SElf Hating Whtie Academians Promote 4 Day White Privilege Conference


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Why cant these self-hating stupid ass libtards just go off themselves quietly somewhere instead of trying to drag all of us down with them?

Students nation-wide to attend four-day, university funded white privilege bash

Major universities across the country are offering course credit, and in some cases even paying the cost, for students to attend an annual national event known as “The White Privilege Conference.”
The 2016 conference will feature a variety of speakers and numerous breakout sessions, all of which come at an additional charge. On two of the four days, participants will have the opportunity to spend six hours attending workshops of their choosing, including several tailored for middle-school and high-school students in attendance. More than 20 workshops will be featured at the event, covering topics of sex, race, and gender.
One workshop, titled “Self Care and Healing as Change Agents,” will provide attendees with a safe-space to share the emotional burden that comes from being a social justice warrior.
“Feeling exhausted, burned out from working to dismantle racism and white supremacy, and other forms of oppression in organizations, groups, and individuals? Still deeply committed to creating greater equity, inclusion and social justice in society and in organizations, yet finding yourself, at times, too weary or overwhelmed to make meaningful change? We all deserve spaces to heal, refuel, and re-commit to our vision and goals,” the workshop description states.
Another workshop will be geared exclusively towards middle-school and high-school students to allow them to “engage in meaningful dialogue about white privilege, white supremacy, and methods of breaking down systems of oppression.”
Fucking liberals man. Seriously if you're this guilty about being white do the rest of the world a favor, go to South Africa, find a huge colony of seals...and swim in the area they avoid so a shark eats you.

Fuck....nevermind....that would be giving food to a Great "White" Shark.
Is this going to be a "safe space" for white people, or are non white people going to be there? If its not a safe space, then it's just unapologetic racism being demonstrated.
My brother married a Filipino woman, and their three daughters are mixed race, and no one in our family cares one shit about it.

My sister married an Egyptian, and has a son who is half white and half Arab, and no in our family cares one shit about it.

In 30 years there be no such thing as white people, black people, Asian people, Hispanic people.

What will liberals whine about when that happens?
I wonder what it's like going thru every day this freakin' miserable.

guno? Could you tell us?
Fucking liberals man. Seriously if you're this guilty about being white do the rest of the world a favor, go to South Africa, find a huge colony of seals...and swim in the area they avoid so a shark eats you.

Fuck....nevermind....that would be giving food to a Great "White" Shark.

thankfully that white trash christer kulture is being flushed down the toilet with the rest of the fecal matter
Fucking liberals man. Seriously if you're this guilty about being white do the rest of the world a favor, go to South Africa, find a huge colony of seals...and swim in the area they avoid so a shark eats you.

Fuck....nevermind....that would be giving food to a Great "White" Shark.

thankfully that white trash christer kulture is being flushed down the toilet with the rest of the fecal matter
The white priviledge is the 3 whities running for prez in the dem party.
Fucking liberals man. Seriously if you're this guilty about being white do the rest of the world a favor, go to South Africa, find a huge colony of seals...and swim in the area they avoid so a shark eats you.

Fuck....nevermind....that would be giving food to a Great "White" Shark.

thankfully that white trash christer kulture is being flushed down the toilet with the rest of the fecal matter
But aren't blacks already shit colored? They smell like shit too and no one cares what shithole they go down!
My brother married a Filipino woman, and their three daughters are mixed race, and no one in our family cares one shit about it.

My sister married an Egyptian, and has a son who is half white and half Arab, and no in our family cares one shit about it.

In 30 years there be no such thing as white people, black people, Asian people, Hispanic people.

What will liberals whine about when that happens?

Why do you think Arabs are not 'white'? Do you know that they are Caucasians?

And white people are not going to become extinct, nor will black people. Not everyone is going to jump in the mixing bowl and will keep quietly to themselves.

And dont worry, libtard Marxists will always find something to whine about, from gender warfare to animal rights.

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