Self Introduction


Dec 10, 2012
Greetings Folks!
Just happened upon this site. First time to delve into such a forum. I believe in responsable politics and social self preservation. ie... (Work and don't wait for a handout). As a team, American's need to work collectively to bring itself up from our current situation. Reduce the social welfare programs gradually, and forward the training needed to get people to become self supportive.
I feel, that if people are irresponsable enough making babies, they should be held accountable, and not execute their product of social intimacy! The carrot needs to be raised a little higher, in order for people to make a greater effort in their civic duties and humanitarian contributions in America.
This means, the 30 year old teenager staying at home, needs to get a life and let their parents retire peacfully!

Thanks, Topgun44
First time eh?


This is going to be quite a memorable/learning experience for you. Welcome aboard. :thup:
Luckily this is just an intro thread or I'd have more to say on your perfect little world you think we all live in.

Instead, just welcome to the boards.
Greetings Folks!
Just happened upon this site. First time to delve into such a forum. I believe in responsable politics and social self preservation. ie... (Work and don't wait for a handout). As a team, American's need to work collectively to bring itself up from our current situation. Reduce the social welfare programs gradually, and forward the training needed to get people to become self supportive.
I feel, that if people are irresponsable enough making babies, they should be held accountable, and not execute their product of social intimacy! The carrot needs to be raised a little higher, in order for people to make a greater effort in their civic duties and humanitarian contributions in America.
This means, the 30 year old teenager staying at home, needs to get a life and let their parents retire peacfully!

Thanks, Topgun44
Welcome to USMB, Topgun44. Hope you enjoy the boards after you throw th' bum out. :D
I just found this site, but I have been on political forums for several years. I am a baby boomer, a passionate conservative, Tea Party member, yankee living now in the South. I enjoy the big bands of the '30s and '40s and I love fifties doo wop, opera, old movies, museums, great food and my husband, but not necessarily in that order. I love to debate politics and most current events. Just left a site that got too nasty and crude. We're all in this together, so curtesy and understanding will get more than cursing and name calling.
I just found this site, but I have been on political forums for several years. I am a baby boomer, a passionate conservative, Tea Party member, yankee living now in the South. I enjoy the big bands of the '30s and '40s and I love fifties doo wop, opera, old movies, museums, great food and my husband, but not necessarily in that order. I love to debate politics and most current events. Just left a site that got too nasty and crude. We're all in this together, so curtesy and understanding will get more than cursing and name calling.

Hi really should start your own intro we can give you a nice welcome, all to yourself.....just saying.....but welcome, anyway....:)
Oh yeah, I got distracted....but I wanted to say:

I just found this site, but I have been on political forums for several years. I am a baby boomer, a passionate conservative, Tea Party member, yankee living now in the South. I enjoy the big bands of the '30s and '40s and I love fifties doo wop, opera, old movies, museums, great food and my husband, but not necessarily in that order. I love to debate politics and most current events. Just left a site that got too nasty and crude. We're all in this together, so curtesy and understanding will get more than cursing and name calling.

Old thread.

It's new for Gopher......:)
Hi all,

Just looking for a good forum to keep abreast of and discuss politics and other current events.
Hi all,

Just looking for a good forum to keep abreast of and discuss politics and other current events.

You're new too! Like Gopher you decided to use an old intro thread from someone that probably isn't even here anymore....instead of getting yourself a brand new one, all to yourself....oh well.....


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