Self Diagnosing : Who needs a Doctor? When you have the Internet!


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2017
Pittsburgh, PA
Have you ever, out of no where, start to feel a little off, like you might be getting a cold or the flu? Then, like most people, you begin to self diagnose yourself. You decide to take your daily multi-vitamin and maybe some cold and flu medicine and wash it down with some hot green tea you just prepared yourself hoping whatever it may be goes away soon.
After you took all your precautions in hopes of stopping whatever it is dead in its tracks, you sit down in front of your computer screen. You go to your computers search engine and start to look up the symptoms you are feeling.
Two to three hours later, you diagnosed yourself with a number of terminal illnesses and/or diseases and came to the conclusion that you only have 6-12 months to live at the most.
All because you had a stuffed up or running nose with a slight headache.
aahhh my story...when i began to have blood in urine i went to web md
now everything you check on there..leads to cancer...this time it was....most likely not cancer may not find the was cancer....smh
I stopped looking on the internet....
all the major sites are loaded with ads etc. plus, too many questions and options

unless it's something significant, and even then, I'm heading to the Dr. if anything hugely wacky is happening....

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