If one reads, one can ascertain from the links that Katy has organized some Tea-Bagging parties, further proof that many of the self-proclaimed "Obamacare" protesters are nothing but left-over Tea-Baggers.
and when did the tea parties start?
the bolded= you are a piece of shit that only wants to denegrate those you oppose
I thought Tea-Baggers excuse was always "its not about Obama, its about government taxation."
See how you Far-Rightwing nutjobs tell so many lies you get yourselves confused?
It is all about Obama...isn't it?
Its very hard to convince a normal and sane person observing this from the outside that all this hoopla and outrage and talk about "this isn't the country I knew as a boy" from Southern White Males isn't about one thing...having a black President.
But I'm sure you will convince yourself, and try to convince me and others, otherwise...won't you?