.
but we are not even close.
IOW, because you are STOOOOOOPID you don't realize that is a CUMULATIVE chart not a yearly one.
IF we had a yearly CO2 emissions chart 20/21 would be down/LESS in CO2 emissions from 19/20 but still pouring/adding **** into the air: just "less."

You are TOO STUPID TO DEBATE is the Problem.
I mean, we are talking under 80 IQ for Crusader Frank.

If you filled up your sink 3" today with the drain blocked, and ADDED only 1" tomorrow, you'd have 4" even tho it was less Added than the day before.
If you didn't add any it would Only then evaporate/dissipate/start going down.

I have to give really simple (over-simplified) examples to MORONS like Crusader and miketx.

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Or these climate scientists have been caught with a Lolita, or bank accounts have been padded significantly or etc etc etc

Yes, blackmail is powerful
What ridiculous, childish fantasy. Look at the idiotic lengths you have to go to, to maintain your idiot climate science denial.
Oh look, an article you never read. I suppose you think we are supposed to sift through it and spoonfeed it to you.

Yea, I wouldn't like an article that proved me wrong either, but your childish behavior about it is kind of telling. I never read it huh? Then how would I know its EXACTLY on topic? Certainly not by the title. That would require reading, something you obviously didn't like to do because it shows you how wrong and stupid you are.

Why would I need you to spoonfeed me information showing you fucking stupid lefties are wrong again? I can read for myself, I know YOU didn't read it because you don't want to be proven wrong. Which of course happens all the time with idiots like yourself.

It says by 2020 all these beaches would be under water. They aren't, so why don't you just admit you fucking lefties are wrong? That would take class, something you haven't been near since grade school. After all, how can the party of "ICE AGE!!!" in the 70's be the same party of "GLOBAL WARMING!!" in the 90s and 2000's and be expected to be taken seriously?
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Yea, I wouldn't like an article that proved me wrong either, but your childish behavior about it is kind of telling. I never read it huh? Then how would I know its EXACTLY on topic? Certainly not by the title. That would require reading, something you obviously didn't like to do because it shows you how wrong and stupid you are.

Why would I need you to spoonfeed me information showing you fucking stupid lefties are wrong again? I can read for myself, I know YOU didn't read it because you don't want to be proven wrong. Which of course happens all the time with idiots like yourself.

It says by 2020 all these beaches would be under water. They aren't, so why don't you just admit you fucking lefties are wrong? That would take class, something you haven't been near since grade school. After all, how can the party of "ICE AGE!!!" in the 70's be the same party of "GLOBAL WARMING!!" in the 90s and 2000's and be expected to be taken seriously?
You definitely never read it. You only gobbled up a liar's lies about it that you found in the white wing blogosphere. And now you think you debunked decades of climate science. Hilarious.
Check it out.

Yet another denier butthurt hysterics thread.

We just don't have enough of those here.

But then, it's not like they can do anything else. They're all 'effin imbeciles who are incapable of discussing the topic. They spend their days trying to stop the adults from having adult discussions, by way of constant deflections and weirdass conspiracy theories.

Now do what you do best, deniers. Run back to your masters, lick their fascist boots with gusto, and beg for more lies that you can repeat.

Remember, follow the money. All the corrupting money goes into denier pockets, which is why all of the corruption is on the denier side. They then project their own festering corruption on to ethical people as a way of covering it up. Any honest scientist could double their salary by lying for the deniers. They don't. They effectively take a pay cut by refusing to lie, which gives them even more cred.

And by the way, the fact that the climate scientists have been correct with all their predictions shouldn't give them credibility. Oh wait, it should. That is, if you're not a cult imbecile.
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Check it out.

Yet another denier butthurt hysterics thread.

We just don't have enough of those here.

But then, it's not like they can do anything else. They're all 'effin imbeciles who are incapable of discussing the topic. They spend their days trying to stop the adults from having adult discussions, by way of constant deflections and weirdass conspiracy theories.

Now do what you do best, deniers. Run back to your masters, lick their fascist boots with gusto, and beg for more lies that you can repeat.

Remember, follow the money. All the corrupting money goes into denier pockets, which is why all of the corruption is on the denier side. They then project their own festering corruption on to ethical people as a way of covering it up. Any honest scientist could double their salary by lying for the deniers. They don't. They effectively take a pay cut by refusing to lie, which gives them even more cred.

And by the way, the fact that the climate scientists have been correct with all their predictions shouldn't give them credibility. Oh wait, it should. That is, if you're not a cult imbecile.

And all they can say is "but you didn't read the article."

Kinda lame but it is the left we're talking about here.
And all they can say is "but you didn't read the article."
Because you didn't. You couldn't summarize a single point from it in your own words, if your life depended on it. I am supposed to sift through the steaming pile you pinched off and try to figure out your point? Uh, no.
Because you didn't. You couldn't summarize a single point from it in your own words, if your life depended on it. I am supposed to sift through the steaming pile you pinched off and try to figure out your point? Uh, no.

A single point from it:

The beaches that the liberals said would be gone in 2020 are still there, and even listed on the "top beaches to visit" list.

Now go fuck yourself.

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