Seattle saw a 23% increase in fatal shootings in 2022

What culture?

So you can rub elbows with faggots in dives?

If you have a family the lib culture very risky and degrading

The schools want to turn your children into transgenders who are barely recognizable as human

No thank you

Being within easy driving distance of a rock concert is just not worth the cost
dude, just stay in the wild then.

And stop with the whining.
Tulsa is barely 50% white, and the highest crime neighborhood there is near Tulsa's 'Martin Luther King Boulevard'.

TULSA, Okla. (KTUL) -- Tulsa police say alarming violent crime numbers, like shootings and murder, make the Valleyview neighborhood in north Tulsa dangerous.

The people who live there said they aren't surprised.

The Valleyview neighborhood is near 46th and Martin Luther King Boulevard.

"When people tell you they have to sleep on the floor of their home not because they don't have beds but because they're afraid of stray bullets, I'd say that's a problem," said Major Wendel Franklin.

Franklin oversees that part of town. He said a crime analyst looked at all violent crimes, and the most happened there.
From 31 to 38. That's only a mass killing or two. What's the problem? It's not as if anyone in the US cares enough about firearms fatalities to actually do anything useful about it except wibble 'Freedumb'.
The fact that we can assign numbers or percentages on the number of people getting murdered, etc. Shows just how indifferent people have become to crime. I remember an old star trek episode where the planet they visited had no crime because ANY criminal act had just one punishment and that was immediate death. Maybe we've gotten to that point and that's what we'll have to do.
Tobacco and Alcohol kill far more people than marijuana ever has. They are more dangerous and more addictive. It's always been a problem.

Really? So in your mind that's a big plus for legalizing stuff? lol yeah you have zero principles or moral sensibility. No wonder you're a commie. Smoke a rock, A big one.
Really? So in your mind that's a big plus for legalizing stuff? lol yeah you have zero principles or moral sensibility. No wonder you're a commie. Smoke a rock, A big one.
Greed and corruption have allowed tobacco and alcohol to remain legal. As soon as they figured out tobacco caused cancer they should have made it illegal. Unfortunately alcohol is still a leading cause of traffic deaths and is also still legal.
Greed and corruption have allowed tobacco and alcohol to remain legal. As soon as they figured out tobacco caused cancer they should have made it illegal. Unfortunately alcohol is still a leading cause of traffic deaths and is also still legal.

Keep trying to change the subject; it only keeps highlighting your pseudo-intellectual vacuousness. Hey, go buy a lot of fentanyl and eat that. Those cartels runnng around beheading Mexicans love your cash flow.
Keep trying to change the subject; it only keeps highlighting your pseudo-intellectual vacuousness. Hey, go buy a lot of fentanyl and eat that. Those cartels runnng around beheading Mexicans love your cash flow.
I'm talking total common sense, I don't confuse the issues like you people do.
I'm talking total common sense, I don't confuse the issues like you people do.
By the way if marijuana was made legal, the cartels would be out of business. They are part of the corruption that it's illegality promotes.
Really? So in your mind that's a big plus for legalizing stuff? lol yeah you have zero principles or moral sensibility. No wonder you're a commie. Smoke a rock, A big one.
I don't even know what a rock of drugs is, but you keep talking about drugs and you seem to know a lot about them. Do you have a drug problem. Please get help.
Shows just how indifferent people have become to crime.
Really, the point is Sandy Hook and all the other massacres showed mainstream American politicians would prefer to help people maintain their fantasies of being a cowboy rather than worrying about the lives of other people's school kids.

The squeaky wheels regard it as a good price for freedumb because they're usually not paying it.
Sure, with 40 mass shootings just 24 days into this year…

Your callus disregard for law and order is noted.

That is a lie........there have not been 40 mass public shootings this far, the Asian community has given us lying asshole.
Really, the point is Sandy Hook and all the other massacres showed mainstream American politicians would prefer to help people maintain their fantasies of being a cowboy rather than worrying about the lives of other people's school kids.

The squeaky wheels regard it as a good price for freedumb because they're usually not paying it.

You still haven't addressed the fact that Europe has murdered more people, in a shorter period of time, 6 years, 15 million people...than all of the gun murder in the U.S. over out entire 246 year history...showing that government taking guns is a bigger problem than criminals in the U.S. murdering other criminals.....

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