Second GOP Congressman Admits Benghazi Committee Is All About Hillary Clinton

amusing when an idiot equates someone saying it was designed to go after somebody to mean she didnt deserve to be gone after

FLASHBACK: When Millions Of Lost Bush White House Emails (From Private Accounts) Triggered A Media Shrug

Millions of Bush43 White House went missing or were destroyed after the firing of Eight (08) U.S. Attorney's 2007.

Karl Rove used an Republican National Committee Email Server (not secure and in violation of Federal Law).

The Republicans did not do a damn thing.

No Investigations.

No demands from the Republicans to testify before Congress.


The current Republican Sponsored Witch Hunt against Ms. Clinton will be the failure it has always meant to be.

To date there have been 7-Investigations conducted into Benghazi and, zero, zilch, nada, nothing and none has come to light.

Over $4,000,000.00 in U.S. Tax Payer Monies have been spent (fiscal conservatives my ass) and the ReThugLiCons have bupkis.

Way to show how govern RePugs.....not!!!!!!!!!!:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Former White House Spokeswoman and Faux Snooze talking head Dana Perino is of course defending members of the former bush43 cabal who used private servers and deleted millions of emails.

Nothing done by the ReThugLiCons is ever wrong.

You can trust Dana Perino, she only lies on cue.

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