Sen. Elizabeth Warren rips henpecked GOP fraujdster witness

I've looked at a few articles now and I can't find what Primerica put the clients into.

Wouldn't that be kind of an important part of the story?

I've looked at a few articles now and I can't find what Primerica put the clients into.

Wouldn't that be kind of an important part of the story?

It would only be important if they either forced the clients to shift holdings, or if they did it without client consent.
if they did it after giving clients an option along with explanations, it is not important at all.
I've looked at a few articles now and I can't find what Primerica put the clients into.

Wouldn't that be kind of an important part of the story?

You would think.....

All I've got out of it so far is that Warren ain't much of a lawyer....
I've looked at a few articles now and I can't find what Primerica put the clients into. Wouldn't that be kind of an important part of the story?
It would only be important if they either forced the clients to shift holdings, or if they did it without client consent.
if they did it after giving clients an option along with explanations, it is not important at all.
Well, that depends upon the quality of the explanations.

Primerica's reputation within the industry is that of a JV team (or below). However, there are investment vehicles that pay better than some pensions, with guarantees. I'm just curious if there is any substance behind all this, or if it's just more partisan bullshit.

still trying to figure out how the govenrment should have any ownership or say where a persons earned assets should go after they die.
I know that before I die everything I own will be legally transferred to my daughter. Right now its the only way she will be able to keep any real estate holding and bank accounts without the government stealing it to be redistributed to the ghetto monkeys.

A pension isn't an earned asset, like a 401k is, you don't own the pension, you are given payments as a benefit for being part of one, but once you are gone, (and sometimes your spouse) it's gone for good.

My 401k goes to my designated heirs right now, and the value cannot be touched by creditors. It's my money, not some pension fund's money.
Dot com

Just pointing out that she isn't much of a lawyer if she doesn't even know it's illegal to practice law without a license... That pretty much makes her other opinions questionable, at best........
you watch the testimony? Didn't think so. Clear off the thread deflection boi
The law says what the law says, and it clearly says that what the witness did was legal.....

Warren sure ain't much of a jack leg lawyer, is she?????
Yes, Sen. Warren agreed it was legal, but not right [as in honorable].
I've looked at a few articles now and I can't find what Primerica put the clients into.

Wouldn't that be kind of an important part of the story?

You would think.....

All I've got out of it so far is that Warren ain't much of a lawyer....
So it's OK with you to see people near retirement, with guaranteed income for life, to switch to questionable investments which mean profit for the company selling them on it.
No doubt, you're for privatizing Social Security, too.
Dot com

Just pointing out that she isn't much of a lawyer if she doesn't even know it's illegal to practice law without a license... That pretty much makes her other opinions questionable, at best........
you watch the testimony? Didn't think so. Clear off the thread deflection boi
The law says what the law says, and it clearly says that what the witness did was legal.....

Warren sure ain't much of a jack leg lawyer, is she?????
Yes, Sen. Warren agreed it was legal, but not right [as in honorable].
I've looked at a few articles now and I can't find what Primerica put the clients into.

Wouldn't that be kind of an important part of the story?

You would think.....

All I've got out of it so far is that Warren ain't much of a lawyer....
So it's OK with you to see people near retirement, with guaranteed income for life, to switch to questionable investments which mean profit for the company selling them on it.
No doubt, you're for privatizing Social Security, too.
What were the questionable investments, precisely?

I've looked at a few articles now and I can't find what Primerica put the clients into. Wouldn't that be kind of an important part of the story?
It would only be important if they either forced the clients to shift holdings, or if they did it without client consent.
if they did it after giving clients an option along with explanations, it is not important at all.
Well, that depends upon the quality of the explanations.

Primerica's reputation within the industry is that of a JV team (or below). However, there are investment vehicles that pay better than some pensions, with guarantees. I'm just curious if there is any substance behind all this, or if it's just more partisan bullshit.

Does the investor have any responsibility to research where their money is going?
I look at mine, Im pretty sure Im not that much smarter than those with Primerica.
There was a time when you actually had to be smart to get into Harvard, but after Obama and Warren, it's clear they dropped any pretense of having academic standards
Dot com

Just pointing out that she isn't much of a lawyer if she doesn't even know it's illegal to practice law without a license... That pretty much makes her other opinions questionable, at best........
you watch the testimony? Didn't think so. Clear off the thread deflection boi
The law says what the law says, and it clearly says that what the witness did was legal.....

Warren sure ain't much of a jack leg lawyer, is she?????
Yes, Sen. Warren agreed it was legal, but not right [as in honorable].
I've looked at a few articles now and I can't find what Primerica put the clients into.

Wouldn't that be kind of an important part of the story?

You would think.....

All I've got out of it so far is that Warren ain't much of a lawyer....
So it's OK with you to see people near retirement, with guaranteed income for life, to switch to questionable investments which mean profit for the company selling them on it.
No doubt, you're for privatizing Social Security, too.
since when has a liberal been concerned with right or honorable. seriously.
I've looked at a few articles now and I can't find what Primerica put the clients into. Wouldn't that be kind of an important part of the story?
It would only be important if they either forced the clients to shift holdings, or if they did it without client consent.
if they did it after giving clients an option along with explanations, it is not important at all.
Well, that depends upon the quality of the explanations.

Primerica's reputation within the industry is that of a JV team (or below). However, there are investment vehicles that pay better than some pensions, with guarantees. I'm just curious if there is any substance behind all this, or if it's just more partisan bullshit.

Does the investor have any responsibility to research where their money is going?
I look at mine, Im pretty sure Im not that much smarter than those with Primerica.
No, but the advisor is obligated to fully, clearly and accurately describe the risks. And believe me, that doesn't always happen. What I don't know here - and what no one else seems to know - are the specifics of these cases.

Warren may be right, but I just don't have enough information yet to know.

I've looked at a few articles now and I can't find what Primerica put the clients into. Wouldn't that be kind of an important part of the story?
It would only be important if they either forced the clients to shift holdings, or if they did it without client consent.
if they did it after giving clients an option along with explanations, it is not important at all.
Well, that depends upon the quality of the explanations.

Primerica's reputation within the industry is that of a JV team (or below). However, there are investment vehicles that pay better than some pensions, with guarantees. I'm just curious if there is any substance behind all this, or if it's just more partisan bullshit.

if there was, the hen-pecked GOP'er witness would've erupted in righteous indignation. Sen Warren slammed that fraudster who fleeced retirees out of their pensions just to make a management fee.
There was a time when you actually had to be smart to get into Harvard, but after Obama and Warren, it's clear they dropped any pretense of having academic standards
both affirmative action placements.
that is if obama was really there, still no proof on that.
Yeah, there does seem to be some questions about Warren claiming to be Native American while working for Harvard.
I've looked at a few articles now and I can't find what Primerica put the clients into. Wouldn't that be kind of an important part of the story?
It would only be important if they either forced the clients to shift holdings, or if they did it without client consent.
if they did it after giving clients an option along with explanations, it is not important at all.
Well, that depends upon the quality of the explanations.

Primerica's reputation within the industry is that of a JV team (or below). However, there are investment vehicles that pay better than some pensions, with guarantees. I'm just curious if there is any substance behind all this, or if it's just more partisan bullshit.

if there was the hen-pecked GOP'er witness wouldv'e erupted in righteous indignation. Sen Warren slammed that fraudster.
So you don't know. Okay.

I prefer to go on actual information.

Let me see, it's legal, but it's wrong.

If you didn't understand her argument, you're really not very bright.

It's legal, but she doesn't like it.

Must be part of her Cherokee heritage. Did she rub her cheekbones during her testimony?

You Progressives worship the biggest fucking morons on the planet
you watch the clip 57Frank? :doubt:

you know derned well that politicians would insert anything into a bill if they are given a campaign contribution or a trip to St. Andrews. Get real.
I've looked at a few articles now and I can't find what Primerica put the clients into. Wouldn't that be kind of an important part of the story?
It would only be important if they either forced the clients to shift holdings, or if they did it without client consent.
if they did it after giving clients an option along with explanations, it is not important at all.
Well, that depends upon the quality of the explanations.

Primerica's reputation within the industry is that of a JV team (or below). However, there are investment vehicles that pay better than some pensions, with guarantees. I'm just curious if there is any substance behind all this, or if it's just more partisan bullshit.

if there was the hen-pecked GOP'er witness wouldv'e erupted in righteous indignation. Sen Warren slammed that fraudster.
So you don't know. Okay.

I prefer to go on actual information.

and dot com prefers to go by talking points from the left.
There was a time when you actually had to be smart to get into Harvard, but after Obama and Warren, it's clear they dropped any pretense of having academic standards
both affirmative action placements.
that is if obama was really there, still no proof on that.
Yeah, there does seem to be some questions about Warren claiming to be Native American while working for Harvard.
still deflecting? Whatsamatta? No good threads of your own to post in shit stain?

I thought cons were supposed to be "producers". "In name only" it appears.
I've looked at a few articles now and I can't find what Primerica put the clients into. Wouldn't that be kind of an important part of the story?
It would only be important if they either forced the clients to shift holdings, or if they did it without client consent.
if they did it after giving clients an option along with explanations, it is not important at all.
Well, that depends upon the quality of the explanations.

Primerica's reputation within the industry is that of a JV team (or below). However, there are investment vehicles that pay better than some pensions, with guarantees. I'm just curious if there is any substance behind all this, or if it's just more partisan bullshit.

if there was the hen-pecked GOP'er witness wouldv'e erupted in righteous indignation. Sen Warren slammed that fraudster.
So you don't know. Okay.

I prefer to go on actual information.

google is your friend :thup:

Primerica Fends Off Fla. Workers Suits Over Retirement Plans - Law360

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