Sen. Bob Menendez and wife indicted on bribery charges, Justice Department says

Numerous Democrats have stepped up and called for Menendez to resign, do to the overwhelming evidence of his guilt.

A very very stark difference to the GOP response to all of Trump's serious crimes with the same overwhelming evidence of guilt.

This is just another example of how the democrats have substantially more character, honor, and integrity than the republicans.

The evidence against Trump and Menendez is overwhelming as both are caught red handed, dead to rights commiting serious crimes.
I submit there is a reason for the difference regarding responses from each party to the criminal activity of Menendez and Trump. The clear explanation for Repub's cowardice in not calling out Trump is self preservation. They know doing the right thing, an opportunity afforded to Senate Repubs when Don was impeached, would risk their own political fortune. Putting in jeopardy the thing they hold most dear. The fate of the nation? No. Their re-election. Which ultimately comes back to the inexplicable devotion Trump's cult has to him and to Trumpery. Because what Repub senators understood well was to take a principled stand on the facts in the impeachment trials, meaning to vote to convict, was the expose themselves to the wrath of The Following in the voting booth.
What political observers continually fail to focus on, that which is at the root of the country's demise, is Repub voters. The people who put a pathologically lying, incompetent sociopath in the WH......and would do it again. The people who elected The Crazy in the House, resulting in a paralyzing display of dysfunction. Representative democracies don't work when there are representatives like MTG, Gym Jordan, Lauren Boebert, Andy Biggs, Scott Perry, Ted Cruz, Matt Gaetz, Paul Gosar, James Comer.........folks who's beliefs do not align with reality. Yet they are only the symptom of the disease. The cause is their respective constituents. That is where the rot bringing the country down can be found.
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About a blowjob. :auiqs.jpg:

Proves what fucking lemmings and pliant sheep you idiots are. :)

A consenual blow job at that.

That hack Jonathan Turley testified that Clinton MUST be impeached for this perjury because "morality matters" and Presidents must be held to a higher standard even if it's a lie about a consenual blow job in a civil suit. However at Trump's impeachment trial, Turley testified that Trump shouldn't be impeached for this extortion attempt because it set such a low bar for impeachment that ANY President could be impeached.

And still Republicans keep making up shit about the Biden's and right wing posters race to see who posts the latest unsupported allegations against HB or Joe as if they had any validity whatsoever.

Even the Trump appointed judge in the Hunter Biden case questioned the value of spending 5 years and all of the resources of the IRS and the FBI investigating HB and coming up with 2 late filing misdemeanors and a gun charge that no one in Delaware has ever been charged with, absent another underlying crime.
But not Brandon. Menendez is expendable.
It gives them time to have another groomer Senator appointed by the Democratic governor. Who will be well known by the next Senator election cycle that Menendez would have run in. It will be a win for them. Prog voters will let their families get murdered by their political leaders and vote them in again at this point.
A consenual blow job at that.

That hack Jonathan Turley testified that Clinton MUST be impeached for this perjury because "morality matters" and Presidents must be held to a higher standard even if it's a lie about a consenual blow job in a civil suit. However at Trump's impeachment trial, Turley testified that Trump shouldn't be impeached for this extortion attempt because it set such a low bar for impeachment that ANY President could be impeached.

And still Republicans keep making up shit about the Biden's and right wing posters race to see who posts the latest unsupported allegations against HB or Joe as if they had any validity whatsoever.

Even the Trump appointed judge in the Hunter Biden case questioned the value of spending 5 years and all of the resources of the IRS and the FBI investigating HB and coming up with 2 late filing misdemeanors and a gun charge that no one in Delaware has ever been charged with, absent another underlying crime.
Turley has become the equivalent of an "expert" witness for hire. He has prostituted himself for a little notoriety and face time on conservative media. He'll say anything the rabid conservative audiences he is hired to pander to wants to hear.
Again. Stop with the mushrooms. They're making you see things that aren't there.
Better to saute them and eat them. :)
You loons really don't listen to your leaders do you? Obama asked Medvedev if they could wait till after the election, so he could be more flexible on nuke talks. Meaning if he did it then the American people would vote him out. Going against the best interest of the United States.
Turley has become the equivalent of an "expert" witness for hire. He has prostituted himself for a little notoriety and face time on conservative media. He'll say anything the rabid conservative audiences he is hired to pander to wants to hear.

One of the right wing posters called him a "noted Constitutional scholar". I'm grateful I didn't have a mouthful of coffee at that point. There isn't another craven, lying, right wing shill quite like him.
BS. The investigation has just begun and it'll be like finding water at a beach.

The investigation has been ongoing since 2020 when the Republican Senate investigated Hunter Biden and Joe Biden and all things Ukraine, and found no wrong doing by either of them.

The Investigation of HB has been going on now for 5 years and all the DOJ has is two late tax filing misdemeanors, and a gun charge that has never been used as a stand alone charge in the state of Delaware ever before.

So please, bitch, don't pretend you have or will have anything at all. If you can't find a shred of evidence in 5 years, I doubt there is anything to find. 25+ Clinton Investigations, and we're still waiting for a witness, some evidence, ANYTHING at all which proves that the Clintons have EVER committed a crime.

That worked on the Clintons because the American people hadn't caught on to your lies, but they know better this time.
Yea nice try.

More like they waited for there to be real credible evidence of crimes, like the mountains of real and credible evidence against Trump, before jumping to conclusions.

There is no evidence of election fraud at all in anyway and Trump lost all court cases. There is no evidence of Joe Biden corruption at all in anyway shape or form, and republicans seem to live in a fantasy where they can't accept these facts.

The evidence against Menendez and Trump is devastating, both are caught red handed, dead to rights. Both will lose at trial, because both are extremely guilty. Contrast that with Hunter and Joe where they don't even have enough evidence to bring charges or get and impeachment inquiry vote
What a pile of crap. Menendez should have been arrested for his actions years ago. Meanwhile you have nothing on Trump but a case that’s on the brink of being tossed out entirely, Fani being slapped down and told to tell Fulton County to pay for 19 trials, and a string of losses in court already. While you ignore the mountain of evidence against Xiden.
One of the right wing posters called him a "noted Constitutional scholar". I'm grateful I didn't have a mouthful of coffee at that point. There isn't another craven, lying, right wing shill quite like him.
We know a racist Canuck like you hates the truth retard. Keep your ignorance in your own country.
Ok retard explain this. This is just 1 small piece of extreme evidence of Trump guilt, there are 100+ of these.

Trump tried to include his lawyer in his crimes like a dumbass, therefore Trump lost his attorney client privilege and his lawyer told all in a big grand jury testimony, crushing Trump:

Trump is being charged with telling this lawyer to lie to the Dept of Justice, which is a crime:
"Wouldn't it be better if we just told them we don't have anything here?" Trump asked, according to an account by "Trump Attorney 1" detailed in the indictment.

But he also tells him to tamper with evidence, another crime:
Quoting Corcoran's account, allege that during a meeting with Trump after Corcoran collected the 38 documents to turn over to the government, Trump made a "plucking motion," implying that "if there's anything really bad in there, like, you know, pluck it out."

Also this shows that Trump 100% knew what he was doing was illegal because he asked his lawyer to lie and then asked him to pluck the "bad" documents.

Whether Trump supporters realize it or not, this is a very serious crime with very serious consequences. Anybody that did this crime would get a long prison sentence.
And this is just one Federal indictment, the other one is just as devastating, with equally devastating evidence of guilt.

The evidence proving Trump guilt is devastating, you are just a joke who watches fake news so you are too stupid to even know the evidence.

You are the retard. Just for starters.

Secondly, there is zero credible evidence that Trump ever committed or planned any crimes — much less that he included his lawyer on any such “plan.”

A judge made a unilateral fucking ruling. Are you one of the sub cretins who believes that judges can’t make shitty rulings? Ever hear of “judicial error,” you dumb shit?
You are the retard. Just for starters.

Secondly, there is zero credible evidence that Trump ever committed or planned any crimes — much less that he included his lawyer on any such “plan.”

A judge made a unilateral fucking ruling. Are you one of the sub cretins who believes that judges can’t make shitty rulings? Ever hear of “judicial error,” you dumb shit?
Are you stupid?? You ust type lies.

There is 100% rock solid unequivocal evidence that Trump included his lawyer in his crimes. He already lost his attorney client privilege and his lawyer has already told all.

You are completely un-informed to the facts of life, these facts are just too devastating for you to handle so it seems you are trying to ignore them. Too bad for you, the facts and evidence are real.

Trump's lawyer has told all and the testimony is devastating to Trump.
Don't cry like a little pussy when Trump gets convicted because the evidence it just devastating and overwhelming.
His corruption it too much not to deal with, but don't worry. He'll get a slap on the wrist so you people can claim "there's no bias"
There is bias in the justice system dating back to the creation of the country -- however, most of that systemic bias was directed at black folks, and much of that bias is still left in today's system -- but you folks whine "CRT" when we talk about that bias....why is that?

And that 2-tier justice system that exists today, still favors your cult leader -- because if me or you were charged with 91 felonies, no one will be yelling "SHUT DOWN THE DOJ" if you were put in jail while awaiting trial....which happens to those with no money and power all day everyday for shit that is far less serious
There is bias in the justice system dating back to the creation of the country -- however, most of that systemic bias was directed at black folks, and much of that bias is still left in today's system -- but you folks whine "CRT" when we talk about that bias....why is that?

And that 2-tier justice system that exists today, still favors your cult leader -- because if me or you were charged with 91 felonies, no one will be yelling "SHUT DOWN THE DOJ" if you were put in jail while awaiting trial....which happens to those with no money and power all day everyday for shit that is far less serious
None of Trump's "crimes" are crimes at all. Since Democrats have done the very same thing and worse and there are no charges
Wow all of the cash and gold in his home stuffed into socks and coat pockets... I bet there will be a rush on Brinks trucks being sent to homes of senators and congressmen to haul their ill gotten gains to the bank....
Dirty corrupt bastards all of them....

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