Selective Memories


Sep 23, 2010

In case the traitor forgot that he stood with the North Vietnamese Communists:

U.S. Veteran Dispatch -- On the campaign trail, Sen. John Forbes Kerry regularly mentions his Vietnam War combat experience, during which he received three Purple Hearts, the Silver Star and Bronze Star.

However, the Massachusetts Democrat doesn't like to talk much about how he received the awards or the time after he returned home when he was rubbing shoulders with Hanoi Jane Fonda (view article and pictures) as a much-celebrated organizer for Vietnam Veterans Against the War (VVAW), one of America's most radical pro-communist groups.

Get to Know John Kerry By: Vietnam Veterans Against John Kerry
VVAW | Friday, February 06, 2004

FrontPage Magazine - Get to Know John Kerry

I would remind him of the thousands he got killed in Vietnam who were also serving their country so Americans, as well the people in SE Asia, could “. . . live in freedom, dignity, and peace.”

“We will never forget those who died three years ago in Libya: Ambassador Chris Stevens, Sean Smith, Glen Doherty, and Tyrone Woods,” Kerry said in a statement. “Each was a brave and dedicated professional; each was deeply committed to service on our country’s behalf; and each sought nothing more nor less than to help people overseas to live in freedom, dignity, and peace.”​

John Kerry: We Will Never Forget Those We Lost In Benghazi
by Charlie Spiering11 Sep 2015

John Kerry: We Will Never Forget Those We Lost In Benghazi - Breitbart

The biggest disgrace of all is the traitor twisting words reserved for American heros, Sean Smith, Glen Doherty, and Tyrone Woods, as though they died for the garbage he advocates. The fact is: Kerry & Company must lie and deceive in order to hide their betrayals. Calling Kerry’s Iran Deal “spin” is the latest variation of lies and deceit:

Obama spins House vote as support for Iran deal
By Pete Kasperowicz
9/11/15 4:28 PM

Obama spins House vote as support for Iran deal


Q. what do you call an anti-American, War Criminal scumbag who works for the Obama Administration?

A. Mr. Sec State
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How many American deaths was he responsible for compared to R.E.Lee and Jefferson Davis? If they weren't hanged, what does it take?
To konradv: If anybody should have been hanged it was Lincoln. You did read #15 permalink in this thread:

Is there any hope you will ever stop being an asshole?

(Article II, Section 4)

The President, Vice President and all civil officers of the United States, shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors.

Article I, Section 3, Clause 7

Judgment in Cases of Impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from Office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or Profit under the United States: but the Party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgment and Punishment, according to Law.

treason (noun)

1. Violation of allegiance toward one's country or sovereign, especially the betrayal of one's country by waging war against it or by consciously and purposely acting to aid its enemies.

2. A betrayal of trust or confidence.​
In reality you are right, they should have at least been locked up. But then again democrats are seldom held responsible for their horrible behavior.
To Freewill: Protecting one of their own is one of the greatest flaws in a free society.
Both Lee and Davis were given pardons.

Kerry was 'given' a senate seat, and ran for president.
To Willhaftawaite: And damn near became president!
Did he not thow his Military medals over the wall of the White House?
To shadow355: Tough question. He lied about the men fighting in Vietnam, indeed, he lies about everything; so draw your own conclusion.

Did Kerry Discard Vietnam Medals?
ABCNEWS' Madeleine Sauer contributed to this report.

Did Kerry Discard Vietnam Medals?
One's name is on the back of medals so I doubt it, but if he did throw them, someone is keeping it a secret instead of selling them. What a find,
His are on the wall of his office.

he was kind enough to throw someone elses medals, at their request, over the wall, and took the credit.
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One's name is on the back of medals so I doubt it, but if he did throw them, someone is keeping it a secret instead of selling them. What a find,
To regent: Forgeries of masterpieces hang in museums; so how hard can it be to put any name on the back of a medal. I am pretty sure wise guys have been selling “copies” for decades.
His are on the wall of his office.
To WillHaftawaite: It works for the suckers:

How many American deaths was he responsible for compared to R.E.Lee and Jefferson Davis? If they weren't hanged, what does it take?
In reality you are right, they should have at least been locked up. But then again democrats are seldom held responsible for their horrible behavior.
What's your point? Unless you're a monarchist or the adherent of some authoritarian ideology, we're all democrats here. BTW, Jeff Davis was locked up for a while. Got off easy, IMO. Kerry, on the other hand, was merely exercising his freedom of speech.
John Kerry was more of a hero for fighting against the Vietnam war than for what he did in combat

It probably saved more lives
One's name is on the back of medals so I doubt it, but if he did throw them, someone is keeping it a secret instead of selling them. What a find,
To regent: Forgeries of masterpieces hang in museums; so how hard can it be to put any name on the back of a medal. I am pretty sure wise guys have been selling “copies” for decades.
His are on the wall of his office.
To WillHaftawaite: It works for the suckers:

The problem with any medals today is the recipient can be called a coward, a commie, or any number of names. If I had the Medal of Honor I would not let anyone know about it. So far the Combat Infantry Badge has not been associated with evil, I hope it remains so, maybe badges aren't so bad?
The real patriots of the Vietnam war were not those that wrapped themselves in the flag while they called for more soldiers but those who questioned why we were there and why we shouldn't pull out
What a waste of Americans.
But not to worry, Trump says he will restore masculinity to America.
One's name is on the back of medals so I doubt it, but if he did throw them, someone is keeping it a secret instead of selling them. What a find,
To regent: Forgeries of masterpieces hang in museums; so how hard can it be to put any name on the back of a medal. I am pretty sure wise guys have been selling “copies” for decades.
His are on the wall of his office.
To WillHaftawaite: It works for the suckers:

The problem with any medals today is the recipient can be called a coward, a commie, or any number of names. If I had the Medal of Honor I would not let anyone know about it. So far the Combat Infantry Badge has not been associated with evil, I hope it remains so, maybe badges aren't so bad?
Never underestimate the ability of Republicans to swiftboat
What's your point? Unless you're a monarchist or the adherent of some authoritarian ideology, we're all democrats here. BTW, Jeff Davis was locked up for a while. Got off easy, IMO. Kerry, on the other hand, was merely exercising his freedom of speech
To konradv: Read my response in OP.
John Kerry was more of a hero for fighting against the Vietnam war than for what he did in combat
To rightwinger: Read my response in OP.
It probably saved more lives
To rightwinger: Not these:

The North Vietnamese communist governments and its proxies have killed 7.5 million people since 1975.

30 Years after Fall of Saigon, 7.5 Million Murdered
by Michael F Dickey

30 Years after Fall of Saigon, 7.5 Million Murdered
The problem with any medals today is the recipient can be called a coward, a commie, or any number of names.
To regent: That will all change when Democrats hand out medals fighting for the United Nations.
The real patriots of the Vietnam war were not those that wrapped themselves in the flag while they called for more soldiers
To rightwinger: Nobody had to wrap themself in the flag to know that Communism had to be stopped in SE Asia or the West Coast. Note that the Chicoms would not be inching their way across the Pacific if South Vietnam was our ally today behind China’s line.
but those who questioned why we were there and why we shouldn't pull out
To rightwinger: The American military never lost a battle in Vietnam; so American Communists had good reason to pull out even if it brought defeat to their own country.
What a waste of Americans.
But not to worry, Trump says he will restore masculinity to America.
To regent: It comes with victory.

Very true....we saw how Trump "manned up" during Vietnam
To rightwinger: Get real. Trump did not become commander in chief, while Bill Clinton would not fight in an “unjust” war as American Communists defined Vietnam. In truth, it was a “politically unjust” war to Communists. Later on, President Clinton did not hesitate when it came to killing Christians for Muslims in a “just” war as he did in the Balkans. The fact is that Bubba would not fight for this country for any reason without United Nations approval.

Check out your boy’s record with the military, or to be more precise, how he got out of fighting:

Clinton's Draft Avoidance

Clinton's Draft Avoidance

Your Boy Bubba was worse than ordinary Americans who did not understand the Vietnam War. Clinton understood it enough to wrap himself in a Communist flag when he spoke out against his own country while better men than him and his kind were fighting and dying in Vietnam:


During the 1992 campaign, Bill Clinton’s student protests and Moscow trip generated much controversy, but few answers. While Clinton’s government files from that era seemingly remain unavailable even today, there is at least more information available than in 1992. The public record reveals that Clinton’s social network and views on Vietnam were influenced by a pattern of contact between Communist agents and sympathizers and Clinton’s academic and political associates. This pattern is documented here through an analysis of Clinton’s antiwar activity up through the time he left Oxford in 1970. Included are quotations from a June 9, 1969 profile of Clinton by the Frederick, Maryland Post which does not seem to have been previously cited elsewhere.

Road to Moscow
Bill Clinton’s Early Activism from Fulbright to Moscow
By Fedora

Road to Moscow: Bill Clinton’s Early Activism from Fulbright to Moscow

Incidentally, I wonder if Clinton will pick up that rifle when Iran nukes Israel?

By Andy Geller
August 2, 2002



"Last night in Canada, Bill Clinton told a Jewish group that if Iraq attacks the Middle East, he would personally pick-up a rifle and fight for Israel. The only place he won't fight, is if it's anywhere near Southeast Asia. ... Would you want Clinton fighting with you? We already know his aim is terrible." —Jay Leno

Never underestimate the ability of Republicans to swiftboat
To rightwinger: Never underestimate the ability of a Democrat to lie.
John Kerry is a true American Patriot. He fought for his country and then fought to save the lives of his fellow soldiers by getting us out of an unjust war

Trump partied the whole time

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