Sen. Elizabeth Warren rips henpecked GOP fraujdster witness

There was a time when you actually had to be smart to get into Harvard, but after Obama and Warren, it's clear they dropped any pretense of having academic standards
both affirmative action placements.
that is if obama was really there, still no proof on that.
No doubt, Bush, Jr. got in on affirmative action.
he might have got in with daddy's money, but Im pretty sure he didnt get in with affirmative action. White males are not covered by it.
I've looked at a few articles now and I can't find what Primerica put the clients into. Wouldn't that be kind of an important part of the story?
It would only be important if they either forced the clients to shift holdings, or if they did it without client consent.
if they did it after giving clients an option along with explanations, it is not important at all.
Well, that depends upon the quality of the explanations.

Primerica's reputation within the industry is that of a JV team (or below). However, there are investment vehicles that pay better than some pensions, with guarantees. I'm just curious if there is any substance behind all this, or if it's just more partisan bullshit.

if there was the hen-pecked GOP'er witness wouldv'e erupted in righteous indignation. Sen Warren slammed that fraudster.
So you don't know. Okay.

I prefer to go on actual information.

google is your friend :thup:

Primerica Fends Off Fla. Workers Suits Over Retirement Plans - Law360
What do you know about Florida's retirement plan, the plan they were moved into?

Surely you've researched this before forming your opinion.

It would only be important if they either forced the clients to shift holdings, or if they did it without client consent.
if they did it after giving clients an option along with explanations, it is not important at all.
Well, that depends upon the quality of the explanations.

Primerica's reputation within the industry is that of a JV team (or below). However, there are investment vehicles that pay better than some pensions, with guarantees. I'm just curious if there is any substance behind all this, or if it's just more partisan bullshit.

if there was the hen-pecked GOP'er witness wouldv'e erupted in righteous indignation. Sen Warren slammed that fraudster.
So you don't know. Okay.

I prefer to go on actual information.

google is your friend :thup:

Primerica Fends Off Fla. Workers Suits Over Retirement Plans - Law360
What do you know about Florida's retirement plan, the plan they were moved into?

Surely you've researched this before forming your opinion.

will you stop making him run back to his talking points? you might cause him to have a heart attack or something.
Well, that depends upon the quality of the explanations.

Primerica's reputation within the industry is that of a JV team (or below). However, there are investment vehicles that pay better than some pensions, with guarantees. I'm just curious if there is any substance behind all this, or if it's just more partisan bullshit.

if there was the hen-pecked GOP'er witness wouldv'e erupted in righteous indignation. Sen Warren slammed that fraudster.
So you don't know. Okay.

I prefer to go on actual information.

google is your friend :thup:

Primerica Fends Off Fla. Workers Suits Over Retirement Plans - Law360
What do you know about Florida's retirement plan, the plan they were moved into?

Surely you've researched this before forming your opinion.

will you stop making him run back to his talking points? you might cause him to have a heart attack or something.
LOL, I'd just like to know.

I like Warren, and she may be right.

But I don't have much respect for blind partisan ideology.

There was a time when you actually had to be smart to get into Harvard, but after Obama and Warren, it's clear they dropped any pretense of having academic standards
both affirmative action placements.
that is if obama was really there, still no proof on that.
No doubt, Bush, Jr. got in on affirmative action.
he might have got in with daddy's money, but Im pretty sure he didnt get in with affirmative action. White males are not covered by it.
Getting in with "daddy's money" is certainly affirmative action. "C" students don't get into Yale or Harvard otherwise.
Even Sen. Warren said it was legal.

She's just grandstanding. The problem is with Government Regulators that get rewarded with jobs after retirement with the very same industries they were supposed to regulate.

I doubt she wants to attack that as she probably has ideas about working in the Banking or Investment sectors after HER retirement.
Sen. Warren rips Primerica president during Senate panel on DOL rule BenefitsPro
“Regulators found the firm had acted properly,” countered Schneider.
“I’m going to stop you right there,” said Warren. “The question about the regulators is the question about is it legal to do that, and that is exactly the problem we’ve got. It is legal to do that,” she stated.

When Warren again asked about the wisdom of cashing out guaranteed pensions just before retirement, Schneider explained that in some instances, it might be sound advice. He provided the example of a gravely ill pension participant, who in Florida is prohibited from passing pension assets on to heirs.

“I’m sorry. Are you suggesting these 238 people were weeks away from dying and that’s why they all got that advice,” asked an incredulous Warren.

“Senator, the courts dismissed those cases,” argued Schneider.

“Because it is legal activity. I think we’ve established that Mr. Schneider, that no one broke the law. The question is whether the law should be changed,” challenged Warren.

Thank you Sen Warren (D-MA) :salute:

What a stupid hag.

Advice is just that, advice. No one was forced to move their money and those that chose to, done so knowing the risk.

No law can be made to protect people from making stupid choices.
There was a time when you actually had to be smart to get into Harvard, but after Obama and Warren, it's clear they dropped any pretense of having academic standards
both affirmative action placements.
that is if obama was really there, still no proof on that.
No doubt, Bush, Jr. got in on affirmative action.
he might have got in with daddy's money, but Im pretty sure he didnt get in with affirmative action. White males are not covered by it.
Getting in with "daddy's money" is certainly affirmative action. "C" students don't get into Yale or Harvard otherwise.
Getting in with daddy's money is not affirmative action, affirmative action is a product of the 60s that still lingers due to white guilt, it is government mandated.
daddy's money is a personal bribe to the college in question. One mandated by law, the other a result of greed.
Mac1958 isn't too good at doing basic searches. Wonder why that is?
You still haven't told us anything other than some people don't have sense enough to hire a decent financial planner. Are you sure you aren't pissed because you're an imbecile that didn't do the intelligent thing and lost money???

Damn, I would love to see you play the stock market!!!!!
Mac1958 isn't too good at doing basic searches. Wonder why that is?
You still haven't told us anything other than some people don't have sense enough to hire a decent financial planner. Are you sure you aren't pissed because you're an imbecile that didn't do the intelligent thing and lost money???

Damn, I would love to see you play the stock market!!!!!
Personally I went the other way. I put what I could afford to lose into the risk funds during my younger years. I put most into long term stocks that I hoped would have a net gain over the long run, I didnt worry when they dipped at times. Couple years ago I moved the funds from the high risk and moved them into safer products that grew at a much slower rate, but were stable enough to not chance losing too much.
When young take risks, when older go safe.
I've looked at a few articles now and I can't find what Primerica put the clients into. Wouldn't that be kind of an important part of the story?
It would only be important if they either forced the clients to shift holdings, or if they did it without client consent.
if they did it after giving clients an option along with explanations, it is not important at all.
Well, that depends upon the quality of the explanations.

Primerica's reputation within the industry is that of a JV team (or below). However, there are investment vehicles that pay better than some pensions, with guarantees. I'm just curious if there is any substance behind all this, or if it's just more partisan bullshit.

if there was, the hen-pecked GOP'er witness would've erupted in righteous indignation. Sen Warren slammed that fraudster who fleeced retirees out of their pensions just to make a management fee.

Once again, she didn't slam him.

She simply was pointing out that she was not questioning legal/illegal.....she was asking if it was right or wrong.

I think it is a legitimate discussion.

I just question why she pulled this guy in....he's got no reason to address the right/wrong position.
Where Progressive go, destitution, poverty and misery soon follow
watch the clip. Where Primerica and other vulture financial institutions go, destitution follows:

Sen Warren rips financial advisor witness Video

Not supportable....sorry.

I'm with an investment firm that has me doing quite well.

I've never been asked to do anything that was remotely this stupid.

I watched the clip....

Warren poisons the discussion right up front. Sorry.....that's the truth. She calls it bad products 'etc.'. And she says it's already established....why does she need this guy ?

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