SEIU Uniuon Leader; My Blue-Collar Members Support Trumps Message!


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
This is hardly surprizing as Union leaders have made deals to support the Dhimmicrats for ever decades ago, but their members think independently anyway.

SEIU Union Leader: My Blue-Collar Members Support Trump's Message - Breitbart

The far-left progressive leader of the huge SEIU union admits that many or most of her blue-collar members are sympathetic to Donald Trump’s pro-American populist message.
“I am deeply concerned about what is stirring, even in our membership… where our members are responding to Trump’s message,” she told David Axelrod, the chief campaign strategist for President Barack Obama’s election in 2008.

Can you see Trump winning the election? Axelrod asked. “Yea, I could, I could,” said Mary Kay Henry, the international president of the Service Employees International Union.

“Sixty-four percent of our public members identify as conservative, and are much more interested in the Republican debate than the Democratic debate at the moment,” she admitted.

“Our white conservative membership that we hear is responding to Trump’s appeal are more concentrated in the Midwest and the South,” she said. That’s critical, because the GOP candidate must do well in the Midwest to overcome the Democrats’ advantages in the immigration-heavy coastal states. That claim of support is backed up by a recent Democratic survey.
This is hardly surprizing as Union leaders have made deals to support the Dhimmicrats for ever decades ago, but their members think independently anyway.

SEIU Union Leader: My Blue-Collar Members Support Trump's Message - Breitbart

The far-left progressive leader of the huge SEIU union admits that many or most of her blue-collar members are sympathetic to Donald Trump’s pro-American populist message.
“I am deeply concerned about what is stirring, even in our membership… where our members are responding to Trump’s message,” she told David Axelrod, the chief campaign strategist for President Barack Obama’s election in 2008.

Can you see Trump winning the election? Axelrod asked. “Yea, I could, I could,” said Mary Kay Henry, the international president of the Service Employees International Union.

“Sixty-four percent of our public members identify as conservative, and are much more interested in the Republican debate than the Democratic debate at the moment,” she admitted.

“Our white conservative membership that we hear is responding to Trump’s appeal are more concentrated in the Midwest and the South,” she said. That’s critical, because the GOP candidate must do well in the Midwest to overcome the Democrats’ advantages in the immigration-heavy coastal states. That claim of support is backed up by a recent Democratic survey.
that won't change where the union sends it's money

and PA is mostly coal region, yet it went blue for obama twice

the open hate of the working man will change nothing in many places since leftist cities dominate the college.
This is hardly surprizing as Union leaders have made deals to support the Dhimmicrats for ever decades ago, but their members think independently anyway.

SEIU Union Leader: My Blue-Collar Members Support Trump's Message - Breitbart

The far-left progressive leader of the huge SEIU union admits that many or most of her blue-collar members are sympathetic to Donald Trump’s pro-American populist message.
“I am deeply concerned about what is stirring, even in our membership… where our members are responding to Trump’s message,” she told David Axelrod, the chief campaign strategist for President Barack Obama’s election in 2008.

Can you see Trump winning the election? Axelrod asked. “Yea, I could, I could,” said Mary Kay Henry, the international president of the Service Employees International Union.

“Sixty-four percent of our public members identify as conservative, and are much more interested in the Republican debate than the Democratic debate at the moment,” she admitted.

“Our white conservative membership that we hear is responding to Trump’s appeal are more concentrated in the Midwest and the South,” she said. That’s critical, because the GOP candidate must do well in the Midwest to overcome the Democrats’ advantages in the immigration-heavy coastal states. That claim of support is backed up by a recent Democratic survey.
that won't change where the union sends it's money

and PA is mostly coal region, yet it went blue for obama twice

the open hate of the working man will change nothing in many places since leftist cities dominate the college.

Western PA is coal country. Eastern PA is Philadelphia which voted for Obama by 108.5% :)

The funds thing is true, and this is why many blue states have closed shops and mandatory dues.

Not sure what you meant by the last statement about colleges.
This is hardly surprizing as Union leaders have made deals to support the Dhimmicrats for ever decades ago, but their members think independently anyway.

SEIU Union Leader: My Blue-Collar Members Support Trump's Message - Breitbart

The far-left progressive leader of the huge SEIU union admits that many or most of her blue-collar members are sympathetic to Donald Trump’s pro-American populist message.
“I am deeply concerned about what is stirring, even in our membership… where our members are responding to Trump’s message,” she told David Axelrod, the chief campaign strategist for President Barack Obama’s election in 2008.

Can you see Trump winning the election? Axelrod asked. “Yea, I could, I could,” said Mary Kay Henry, the international president of the Service Employees International Union.

“Sixty-four percent of our public members identify as conservative, and are much more interested in the Republican debate than the Democratic debate at the moment,” she admitted.

“Our white conservative membership that we hear is responding to Trump’s appeal are more concentrated in the Midwest and the South,” she said. That’s critical, because the GOP candidate must do well in the Midwest to overcome the Democrats’ advantages in the immigration-heavy coastal states. That claim of support is backed up by a recent Democratic survey.
that won't change where the union sends it's money

and PA is mostly coal region, yet it went blue for obama twice

the open hate of the working man will change nothing in many places since leftist cities dominate the college.

Western PA is coal country. Eastern PA is Philadelphia which voted for Obama by 108.5% :)

The funds thing is true, and this is why many blue states have closed shops and mandatory dues.

Not sure what you meant by the last statement about colleges.
cities determine how the state votes.

In PA we have Philly and Pttsburg, neither city gives a fuck about the coal region b/c they think they are self supporting and that no one outside those cities spends money inside them.

voting to kill coal has made it harder for PA to function, our debt got huge under the last (D) and w/o coal bringing in taxes.....
This is hardly surprizing as Union leaders have made deals to support the Dhimmicrats for ever decades ago, but their members think independently anyway.

SEIU Union Leader: My Blue-Collar Members Support Trump's Message - Breitbart

The far-left progressive leader of the huge SEIU union admits that many or most of her blue-collar members are sympathetic to Donald Trump’s pro-American populist message.
“I am deeply concerned about what is stirring, even in our membership… where our members are responding to Trump’s message,” she told David Axelrod, the chief campaign strategist for President Barack Obama’s election in 2008.

Can you see Trump winning the election? Axelrod asked. “Yea, I could, I could,” said Mary Kay Henry, the international president of the Service Employees International Union.

“Sixty-four percent of our public members identify as conservative, and are much more interested in the Republican debate than the Democratic debate at the moment,” she admitted.

“Our white conservative membership that we hear is responding to Trump’s appeal are more concentrated in the Midwest and the South,” she said. That’s critical, because the GOP candidate must do well in the Midwest to overcome the Democrats’ advantages in the immigration-heavy coastal states. That claim of support is backed up by a recent Democratic survey.
that won't change where the union sends it's money

and PA is mostly coal region, yet it went blue for obama twice

the open hate of the working man will change nothing in many places since leftist cities dominate the college.

Western PA is coal country. Eastern PA is Philadelphia which voted for Obama by 108.5% :)

The funds thing is true, and this is why many blue states have closed shops and mandatory dues.

Not sure what you meant by the last statement about colleges.
cities determine how the state votes.

In PA we have Philly and Pttsburg, neither city gives a fuck about the coal region b/c they think they are self supporting and that no one outside those cities spends money inside them.

voting to kill coal has made it harder for PA to function, our debt got huge under the last (D) and w/o coal bringing in taxes.....
But will the people of PA learn their lesson about this nonsense?

Stay tuned to this bat-time and this bat-channel!
This irritates the heck out of me.

First, there have always been a lot of pro-union Republicans. Pro-union Republicans against the Right to Work legislation? Say it ain't so.


To date, the Republicans have been hell bent on destroying the unions. This is why the unions backed the Democrats. It's a lesser of two evils scenario. 'Cept the Democrats have taken the unions for granted. In fact, the Democrats have no problem breaking unions or maintaining low wages. This has been an ongoing issue. It is most often lip service.
After Defeating Democrats, Will Ohio Unionists Form a New Labor Party? - Working In These Times

The Democrats or the elite squad has had every opportunity to pay attention to the stagnant wages or loss of wages due to an over abundance of immigration---legal and undocumented. They have chosen not to. They had every opportunity to address some of the smaller points that Trump did on immigration. They have chosen not to.

This "terrible vein" existed before Trump. It's going to exist after the election until changes are made. The Democrats have to get that you cannot have it all. You cannot run around and say it's hate.

Or you can watch the American general public run every neoliberal asshat out of politics. Libertarians as well.

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