Secret Club

Big Black Dog

Platinum Member
May 20, 2009
I like to start a secret club but it's so secret that I can't tell you what it will be called or what you have to do to be a member. I can't even tell you if there are members. Can neither confirm or deny. As a matter of fact, I can't even tell you when we will meet.:lol:
I smell a financial scam. What are the dues we have to pay before we can find out what it is?
I like to start a secret club but it's so secret that I can't tell you what it will be called or what you have to do to be a member. I can't even tell you if there are members. Can neither confirm or deny. As a matter of fact, I can't even tell you when we will meet.:lol:

Some posters think we already have these clubs on the board.
I like to start a secret club but it's so secret that I can't tell you what it will be called or what you have to do to be a member. I can't even tell you if there are members. Can neither confirm or deny. As a matter of fact, I can't even tell you when we will meet.:lol:
That's OK...I'm busy that day, anyways. :D
Here are the minutes from our last meeting:

Club meeting was conducted on Enter date here at the Enter location here and started at Enter time here. There were Enter number here active members present.

Old business was conducted.

New business was conducted.

Enter name here suggested we allow women to be topless at the meetings if they so desired.

Enter name here seconded the motion.

New topless women at meetings rule was passed by a Enter number here to zero vote.

Enter name here immediately removed her top and showed her Porky Pig tattoo for all members to see displayed on her left breast.

Enter name here suggested we adjourn the meeting and regroup at the Enter name here bar for refreshments.

Enter name here seconded the motion.

No vote was taken and the motion was immediately approved by the Enter leader's title here.

Next meeting will be conducted on Enter date here at Enter time here at the Enter location here.

Respectfully submitted:

Enter name here

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