Second Arrow 3 Missile Test Successful


Gold Member
Apr 11, 2012
Where the wild things are
The Ministry of Defense announced Friday morning that they have completed another successful test of the Arrow 3 missile interception system. The interceptor was launched and performed well during all phases of flight, officials stated.

This is the second flight test conducted for the Arrow 3; the first, also successful, was conducted in February 2013. The project is overseen by the Ministry of Defense's Home Administration and the US Missile Defense Agency.

Arrow 3 is designed to intercept ballistic missiles that have a longer range and higher altitude than those covered by Arrow 2. The system is another vital component of the multi-layered defense system designed to protect the State of Israel, which includes the Arrow systems, the Iron Dome, and David's Sling. Arrow 3 covers the longest range of the missiles.

Second Arrow 3 Missile Test Successful - Defense/Security - News - Israel National News


The Ministry of Defense announced Friday morning that they have completed another successful test of the Arrow 3 missile interception system. The interceptor was launched and performed well during all phases of flight, officials stated.

This is the second flight test conducted for the Arrow 3; the first, also successful, was conducted in February 2013. The project is overseen by the Ministry of Defense's Home Administration and the US Missile Defense Agency.

Arrow 3 is designed to intercept ballistic missiles that have a longer range and higher altitude than those covered by Arrow 2. The system is another vital component of the multi-layered defense system designed to protect the State of Israel, which includes the Arrow systems, the Iron Dome, and David's Sling. Arrow 3 covers the longest range of the missiles.

Second Arrow 3 Missile Test Successful - Defense/Security - News - Israel National News


If Israel obeyed international law and cared about human rights, they wouldn't be having to spend all this money on defense.
The Ministry of Defense announced Friday morning that they have completed another successful test of the Arrow 3 missile interception system. The interceptor was launched and performed well during all phases of flight, officials stated.

This is the second flight test conducted for the Arrow 3; the first, also successful, was conducted in February 2013. The project is overseen by the Ministry of Defense's Home Administration and the US Missile Defense Agency.

Arrow 3 is designed to intercept ballistic missiles that have a longer range and higher altitude than those covered by Arrow 2. The system is another vital component of the multi-layered defense system designed to protect the State of Israel, which includes the Arrow systems, the Iron Dome, and David's Sling. Arrow 3 covers the longest range of the missiles.

Second Arrow 3 Missile Test Successful - Defense/Security - News - Israel National News


If Israel obeyed international law and cared about human rights, they wouldn't be having to spend all this money on defense.

Then how is it when they gave the muslims what they wanted the muslims increased rocket attacks 100 fold. This is the problem with NAZI ANTI SEMITIC JEW HATERS they cant see the reality of the situation in the M.E.

Even the PLO charter says that the land is all muslim and they will kill all the jews to get it back. What a stupid dhimmi you are to preach the Islamic LIES AND LIBELS
Then how is it when they gave the muslims what they wanted the muslims increased rocket attacks 100 fold. This is the problem with NAZI ANTI SEMITIC JEW HATERS they cant see the reality of the situation in the M.E.
Did the occupation end? No. Did the blockade end? No.

So what "giving" are your referring to?

Even the PLO charter says that the land is all muslim and they will kill all the jews to get it back. What a stupid dhimmi you are to preach the Islamic LIES AND LIBELS
They've also stated they'll accept a two-state solution, but Israel won't go for it.
Then how is it when they gave the muslims what they wanted the muslims increased rocket attacks 100 fold. This is the problem with NAZI ANTI SEMITIC JEW HATERS they cant see the reality of the situation in the M.E.
Did the occupation end? No. Did the blockade end? No.

So what "giving" are your referring to?

Even the PLO charter says that the land is all muslim and they will kill all the jews to get it back. What a stupid dhimmi you are to preach the Islamic LIES AND LIBELS
They've also stated they'll accept a two-state solution, but Israel won't go for it.

Your babbling doesn't necessarily sound like lies, just ignorant and untrue.

Let's be honest, islamic terrorists in Gaza’istan clearly are operating under the precepts of fascism and ideals of islamo-supremacy.

Examine the very worst atrocities taking place in the world today; Darfur, Iraq, India, Phillipines, Europoe, Africa etc., and you'll find the orthodox moslem doctrine of politico-religious fascism in play.

Your position is of an apologist and ill-informed.

This madness of calculated mass murder is not happening in the cause of any other faith on the globe at this time. It is only happening in the cause of Islam's jihad and it’s happening with the financial and logistical support of Arab/Moslem governments, sympathizers and enablers and it is definitely occurring frequently enough to require any objective, reasoned person consider that this problem is directly related to Islamic doctrine.

A sensible and reasoned person cannot sweep away the reality that if Moslems are genuinely concerned about "rights", (the very rights that Moslems demand for themselves but explicitly deny others), over the continuing incidents of mass murder in Allah’s name, then it falls to them to set forth, unequivocally, that reform to their ideology must be undertaken.
Your babbling doesn't necessarily sound like lies, just ignorant and untrue.

Let's be honest, islamic terrorists in Gaza’istan clearly are operating under the precepts of fascism and ideals of islamo-supremacy.

Examine the very worst atrocities taking place in the world today; Darfur, Iraq, India, Phillipines, Europoe, Africa etc., and you'll find the orthodox moslem doctrine of politico-religious fascism in play.

Your position is of an apologist and ill-informed.

This madness of calculated mass murder is not happening in the cause of any other faith on the globe at this time. It is only happening in the cause of Islam's jihad and it’s happening with the financial and logistical support of Arab/Moslem governments, sympathizers and enablers and it is definitely occurring frequently enough to require any objective, reasoned person consider that this problem is directly related to Islamic doctrine.

A sensible and reasoned person cannot sweep away the reality that if Moslems are genuinely concerned about "rights", (the very rights that Moslems demand for themselves but explicitly deny others), over the continuing incidents of mass murder in Allah’s name, then it falls to them to set forth, unequivocally, that reform to their ideology must be undertaken.
How they choose to worship GOD, is none of your racist, fucking business.

Just like Judaism, is none of their business.

My position is that Israel should be held accountable for the crimes they've committed. No one is above the law. So my position is, if Israel won't voluntarily obey the law, then we should send in a few military units and force them to. I think after 50 years, taking them out of the decision-making loop, is not unreasonable.
Then how is it when they gave the muslims what they wanted the muslims increased rocket attacks 100 fold. This is the problem with NAZI ANTI SEMITIC JEW HATERS they cant see the reality of the situation in the M.E.
Did the occupation end? No. Did the blockade end? No.

So what "giving" are your referring to?

Even the PLO charter says that the land is all muslim and they will kill all the jews to get it back. What a stupid dhimmi you are to preach the Islamic LIES AND LIBELS
They've also stated they'll accept a two-state solution, but Israel won't go for it.

Yes the occupation ended in August 2005. and the rockets increased 100 fold.

There was no blockade at the time, that was placed at a much later date.

The muslims were given all they asked for as the first part of the Oslo accords and broke International law and the Oslo accords by attacking Israel when they kept to their side of the agreement.

Because the PLO charter and the Khartoum resolution has never been rescinded the muslims cant say they will accept a two state solution. In fact as recently as 2008 they stated that they would not accept a two state solution. They refuse to even start talks until their illegal demands are met regarding non existent 1967 borders and hyper inflated right of return numbers.
Your babbling doesn't necessarily sound like lies, just ignorant and untrue.

Let's be honest, islamic terrorists in Gaza’istan clearly are operating under the precepts of fascism and ideals of islamo-supremacy.

Examine the very worst atrocities taking place in the world today; Darfur, Iraq, India, Phillipines, Europoe, Africa etc., and you'll find the orthodox moslem doctrine of politico-religious fascism in play.

Your position is of an apologist and ill-informed.

This madness of calculated mass murder is not happening in the cause of any other faith on the globe at this time. It is only happening in the cause of Islam's jihad and it’s happening with the financial and logistical support of Arab/Moslem governments, sympathizers and enablers and it is definitely occurring frequently enough to require any objective, reasoned person consider that this problem is directly related to Islamic doctrine.

A sensible and reasoned person cannot sweep away the reality that if Moslems are genuinely concerned about "rights", (the very rights that Moslems demand for themselves but explicitly deny others), over the continuing incidents of mass murder in Allah’s name, then it falls to them to set forth, unequivocally, that reform to their ideology must be undertaken.
How they choose to worship GOD, is none of your racist, fucking business.

Just like Judaism, is none of their business.

My position is that Israel should be held accountable for the crimes they've committed. No one is above the law. So my position is, if Israel won't voluntarily obey the law, then we should send in a few military units and force them to. I think after 50 years, taking them out of the decision-making loop, is not unreasonable.

So then without using any Islamic sources show just what crimes Israel has committed since 1948. Then show what crimes islam has committed against the Jews in the same time period. When you take Islamic LIES and LIBELS out of the equation you are left with nothing
Yes the occupation ended in August 2005. and the rockets increased 100 fold.
If the occupation ended, then why are they still building settlements in the West Bank?

There was no blockade at the time, that was placed at a much later date.
After Israel didn't like the results of a democratic election.

The muslims were given all they asked for as the first part of the Oslo accords and broke International law and the Oslo accords by attacking Israel when they kept to their side of the agreement.
Israel didn't live up to their commitments of the Oslo accords, which nullified the agreement.

Because the PLO charter and the Khartoum resolution has never been rescinded the muslims cant say they will accept a two state solution. In fact as recently as 2008 they stated that they would not accept a two state solution. They refuse to even start talks until their illegal demands are met regarding non existent 1967 borders and hyper inflated right of return numbers.
There's no reason to revise anything until Israel is in compliance with international law.
Yes the occupation ended in August 2005. and the rockets increased 100 fold.
If the occupation ended, then why are they still building settlements in the West Bank?

Gaza is not in the west bank, and the settlements are built on Jewish owned land stolen in 1948 by arab muslims. The Jewish owners have exercised their right to return and taken back the land that is theirs.

There was no blockade at the time, that was placed at a much later date.
After Israel didn't like the results of a democratic election.

No after the gazan muslims continued to fire weapons at Israeli children, so Israel placed a UN sanctioned blockade on gaza, as did Egypt to the west.

The muslims were given all they asked for as the first part of the Oslo accords and broke International law and the Oslo accords by attacking Israel when they kept to their side of the agreement.
Israel didn't live up to their commitments of the Oslo accords, which nullified the agreement.

So the Oslo accords asked for the removal of Israeli personnel from gaza and an end to all belligerence on the part of the gazan muslims. So do show who it was that didn't live up to their commitments again. It was the gazan muslims that nullified the agreement by attacking Israel.

Because the PLO charter and the Khartoum resolution has never been rescinded the muslims cant say they will accept a two state solution. In fact as recently as 2008 they stated that they would not accept a two state solution. They refuse to even start talks until their illegal demands are met regarding non existent 1967 borders and hyper inflated right of return numbers.
There's no reason to revise anything until Israel is in compliance with international law.
Show from a non biased site just how Israel are in breach of International Law, as no one else in the world can do so. It is only NAZI HATE SITES and ISLAMIC HATE SITES that perpetrate the myth of Israeli breaches of international law.
The Ministry of Defense announced Friday morning that they have completed another successful test of the Arrow 3 missile interception system. The interceptor was launched and performed well during all phases of flight, officials stated.

This is the second flight test conducted for the Arrow 3; the first, also successful, was conducted in February 2013. The project is overseen by the Ministry of Defense's Home Administration and the US Missile Defense Agency.

Arrow 3 is designed to intercept ballistic missiles that have a longer range and higher altitude than those covered by Arrow 2. The system is another vital component of the multi-layered defense system designed to protect the State of Israel, which includes the Arrow systems, the Iron Dome, and David's Sling. Arrow 3 covers the longest range of the missiles.

Second Arrow 3 Missile Test Successful - Defense/Security - News - Israel National News


If Israel obeyed international law and cared about human rights, they wouldn't be having to spend all this money on defense.

If Israel was to do what you think it should have done, then all money in the wouldn't wouldn't be enough to protect Israel from its enemies
Your babbling doesn't necessarily sound like lies, just ignorant and untrue.

Let's be honest, islamic terrorists in Gaza’istan clearly are operating under the precepts of fascism and ideals of islamo-supremacy.

Examine the very worst atrocities taking place in the world today; Darfur, Iraq, India, Phillipines, Europoe, Africa etc., and you'll find the orthodox moslem doctrine of politico-religious fascism in play.

Your position is of an apologist and ill-informed.

This madness of calculated mass murder is not happening in the cause of any other faith on the globe at this time. It is only happening in the cause of Islam's jihad and it’s happening with the financial and logistical support of Arab/Moslem governments, sympathizers and enablers and it is definitely occurring frequently enough to require any objective, reasoned person consider that this problem is directly related to Islamic doctrine.

A sensible and reasoned person cannot sweep away the reality that if Moslems are genuinely concerned about "rights", (the very rights that Moslems demand for themselves but explicitly deny others), over the continuing incidents of mass murder in Allah’s name, then it falls to them to set forth, unequivocally, that reform to their ideology must be undertaken.
How they choose to worship GOD, is none of your racist, fucking business.

Just like Judaism, is none of their business.

My position is that Israel should be held accountable for the crimes they've committed. No one is above the law. So my position is, if Israel won't voluntarily obey the law, then we should send in a few military units and force them to. I think after 50 years, taking them out of the decision-making loop, is not unreasonable.

I see you're retreating to the silly "racist" canard.

That's a tactic you typically fall back on when your argument has failed.
Israel is populated by juden still suffering from the effects of 'Stockholm Syndrome' from the 1930's - 40's in Germany/europe.

And is ruled by zionist psychopaths with a 'Masada' suicide/death wish fantasy. .... :cool:
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Israel is populated by juden still suffering from the effects of 'Stockholm Syndrome' from the 1930's - 40's in Germany/europe.

And is ruled by zionist psychopaths with a 'Masada' suicide/death wish fantasy. .... :cool:

Actually, Suuuuuuuuuuuu-we, Israel has met, confronted and defeated the fascist elements of islamist ideology that are demonstrably in concert with Nazi ideology.

Incompetent moslem Crusaders have suffered a string of humiliating military losses in their attempt to complete the pogrom attempted by Nazi Germany. Islamist fascists are perpetually confronted with the unsettling news that Israel is vibrant and successful while moslems are left to wallow in their self-imposed incompetence and ineptitude.

Incompetence and ineptitude. Hows' that workin' out for ya'?
Show from a non biased site just how Israel are in breach of International Law, as no one else in the world can do so. It is only NAZI HATE SITES and ISLAMIC HATE SITES that perpetrate the myth of Israeli breaches of international law.

List of the UN resolutions concerning Israel and Palestine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia :eusa_whistle:

List of reasons why anyone should care about your cutting and pasting:

Phonecall asked, I provided him with a link to a non biased site, showing "how Israel are in breach of International Law"
Israel is populated by juden still suffering from the effects of 'Stockholm Syndrome' from the 1930's - 40's in Germany/europe.

And is ruled by zionist psychopaths with a 'Masada' suicide/death wish fantasy. .... :cool:

Funny coming for someone who's still waiting for his virgins.

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