Sen. Graham Says NO Amnesty This Year


Senior Member
Aug 22, 2009
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), who has been working on a comprehensive amnesty bill with Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) and President Obama, has said that there will be no chance of immigration reform this year due to the rancorous and partisan health care debate.

During a Thursday Capitol Hill press conference, Sen. Graham said, "When I say immigration's dead in the Senate, risk-aversion abounds.... Some of my colleagues will lose over health care. The consequences of this vote are going to be long-lasting politically."

Sen. Graham continued by asking the assembled press, "If you think you've created a problem for yourself on health care, why would you move onto immigration?" He also issued a challenge to President Obama: "To the president: If you want to deliver on your unwavering commitment to immigration reform, write a bill.... You write the bill, send it to the House. See what happens, because I don't think you have much of a chance of getting it through the Senate."

Click here to read more about this exciting development and click here to read more about Sens. Graham and Schumer's (now dead in the water) immigration reform proposal.

Weren't we told that Health Care Reform was dead?

Is this something else that will get put in under our noses with 2000+ pages of kickbacks that no one has read?


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