Season Of The Witch: Hillary Clinton Hates 'Everyday Americans'...

Goddamnit Russia is interfering with our election by releasing the TRUTH, that's going to like totally wreck our election process if truth gets out. /sarcasm

Thankfully someone is speaking the truth, she sure doesn't ever do that. Except maybe sometimes in her private persona, even that's not been proven yet though.

The US has interfered with countless foreign nation elections for many many years. In fact, most of the illegal coups over many years have been orchestrated by the US. So this kind of high horse whining really is preposterous. No one meddles more in foreign nations' affairs than the US does. Period, end of story.

Well said :eusa_clap:
Goddamnit Russia is interfering with our election by releasing the TRUTH, that's going to like totally wreck our election process if truth gets out. /sarcasm

Our election process has been wrecked for a very long time. But getting some truth, really is refreshingly fascinating. It's a wonderful look into the inside goings on with evil Globalist Elites like Hillary Clinton. Truly enlightening. All hail Wikileaks!

Its high time the American people understand who these people really are. Hillary is out there on the campaign trail telling the people she loves them, behind the scenes her own campaign manager says she "hates everyday Americans". Does that sound like someone who is fit to be president of the United States???

This election will come down to the view they want to see our government become. The expansion of government with ACA, reaching out to illegals and refugees, all without a comprehension of the financial burden behind such actions. While another offering less political influence favors to foreign nations, with an enforcement of current laws over new ones on issues like illegal immigration.

We have a doubling of our nation's debt in 8 years, while China is not aiding in its bail-out with nothing in return. What foreign ties will these Wiki leaks reveal of Hillary Clinton's promises while representing the Obama administration as Secretary of State? Should we have a presidential candidate with their hands mixed in with foreign contribution connections to foreign governments? This is a woman who shows no evidence of a clear cut dividing line between foreign contributions to her Clinton foundation and their government influence that can be gained while she was Secretary of State.

The old hag sold us out no doubt.
So what have we learned? We learned that Hillary Clinton despises 'Everyday Americans.' We learned that she's completely out of touch by being 'Far removed from the middle class.' And we learned that a big part of the Globalist Democrat agenda is to hold onto power by way of creating an 'unaware compliant citizenry.'

So there ya have it America. You've now been informed. God knows, the corrupt American Media sure wasn't gonna do that. You've been given a wonderful rare gift. You've been given the gift of truth and reality. Please thank the brave souls at Wikileaks for it. They risk their lives to give you that gift. Now deal with this information as you may. Good luck and God bless America.
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It's how the Globalist Elites feel about Citizens. They consider them mere 'Livestock', to be used any way they see fit. Thank you Wikileaks for exposing more truth about them.

New Wikileaks emails released just moments ago include a shocking admission by Clinton campaign manager John Podesta that Hillary Clinton “has begun to hate everyday Americans”.

The whistleblower organization dumped part 3 of its Podesta email release today and this has to be the most jaw-dropping revelation yet.

The email, sent by Podesta on April 19, 2015, contains a discussion on what talking points Hillary should use in framing her candidacy for president in order to get a good head start.

“I know she has begun to hate everyday Americans, but I think we should use it once the first time she says I’m running for president because you and everyday Americans need a champion,” writes Podesta.

“I think if she doesn’t say it once, people will notice and say we false started in Iowa,” he concludes.

As we reported yesterday, another email between Podesta and Clinton campaign surrogate Bill Ivey talks about the need to maintain political power by producing “an unaware and compliant citizenry”.

A separate email released on Friday also contained Hillary’s own admission during a speech to Goldman Sachs that she is “far removed” from the middle class.

Read More:
Wikileaks Bombshell: Hillary Clinton ‘Hates Everyday Americans’
Right wing, Russia loving homophobic racist Republicans think they are "Everyday Americans". They always have.

Hey, it is how your girl feels about average Americans. She's a Globalist Elite asshole. Deal with it.
You can say anything. Proving it is another matter.

Like me saying: Right wing, Russia loving homophobic racist Republicans think they are "Everyday Americans".

Perhaps that's not the best example since it's something we all already know.

I'll try to think of a different example.

It's how the Globalist Elites feel about Citizens. They consider them mere 'Livestock', to be used any way they see fit. Thank you Wikileaks for exposing more truth about them.

New Wikileaks emails released just moments ago include a shocking admission by Clinton campaign manager John Podesta that Hillary Clinton “has begun to hate everyday Americans”.

The whistleblower organization dumped part 3 of its Podesta email release today and this has to be the most jaw-dropping revelation yet.

The email, sent by Podesta on April 19, 2015, contains a discussion on what talking points Hillary should use in framing her candidacy for president in order to get a good head start.

“I know she has begun to hate everyday Americans, but I think we should use it once the first time she says I’m running for president because you and everyday Americans need a champion,” writes Podesta.

“I think if she doesn’t say it once, people will notice and say we false started in Iowa,” he concludes.

As we reported yesterday, another email between Podesta and Clinton campaign surrogate Bill Ivey talks about the need to maintain political power by producing “an unaware and compliant citizenry”.

A separate email released on Friday also contained Hillary’s own admission during a speech to Goldman Sachs that she is “far removed” from the middle class.

Read More:
Wikileaks Bombshell: Hillary Clinton ‘Hates Everyday Americans’
Right wing, Russia loving homophobic racist Republicans think they are "Everyday Americans". They always have.

Hey, it is how your girl feels about average Americans. She's a Globalist Elite asshole. Deal with it.
You can say anything. Proving it is another matter.

Like me saying: Right wing, Russia loving homophobic racist Republicans think they are "Everyday Americans".

Perhaps that's not the best example since it's something we all already know.

I'll try to think of a different example.

Her own handlers acknowledge it. She despises 'Everyday Americans' and is detached by way of being 'Far removed from the middle class.' It is what it is.
i hate democrats every day so i guess it's fair, but it's only because the clintons.
i hate democrats every day so i guess it's fair, but it's only because the clintons.
Republicans will fight to the death to screw over the American people. That's why Trump is so popular with the right wing. When they heard he stiffs his workers, they said, "That's our guy".

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