Self-Proclaimed "Obamacare" Protester, Katy Abram, Found To Be A Bloody Liar

Well the truth is there were tea parties well before the election, 2007 I believe it was. Were they all racists who hated the black President too?
Show me the same numbers of people.

Show me the same amount of vitriol.

Show me the amount of swasticas and hanging effigies.

Show me these things back then and I'll admit you have a point.

This is the age of the Internets...if its there it shouldn't be hard to find.

Don't worry...I'll wait.
Well the truth is there were tea parties well before the election, 2007 I believe it was. Were they all racists who hated the black President too?
Show me the same numbers of people.

Show me the same amount of vitriol.

Show me the amount of swasticas and hanging effigies.

Show me these things back then and I'll admit you have a point.

This is the age of the Internets...if its there it shouldn't be hard to find.

Don't worry...I'll wait.

There were no swastikas, I don't know about hanging effigies, and they weren't as large. However, it proves that there is genuine grassroots and opposition to big government. Be it Democrat or Republican.
Well the truth is there were tea parties well before the election, 2007 I believe it was. Were they all racists who hated the black President too?
Show me the same numbers of people.

Show me the same amount of vitriol.

Show me the amount of swasticas and hanging effigies.

Show me these things back then and I'll admit you have a point.

This is the age of the Internets...if its there it shouldn't be hard to find.

Don't worry...I'll wait.
oh, you want to see people hung in effigy?
that can be done
same for the vitriol

only it was YOU assholes doing it
Well the truth is there were tea parties well before the election, 2007 I believe it was. Were they all racists who hated the black President too?
Show me the same numbers of people.

Show me the same amount of vitriol.

Show me the amount of swasticas and hanging effigies.

Show me these things back then and I'll admit you have a point.

This is the age of the Internets...if its there it shouldn't be hard to find.

Don't worry...I'll wait.

There were no swastikas, I don't know about hanging effigies, and they weren't as large. However, it proves that there is genuine grassroots and opposition to big government. Be it Democrat or Republican.
i hope the dems/libs keep doing their demonizing
it will backfire on them the same way the impeachment of Bill Clinton did on the GOP
Show me the same numbers of people.

Show me the same amount of vitriol.

Show me the amount of swasticas and hanging effigies.

Show me these things back then and I'll admit you have a point.

This is the age of the Internets...if its there it shouldn't be hard to find.

Don't worry...I'll wait.

There were no swastikas, I don't know about hanging effigies, and they weren't as large. However, it proves that there is genuine grassroots and opposition to big government. Be it Democrat or Republican.
i hope the dems/libs keep doing their demonizing
it will backfire on them the same way the impeachment of Bill Clinton did on the GOP

That's part of why there is so much anger now. All these people coming out to town hall meetings were likely a part of the tea parties and heard the nonsense they were being called. "Tea baggers" and "astro-turf" may tend to upset some people.
Another typical left wing bullshit post. Hard to take it when people actually stand up for what they believe in isn't it? Bring on some more lies for us to take a look at. If you can't think of any yourself, call ACORN. They'll be glad to help you out.
It should be pointed out that since she was supposedly active in 2006, doesn't that mean she was being non-partisan and obviously not racist?
Another typical left wing bullshit post. Hard to take it when people actually stand up for what they believe in isn't it? Bring on some more lies for us to take a look at. If you can't think of any yourself, call ACORN. They'll be glad to help you out.

It should be pointed out that since she was supposedly active in 2006, doesn't that mean she was being non-partisan and obviously not racist?
I see that racist thought stings. I understand. Forget it, that was not the point of the thread. The point of the thread was to prove that Katy Abram is a motherfucking liar.

You're clutching at by focusing on the racism...forget it was said, or implied...or whatever. That was not the point.
Another typical left wing bullshit post. Hard to take it when people actually stand up for what they believe in isn't it? Bring on some more lies for us to take a look at. If you can't think of any yourself, call ACORN. They'll be glad to help you out.

It should be pointed out that since she was supposedly active in 2006, doesn't that mean she was being non-partisan and obviously not racist?
I see that racist thought stings. I understand. Forget it, that was not the point of the thread. The point of the thread was to prove that Katy Abram is a motherfucking liar.

You're clutching at by focusing on the racism...forget it was said, or implied...or whatever. That was not the point.
and just what have you proven that she lied about?
Yep, thanks to the good work of at least one patriotic Democrat who just hated to see such a liar and hood-winker tear the country down with such vicious lies and rhetoric, did some Googling and, low and behold, some revealing facts were discovered.

She claimed that due to Obama turning her country into Russia, it has caused "the sleeping [political] giant" in her to awaken to all things politics...she lied...she has been an active member and leader of Glenn Beck's 9-12 group.


Another Astro-Turfer bites the dust...well before her 2 minutes of fame were up.


CRY ME A RIVER :eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:by Ophelia Hiney
Show me the same numbers of people.

Show me the same amount of vitriol.

Show me the amount of swasticas and hanging effigies.

Show me these things back then and I'll admit you have a point.

This is the age of the Internets...if its there it shouldn't be hard to find.

Don't worry...I'll wait.

There were no swastikas, I don't know about hanging effigies, and they weren't as large. However, it proves that there is genuine grassroots and opposition to big government. Be it Democrat or Republican.
i hope the dems/libs keep doing their demonizing
it will backfire on them the same way the impeachment of Bill Clinton did on the GOP

You can see it happening!
Another typical left wing bullshit post. Hard to take it when people actually stand up for what they believe in isn't it? Bring on some more lies for us to take a look at. If you can't think of any yourself, call ACORN. They'll be glad to help you out.

It should be pointed out that since she was supposedly active in 2006, doesn't that mean she was being non-partisan and obviously not racist?
I see that racist thought stings. I understand. Forget it, that was not the point of the thread. The point of the thread was to prove that Katy Abram is a motherfucking liar.

You're clutching at by focusing on the racism...forget it was said, or implied...or whatever. That was not the point.

I'm not clutching at strawmen. You implied that all tea party people were simply racist, and since, as you've supposedly proven, she's been active since 2006 you were obviously wrong. Which is probably why you're so quick to take it back.
Who the fuck is Katy Abram?

There is a massive 400 foot tall tidal wave that is already jamming the Congressional email servers and is going to level Obamaland in November 2010 but the Dems are focused on a snail darter.

Yeah, that's the ticket.
That's part of why there is so much anger now. All these people coming out to town hall meetings were likely a part of the tea parties and heard the nonsense they were being called. "Tea baggers" and "astro-turf" may tend to upset some people.
Stop being so dishonest Kevin, you know full-well that "Tea-Baggers" was the term that they, unwittingly and ignorantly, gave themselves. Too bad for them, it stuck. Dems and Liberals took that and ran with it.

and just what have you proven that she lied about?
I've posted the links, I've repeatedly told you the exact lie and you simply refuse to accept it.

Go back to drinking your Kool-Aid kid...seriously, you're a loss case.
MarcATL, lets just say Katy has been actively involved in political issues since 2006. Big fuking deal! We are talking only 3 years! Katy is only 35 years old and a mother of I don't know how many children. She is looking at her familys' future and doesn't like the direction our Country is going. I believe her statement in that a sleeping giant has been awaken in her personal view is not a lie. You are calling Katy a liar and an activist because she got so pissed off, she finally decided to take action. I know I just didn't wake up one day and decide I was going to write my Congressman. First you have to become educated on the issues. Then you get upset enough that you start writing letters to your elected representatives. Then you see your letters mean absolutely nothing. Then if you have the opportunity you may attend town hall meetings and speak out. So Marc, does that make one an activist? Better yet does posting on this message board, make us unorganized activists? And I'm curious Marc, what would you call Obama's organized army?
MarcATL, lets just say Katy has been actively involved in political issues since 2006. Big fuking deal! We are talking only 3 years! Katy is only 35 years old and a mother of I don't know how many children. She is looking at her familys' future and doesn't like the direction our Country is going. I believe her statement in that a sleeping giant has been awaken in her personal view is not a lie. You are calling Katy a liar and an activist because she got so pissed off, she finally decided to take action. I know I just didn't wake up one day and decide I was going to write my Congressman. First you have to become educated on the issues. Then you get upset enough that you start writing letters to your elected representatives. Then you see your letters mean absolutely nothing. Then if you have the opportunity you may attend town hall meetings and speak out. So Marc, does that make one an activist? Better yet does posting on this message board, make us unorganized activists? And I'm curious Marc, what would you call Obama's organized army?
So she's a big Right-Wing liar...big deal, there are many more where she came from, thats what they do. Glad you've finally accepted that.

Can you show me this "organized army" of Obama's please? I'd really like to see that.

BTW, his supporters have been largley silent, too silent, hence the Far Rightwing Nutjobs have taken control of the language and the argument concerning healthcare...flooding the nation with a campaign of lie after the other. One minute Obama's killing grandmothers, the next...innocent retarded children. Then he's calling people who disagree "brownshirts and nazis." Lie after lie, after lie.

You do realize that when one has to resort to lies one doesn't really have a strong argument...don't you?

I believe Obama's supporters are going to rise up pretty soon, because whats going on in these Town-Hall Meetings is pure madness. Enough is enough.
If Beck is as clueless about everything else as he is about healthcare (clinical aspect) then she (Ms. Communist Russia) isn't evil as a follower. She is goofy.
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MarcATL, lets just say Katy has been actively involved in political issues since 2006. Big fuking deal! We are talking only 3 years! Katy is only 35 years old and a mother of I don't know how many children. She is looking at her familys' future and doesn't like the direction our Country is going. I believe her statement in that a sleeping giant has been awaken in her personal view is not a lie. You are calling Katy a liar and an activist because she got so pissed off, she finally decided to take action. I know I just didn't wake up one day and decide I was going to write my Congressman. First you have to become educated on the issues. Then you get upset enough that you start writing letters to your elected representatives. Then you see your letters mean absolutely nothing. Then if you have the opportunity you may attend town hall meetings and speak out. So Marc, does that make one an activist? Better yet does posting on this message board, make us unorganized activists? And I'm curious Marc, what would you call Obama's organized army?
So she's a big Right-Wing liar...big deal, there are many more where she came from, thats what they do. Glad you've finally accepted that.

Can you show me this "organized army" of Obama's please? I'd really like to see that.

BTW, his supporters have been largley silent, too silent, hence the Far Rightwing Nutjobs have taken control of the language and the argument concerning healthcare...flooding the nation with a campaign of lie after the other. One minute Obama's killing grandmothers, the next...innocent retarded children. Then he's calling people who disagree "brownshirts and nazis." Lie after lie, after lie.

You do realize that when one has to resort to lies one doesn't really have a strong argument...don't you?

I believe Obama's supporters are going to rise up pretty soon, because whats going on in these Town-Hall Meetings is pure madness. Enough is enough.

Maybe if you would take off your blinders you would come to realize who the real liars are. I am not going to waste a lot of time on you. I suggest you try reading parts of the Health Care Reform Bill. Plenty of people on this board have made it easy for you and provided references on the hot topics. Then I suggest you take a good hard look at who Obama appoints as his advisors (Czars). Read up on their scary ideology. And don't use Wikipedia as your source. Check out YouTube videos of Obama so eloquently accusing doctors of doing unnecessary surgeries because they can make more money. Oh and that little girl that spoke at Obama's New Hampshire town hall meeting was a plant. Her Mom is a big time supporter and contributor to Obama. So I would say that entire town hall meeting was a lie. And you call Katy Abram a liar. I didn't see her coming to the town hall meeting in a bus.

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