sean hannity

Listened to him on the way home and he is going on and on about the democrats plot against women as if democrats actually passed legislation that would hurt republicans have. Of course Ann Romney worked hard raising 5 boys but she has never had to worry about whether or not she would be able to put food on the table. She has never had to work outside the home and that is fine with me. Just don't pretend to know what it is like to raise children and also working outside the home to make sure she can put food on the table. She has never had to worry about such things. He is also worried about taxes going up for the wealthy stating that he is barely making it by as it is. If I made 22 million a year spreading hate, fear and propaganda, I don't think I would mind paying a little extra. Yet, republicans are proud to have this disgusting slug as a member of their party. Go figure.

Why do people just ASSSSSSsume the Romney's were always rich! ASSSSsuming without facts well makes you an AAASSSSS!

I keep reposting and reposting about the young Romney couples early beginnings, yet liberals will ignore it!

The Romney's had their first kid in 1970, the second in 1971, third in 1975. During this time they were poor just out of college married couple renting a $75 a month basement apartment, scraping by like the rest of us! No silver spoon!

Romney got a consult job after law school in 1975 and made decent money, but was part of the middle class!
Plenty of 'pitting' preceded Romney's profits | Deseret News

It wasn't until 1977 that be joined Bain & Company. He worked hard and making in the $100Ks. Upper middle class, but not the zillionaire that he later became

He finally started his own company in 1983 (Note: his son's were 13, 12, 8, 5 & 2), but he didn't start to see real success from it until 1986 (his son's were 16, 15, 11, 8 & 5), in fact those first 3 years were tough times, like most starts ups!

Plenty of 'pitting' preceded Romney's profits | Deseret News

After that Romney's Bain Capital went on to make him tens of millions of dollars. Yet for a good chunk of the time, the Romney's were raising their children from modest beginnings and in middle (later upper middle) class settings! Before he hit it big two of his son's were thinking college and one was applying for college!

Sorry, but Ann Romney's raising of at least her first 3 children was just as challenging as anyone else's!
Listened to him on the way home and he is going on and on about the democrats plot against women as if democrats actually passed legislation that would hurt republicans have. Of course Ann Romney worked hard raising 5 boys but she has never had to worry about whether or not she would be able to put food on the table. She has never had to work outside the home and that is fine with me. Just don't pretend to know what it is like to raise children and also working outside the home to make sure she can put food on the table. She has never had to worry about such things. He is also worried about taxes going up for the wealthy stating that he is barely making it by as it is. If I made 22 million a year spreading hate, fear and propaganda, I don't think I would mind paying a little extra. Yet, republicans are proud to have this disgusting slug as a member of their party. Go figure.

What have they passed?

A joynt, because they sure haven't passed a budget!
Listened to him on the way home and he is going on and on about the democrats plot against women as if democrats actually passed legislation that would hurt republicans have. Of course Ann Romney worked hard raising 5 boys but she has never had to worry about whether or not she would be able to put food on the table. She has never had to work outside the home and that is fine with me. Just don't pretend to know what it is like to raise children and also working outside the home to make sure she can put food on the table. She has never had to worry about such things. He is also worried about taxes going up for the wealthy stating that he is barely making it by as it is. If I made 22 million a year spreading hate, fear and propaganda, I don't think I would mind paying a little extra. Yet, republicans are proud to have this disgusting slug as a member of their party. Go figure.

What have they passed?

Scott Walker just made it so women cannot fight for equal pay in Wisconsin and republican governors in other states did the same thing. They more than anything want to de-fund planned parenthood because 3% of activities there have something to do with abortion even though republican law makers have stated that it is 96 to 100%. The fact that democrats have an 18% advantage over republicans with women voters in this country should perhaps give you a clue, maybe not.

Walker just balanced a crippling budget, without raising taxes or laying off ONE teacher! In fact WI is one of the FEW states hiring teachers. So he helped WI by making sure their taxes don't increase, have more teachers to teach their kids, balance the budget to keep the state services going and ADDING teachers so more women (and men) can work!

In IL, which already has the highest taxes in the nation. They are laying off teachers left and right, raising taxes and providing children an even worse education!
Listened to him on the way home and he is going on and on about the democrats plot against women as if democrats actually passed legislation that would hurt republicans have. Of course Ann Romney worked hard raising 5 boys but she has never had to worry about whether or not she would be able to put food on the table. She has never had to work outside the home and that is fine with me. Just don't pretend to know what it is like to raise children and also working outside the home to make sure she can put food on the table. She has never had to worry about such things. He is also worried about taxes going up for the wealthy stating that he is barely making it by as it is. If I made 22 million a year spreading hate, fear and propaganda, I don't think I would mind paying a little extra. Yet, republicans are proud to have this disgusting slug as a member of their party. Go figure.

Why do people just ASSSSSSsume the Romney's were always rich! ASSSSsuming without facts well makes you an AAASSSSS!

I keep reposting and reposting about the young Romney couples early beginnings, yet liberals will ignore it!

The Romney's had their first kid in 1970, the second in 1971, third in 1975. During this time they were poor just out of college married couple renting a $75 a month basement apartment, scraping by like the rest of us! No silver spoon!

Romney got a consult job after law school in 1975 and made decent money, but was part of the middle class!
Plenty of 'pitting' preceded Romney's profits | Deseret News

It wasn't until 1977 that be joined Bain & Company. He worked hard and making in the $100Ks. Upper middle class, but not the zillionaire that he later became

He finally started his own company in 1983 (Note: his son's were 13, 12, 8, 5 & 2), but he didn't start to see real success from it until 1986 (his son's were 16, 15, 11, 8 & 5), in fact those first 3 years were tough times, like most starts ups!

Plenty of 'pitting' preceded Romney's profits | Deseret News

After that Romney's Bain Capital went on to make him tens of millions of dollars. Yet for a good chunk of the time, the Romney's were raising their children from modest beginnings and in middle (later upper middle) class settings! Before he hit it big two of his son's were thinking college and one was applying for college!

Sorry, but Ann Romney's raising of at least her first 3 children was just as challenging as anyone else's!

Sure, he started out a poor black child.

But the real problem is his love of France.

How will the conz reconcile that fact?
Dem's passed the welfare act and it did harm women greatly.
It forced women to get rid of their spouses, they had to be single. In order to get more money they had to have more children. It also did great harm to their self esteem.

Do some take advantage of the system, you bet. Are they the majority, absolutely not. But of course, you need to think that because you were told to.

I was not told, the facts stated, come from the government statistics at their web site.
I'm not talking about women who take advantage of the system. I'm talking about breaking up the family unit.. You MUST be single in order to get welfare. It did great harm to the family unit. It kept them in poverty for generations.

You also must have children. The more you have, the more money you get.
I googled Sean Hannity and Brownsville, checking to see if that is where he finally did his Waterboarding for Charity. Nope.
Sounds like some should actually really listen to Sean, as he is far from a hateful person...:)

They don't WANT to, my God they CAN'T. I mean it just CAN'T be true what he says, but that's not what Rachel Maddow and Chris Matthews say. And everyone KNOWS that THEY don't lie!!!:doubt:
Listened to him on the way home and he is going on and on about the democrats plot against women as if democrats actually passed legislation that would hurt republicans have. Of course Ann Romney worked hard raising 5 boys but she has never had to worry about whether or not she would be able to put food on the table. She has never had to work outside the home and that is fine with me. Just don't pretend to know what it is like to raise children and also working outside the home to make sure she can put food on the table. She has never had to worry about such things. He is also worried about taxes going up for the wealthy stating that he is barely making it by as it is. If I made 22 million a year spreading hate, fear and propaganda, I don't think I would mind paying a little extra. Yet, republicans are proud to have this disgusting slug as a member of their party. Go figure.

Dem's passed the welfare act and it did harm women greatly.
It forced women to get rid of their spouses, they had to be single. In order to get more money they had to have more children. It also did great harm to their self esteem.

Democrats are fantastic politicians. They have forced women into generational poverty and gubmint dependency, and the enslaved still thank and defend the Left.
Sounds like some should actually really listen to Sean, as he is far from a hateful person...:)

They don't WANT to, my God they CAN'T. I mean it just CAN'T be true what he says, but that's not what Rachel Maddow and Chris Matthews say. And everyone KNOWS that THEY don't lie!!!:doubt:

I have not watched NBC/MSNBC in a long time because they are just not capable of telling the truth.....remember this last scandal where NBC edited a 911 no, I am not watching least with Fox you get to hear both sides of a story...
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Listened to him on the way home and he is going on and on about the democrats plot against women as if democrats actually passed legislation that would hurt republicans have. Of course Ann Romney worked hard raising 5 boys but she has never had to worry about whether or not she would be able to put food on the table. She has never had to work outside the home and that is fine with me. Just don't pretend to know what it is like to raise children and also working outside the home to make sure she can put food on the table. She has never had to worry about such things. He is also worried about taxes going up for the wealthy stating that he is barely making it by as it is. If I made 22 million a year spreading hate, fear and propaganda, I don't think I would mind paying a little extra. Yet, republicans are proud to have this disgusting slug as a member of their party. Go figure.

Do elaborate...
Listening to conservatives say that women should be allowed to "choose" how to live and what to do is pretty hilarious because I know they don't really mean it.
Listened to him on the way home and he is going on and on about the democrats plot against women as if democrats actually passed legislation that would hurt republicans have. Of course Ann Romney worked hard raising 5 boys but she has never had to worry about whether or not she would be able to put food on the table. She has never had to work outside the home and that is fine with me. Just don't pretend to know what it is like to raise children and also working outside the home to make sure she can put food on the table. She has never had to worry about such things. He is also worried about taxes going up for the wealthy stating that he is barely making it by as it is. If I made 22 million a year spreading hate, fear and propaganda, I don't think I would mind paying a little extra. Yet, republicans are proud to have this disgusting slug as a member of their party. Go figure.

Dem's passed the welfare act and it did harm women greatly.
It forced women to get rid of their spouses, they had to be single. In order to get more money they had to have more children. It also did great harm to their self esteem.

That would be LBJ's 'Great Society'

Men (conservative or liberal) have no business talking about women because they don't know what it's like being a woman.

Rosen rule! Woot!

Listening to conservatives say that women should be allowed to "choose" how to live and what to do is pretty hilarious because I know they don't really mean it.

Really? Because I have chosen how to live my whole life. Here's a newsflash - conservatives WANT people to choose their way of life, their jobs, whatever, to be independent and not dependent on the government.

What I would like to see woman have the choice over is to be able to shoot the sonofabitch who raped her or her child without being arrested for it. How's THAT for being able to "choose?" Oh, wait, that's not the choice you meant though.
Listened to him on the way home and he is going on and on about the democrats plot against women as if democrats actually passed legislation that would hurt republicans have. Of course Ann Romney worked hard raising 5 boys but she has never had to worry about whether or not she would be able to put food on the table. She has never had to work outside the home and that is fine with me. Just don't pretend to know what it is like to raise children and also working outside the home to make sure she can put food on the table. She has never had to worry about such things. He is also worried about taxes going up for the wealthy stating that he is barely making it by as it is. If I made 22 million a year spreading hate, fear and propaganda, I don't think I would mind paying a little extra. Yet, republicans are proud to have this disgusting slug as a member of their party. Go figure.

What have they passed?

Listened to him on the way home and he is going on and on about the democrats plot against women as if democrats actually passed legislation that would hurt republicans have. Of course Ann Romney worked hard raising 5 boys but she has never had to worry about whether or not she would be able to put food on the table. She has never had to work outside the home and that is fine with me. Just don't pretend to know what it is like to raise children and also working outside the home to make sure she can put food on the table. She has never had to worry about such things. He is also worried about taxes going up for the wealthy stating that he is barely making it by as it is. If I made 22 million a year spreading hate, fear and propaganda, I don't think I would mind paying a little extra. Yet, republicans are proud to have this disgusting slug as a member of their party. Go figure.

Dem's passed the welfare act and it did harm women greatly.
It forced women to get rid of their spouses, they had to be single. In order to get more money they had to have more children. It also did great harm to their self esteem.

That would be LBJ's 'Great Society'

Yes his "War On Poverty" which is one war that has yet to be won, even with Democrats controlling congress for 2 years. Hmmm. Kinda makes ya wonder, doesn't it? Least it does me.

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