Sen Joe McCarthy: American Patriot and Hero

Frankie... For the love of GOD!!!! What is your POINT??? What end game do you have a glimmer of achieving? So a guy wrote a friggin book...So What? Maybe he discovered some info that was disregarded. So What? Obviously HIS point was to rile up people like yourself. McCarthy's legacy is already written. IT'S OVER!!!! No politicians mark on history is written they way they would prefer it. NO ONE'S

Back then it was considered bad form to out right lie unlike today when lying is considered some kind of a sport.

Sure there were some subversive communists in our country. AND I'm sure some of them were placed by the USSR ... Everyone did that!!! You don't think we had plants in the USSR?

The biggest problem of the day was that people were not very sophisticated. People took the governments word for just about everything. That's the real reason why the commies had some small success. Nobody questioned anyone in positions of relative power. That attitude was born of the effort and one-ness of purpose in WWII.

MY POINT is that some author cannot pull McCarthy's reputation out of the past because no matter what some self serving soviet spy said looking at it in today's enlightened environment is totally out of context. Eisenhower hated McCarthy. Eisenhower was the best informed man on the planet at the time. Even though I was technically "There" , I was a child so my best witness is to the "way" things were more than specific hidden facts about McCarthy. You have no idea "How things were" back then. People performed rediculous dog and pony shows like "Duck and Cover" without question. Commies had no chance of "taking over". The ones spying just needed found out by the FBI and prosecuted for treason. McCarthy's little "show" was way over the top, mean spirited and un-American and he paid for it. It really is that simple. There was no need for his public hearings on un American activities. It should have been done in closed doors and handled professionally. It was started a bad trend .. because of well meaning but phoneyover the top "patriotism" it got way out of hand. Many people DID get hurt. Many people were whipped up into a frenzy for no worthy pupose. This morbid 60 years after the fact autopsy you are trying to sell is crap!.

You're repeating all the lies you were told for the past 50 years.

If you refuse to read the book, that's not my problem, that's yours. The world has changed dramatically as new facts have come forth. If you choose to ignore them and stay with the fictional Progressive/Communist narrative about McCarthy, that's your problem, not mine.

In addition to the admissions from the Soviets themselves, the authors went through tens of thousands of pages of recently declassified FBI files (my grandfather is listed as "Citizen for Custodial Detention") and arrived at the conclusion that not only was McCarthy absolutely correct but vastly understated the nature of the problem, our own spy program notwithstanding.

Progressives destroyed McCarthy because he dared to pull the covers up on Communist penetration of US State which shifted policy to favor the Communist.

And it matters and matter greatly because Mao took control of China and Staling took Eastern Europe because FDR listened to genuine Communist spies.

This is where you fail. McCarthy was destroyed precisely because as I have tried to make clear over and over there was an unbreakable trust in government and authority and McCarthy was making a spectical of himself and authority. It had little or nothing to do with "liberalism". Now we are really getting to the "point" you are trying to make and that is your obsession to blame all problems on "liberals". Republicans were the "power" that destroyed McCarthy and you will not be able to make history change to make it otherwise.

How can you trust a government once you realize the President is taking advise from genuine Communist spies like Alger Hiss, Lauchlin Currie, Owen Lattimore and Sol Adler and handing China to Mao because he was a "Progressive" and "Democratic"

It has to do with Communists positioning their people in key positions at State and having 2 Democrat Presidents gullible and or pliable enough to listen to them.

I'll say it again: on advise from Communist spies at State, US Policy toward China was turned away from Shek who was actually fighting the Japanese and helping us and directed toward history's greatest mass murderer, Mao.

That's why this matters and that's why you need to get you ass into the fact that in the year 2010 a lot has come out about this and it is Earth Shattering
You're repeating all the lies you were told for the past 50 years.

If you refuse to read the book, that's not my problem, that's yours. The world has changed dramatically as new facts have come forth. If you choose to ignore them and stay with the fictional Progressive/Communist narrative about McCarthy, that's your problem, not mine.

In addition to the admissions from the Soviets themselves, the authors went through tens of thousands of pages of recently declassified FBI files (my grandfather is listed as "Citizen for Custodial Detention") and arrived at the conclusion that not only was McCarthy absolutely correct but vastly understated the nature of the problem, our own spy program notwithstanding.

Progressives destroyed McCarthy because he dared to pull the covers up on Communist penetration of US State which shifted policy to favor the Communist.

And it matters and matter greatly because Mao took control of China and Staling took Eastern Europe because FDR listened to genuine Communist spies.

This is where you fail. McCarthy was destroyed precisely because as I have tried to make clear over and over there was an unbreakable trust in government and authority and McCarthy was making a spectical of himself and authority. It had little or nothing to do with "liberalism". Now we are really getting to the "point" you are trying to make and that is your obsession to blame all problems on "liberals". Republicans were the "power" that destroyed McCarthy and you will not be able to make history change to make it otherwise.

How can you trust a government once you realize the President is taking advise from genuine Communist spies like Alger Hiss, Lauchlin Currie, Owen Lattimore and Sol Adler and handing China to Mao because he was a "Progressive" and "Democratic"It has to do with Communists positioning their people in key positions at State and having 2 Democrat Presidents gullible and or pliable enough to listen to them.

I'll say it again: on advise from Communist spies at State, US Policy toward China was turned away from Shek who was actually fighting the Japanese and helping us and directed toward history's greatest mass murderer, Mao.

That's why this matters and that's why you need to get you ass into the fact that in the year 2010 a lot has come out about this and it is Earth Shattering

I don't have to and that is my point entirely that that was then and this is now. You are so desperate to blame the hapless liberals for everything that you over reach. Frank... liberals are ineffective. THAT is why I do not pick on them. Liberals did not steal my party. Fundimentalist Christian fascists did.

As far as China goes...I believe the reason our leaders sat back and watched silently as China devoured itself is the same reason why we allow it in Africa. As difficult and morally wrong as it is to accept..the world is in a practical sense better for it.
This is where you fail. McCarthy was destroyed precisely because as I have tried to make clear over and over there was an unbreakable trust in government and authority and McCarthy was making a spectical of himself and authority. It had little or nothing to do with "liberalism". Now we are really getting to the "point" you are trying to make and that is your obsession to blame all problems on "liberals". Republicans were the "power" that destroyed McCarthy and you will not be able to make history change to make it otherwise.

How can you trust a government once you realize the President is taking advise from genuine Communist spies like Alger Hiss, Lauchlin Currie, Owen Lattimore and Sol Adler and handing China to Mao because he was a "Progressive" and "Democratic"It has to do with Communists positioning their people in key positions at State and having 2 Democrat Presidents gullible and or pliable enough to listen to them.

I'll say it again: on advise from Communist spies at State, US Policy toward China was turned away from Shek who was actually fighting the Japanese and helping us and directed toward history's greatest mass murderer, Mao.

That's why this matters and that's why you need to get you ass into the fact that in the year 2010 a lot has come out about this and it is Earth Shattering

I don't have to and that is my point entirely that that was then and this is now. You are so desperate to blame the hapless liberals for everything that you over reach. Frank... liberals are ineffective. THAT is why I do not pick on them. Liberals did not steal my party. Fundimentalist Christian fascists did.

As far as China goes...I believe the reason our leaders sat back and watched silently as China devoured itself is the same reason why we allow it in Africa. As difficult and morally wrong as it is to accept..the world is in a practical sense better for it.

You can believe whatever the fuck you want, Communists at State had the US Government fuck Chiang Kai Shek over, threw him totally overboard and backed Mao.

That's the facts and they're ugly, but the Communists were not "Sitting back" but were proactively tipping US policy toward Mao.

Why do you think they wanted control of US State?

Just go read the one chapter dealing with Mao. That's it, just one chapter
How can you trust a government once you realize the President is taking advise from genuine Communist spies like Alger Hiss, Lauchlin Currie, Owen Lattimore and Sol Adler and handing China to Mao because he was a "Progressive" and "Democratic"It has to do with Communists positioning their people in key positions at State and having 2 Democrat Presidents gullible and or pliable enough to listen to them.

I'll say it again: on advise from Communist spies at State, US Policy toward China was turned away from Shek who was actually fighting the Japanese and helping us and directed toward history's greatest mass murderer, Mao.

That's why this matters and that's why you need to get you ass into the fact that in the year 2010 a lot has come out about this and it is Earth Shattering

I don't have to and that is my point entirely that that was then and this is now. You are so desperate to blame the hapless liberals for everything that you over reach. Frank... liberals are ineffective. THAT is why I do not pick on them. Liberals did not steal my party. Fundimentalist Christian fascists did.

As far as China goes...I believe the reason our leaders sat back and watched silently as China devoured itself is the same reason why we allow it in Africa. As difficult and morally wrong as it is to accept..the world is in a practical sense better for it.

You can believe whatever the fuck you want, Communists at State had the US Government fuck Chiang Kai Shek over, threw him totally overboard and backed Mao.

That's the facts and they're ugly, but the Communists were not "Sitting back" but were proactively tipping US policy toward Mao.

Why do you think they wanted control of US State?

Just go read the one chapter dealing with Mao. That's it, just one chapter

SOOOooo....????? You are pissed off that there aren't another Billion Chinese to worry about....??? Tell me frankie...How desperate do you think the Chinese would be for world resources if they had another billion mouths to feed and no controls over thier population so let's say in another 20 - 40 years thier fucking population doubles??? Frank some point and time along the way you have to throw your ideoligy out the window and just fucking face the brutal reality of a situation. I don't care that Mao ascended to power..At a very certain point it does not matter if the 5-10 billion hungry humans are commies or republican christians. They are in fact your enemy if you want to eat.
It shocks me that anyone has to ask why knowing the truth matters.

And if it DIDN'T matter, why would leftists be trying so hard to protect and keep intact the web of lies they've spent the last fifty years spinning around McCarthy?
And yet history has now vindicated him as a Patriot, willing to stand up and fight for American Principles and beliefs against insurmountable odds, exposing the massive extent of the Communist penetration into US Society and government.

The New Definition of McCarthyism: When Progressives try to drown out the truth with spew and hatred and nothing else

Day 5: Still no footnote.
No, history has condemned Joe as an enemy of American way of life, willing to demogogue (which CF and CC1200 do all the time), and an enemy of free speech and freedom of conscience.

The new definition of McCarthyism: when right thinking Americans make sure the truth is not drowned by the lies and hatred of reactionaries.

All six of you in the country, once again, have a right to your beliefs, but not to your own reality.
No, history has condemned Joe as an enemy of American way of life, willing to demogogue (which CF and CC1200 do all the time), and an enemy of free speech and freedom of conscience.

The new definition of McCarthyism: when right thinking Americans make sure the truth is not drowned by the lies and hatred of reactionaries.

All six of you in the country, once again, have a right to your beliefs, but not to your own reality.

Putrid Prevaricator <-> StarkRaving

This is known as lateral movement on the intellectual flow chart.
No, history has condemned Joe as an enemy of American way of life, willing to demogogue (which CF and CC1200 do all the time), and an enemy of free speech and freedom of conscience.

The new definition of McCarthyism: when right thinking Americans make sure the truth is not drowned by the lies and hatred of reactionaries.

All six of you in the country, once again, have a right to your beliefs, but not to your own reality.

PC already swiftly dissected your stupid post like a Biology Class Frog, but let me be clear, we have tens of thousands of pages of freshly released documents by the FBI describing in great detail the extent of the Communist penetration of US State.

All McCarthy had at the time was a memo provided him by a State employee who was also concerned with Communist infiltration of State and POTUS Truman's apparent covering up the extent of the infiltration by refusing to allow Congress to investigate.

McCarthy was asking if Congress should take a deeper look and he was lambasted for it by Communists and their American Progressive Sock Puppets.

Here we are 60 years after the Feb 1950 Wheeling WV Speech that started it and from a evidentiary stand point it like the difference between examining microbes with a magnifying glass or a scanning electron microscope, between gazing at the night sky with a crappy little telescope or the Hubble.

So much new data has come forth that the Progressive McCarthites MUST ignore, because it shatters and make a lie of their core thesis: that McCarthy was something other than a concerned Patriot with his hand on the Communist throat.
No, history has condemned Joe as an enemy of American way of life, willing to demogogue (which CF and CC1200 do all the time), and an enemy of free speech and freedom of conscience.

The new definition of McCarthyism: when right thinking Americans make sure the truth is not drowned by the lies and hatred of reactionaries.

All six of you in the country, once again, have a right to your beliefs, but not to your own reality.

PC already swiftly dissected your stupid post like a Biology Class Frog, but let me be clear, we have tens of thousands of pages of freshly released documents by the FBI describing in great detail the extent of the Communist penetration of US State.

All McCarthy had at the time was a memo provided him by a State employee who was also concerned with Communist infiltration of State and POTUS Truman's apparent covering up the extent of the infiltration by refusing to allow Congress to investigate.

McCarthy was asking if Congress should take a deeper look and he was lambasted for it by Communists and their American Progressive Sock Puppets.

Here we are 60 years after the Feb 1950 Wheeling WV Speech that started it and from a evidentiary stand point it like the difference between examining microbes with a magnifying glass or a scanning electron microscope, between gazing at the night sky with a crappy little telescope or the Hubble.

So much new data has come forth that the Progressive McCarthites MUST ignore, because it shatters and make a lie of their core thesis: that McCarthy was something other than a concerned Patriot with his hand on the Communist throat.

Frank, kudos to you for this thread, and the mighty efforts in disabusing our less informed compatriots about this aspect of American history.

If I may expand it just a bit, nothing is more demonstrative as to how cerebrally hog-tied our friends are as the comparison of the ire that they can muster about Senator McCarthy and his revelations, relative to the mute ignorance that they exhibit about actual destruction to America and American values, perpetuated by the first Progressive President.

1. The Red Scare intensified in June 1919, when Attorney General Palmer, who claimed to have a list of 60,000 subversives, engaged in a series of warrantless raids aimed at capturing the mostly immigrant red radicals, some of whom were jailed or shipped back to Russia. With no reproach from Wilson, Palmer trampled on civil liberties and harassed the innocent as well as the likely guilty.

None of the bolded above is true of Senator McCarthy.

2.. During WW I, under the Progressive Woodrow Wilson, American was a fascist nation.
1. Had the world&#8217;s first modern propaganda ministry
2. Political prisoners by the thousands were harassed, beaten, spied upon and thrown in jail for simply expressing private opinions.
3. The national leader accused foreigners and immigrants of injecting treasonous &#8216;poison&#8217; into the American bloodstream
4. Newspapers and magazines were closed for criticizing the government
5. Almost 100,000 government propaganda agents were sent out to whip up support for the regime and the war
6. College professors imposed loyalty oaths on their colleagues
7. Nearly a quarter million &#8216;goons&#8217; were given legal authority to beat and intimidate &#8216;slackers&#8217; and dissenters
8. Leading artists and writers dedicated their work to proselytizing for the government. p. 9

3. The Wilson Propaganda Ministry
a. George Creel was named to head the Committee on Public Information, the CPI. How liberal was he: &#8220;served as police commissioner in Denver, depriving policemen of guns and nightsticks&#8221;(JSTOR: An Error Occurred Setting Your User Cookie) Fear was a vital tool, &#8220;an important element to be bred into the civilian population.&#8221; (Goldberg, &#8220;Liberal Fascism,&#8221; p.109) He recruited about 75,000 "Four Minute Men," who spoke about the War at social events for an ideal length of four minutes, considering that the average human attention span was judged at the time to be four minutes.( George Creel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

b. The official position of the US government's Committee on Public Information was: "The force of an idea lies in its inspirational value. It matters very little if it is true or false." Journal of Translational Medicine | Full text | Comments on the nonpharmaceutical interventions in New York City and Chicago during the 1918 influenza pandemic

c. Wilson&#8217;s Sedition Act, May 1918 banned &#8220;uttering, printing, writing, or publishing any disloyal, profane, scurrilous, or abusive language about the United States government of the military.

d. The postmaster general had authority to deny mailing privileges to any publication: at least 75 were banned. The supply of newsprint was halted by the War Industries Board of any journal that disparaged the draft.

e. The censorship of &#8220;The Masses&#8221; was prosecuted under the Espionage Act of June 1917, because it carried a cartoon proclaiming that it was a war to &#8220;make the world safe for capitalism,&#8221; and editorials praising draft resistors. Six editors&#8217; trial resulted in hung juries.

f. He proclaimed that the greatest threat came from &#8216;hyphenated&#8217; Americans: &#8220;I cannot say too often- any man who carries a hyphen about with him carries a dagger that he is ready to plunge into the vitals of this Republic whenever he gets ready.&#8221; CONGRESS CHEERS AS WILSON URGES CURB ON PLOTTERS - Wild Applause Greets the President's Denunciation of Disloyal Citizens. ACCLAIM DEFENSE PLANS Members of Both Parties Express Approval of His Sentiments on Preparedness. UPHOLDS PAN-AMERICANISM Warns

g. &#8220;The Nation, on April 17, 1920, recounted how a clothing salesman received six months in jail for saying that Vladimir Lenin was smart.&#8221; "The Most Brainiest Man?" The Red Scare and Free Speech in Connecticut Because the Oklahoma Council of Defense was an extralegal organization, numerous incidents of extreme measures occurred to eliminate dissent. Men were beaten with leather straps and tarred and feathered. OKLAHOMA COUNCIL OF DEFENSE

4. The Justice Department had its own quasi-official fascisti, the American Protective League, the APL. They has &#8216;Secret Service&#8217; badges, and were charged with keeping an eye on neighbors, co-workers and friends, including reading neighbor&#8217;s mail and listening in on their phones with government approval. Membership exceeded a quarter million. Zinn, Howard, &#8220;The Twentieth Century: A People&#8217;s History,&#8221; p.89-92

a. In Rockford, Illinois, the army asked the APL to extract confessions from 21 black soldiers charged with assaulting white women. Barry, &#8220;The Great Influenza,&#8221; p. 124.

b. The APL Vigilante Patrol cracked down on &#8220;seditious street oratory,&#8221; and as &#8216;head crackers&#8217; against &#8216;slackers&#8217; who avoided conscription.

And yet, the uneducated in this thread, relying on the liberal media and government schools, have the gall to affront Senator McCarthy for spotlighting lacunae in the Democrat administrations who hired and promoted paid agents of the Soviet Communist conspiracy.

This would almost be understandable, except for the fact they have library cards, the internet, and

The persistence of ignorance...but, Frank, you will be able to use the words of Admiral Nelson at Trafalgar, "Thank God, I have done my duty."

Again, good work!
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No, history has condemned Joe as an enemy of American way of life, willing to demogogue (which CF and CC1200 do all the time), and an enemy of free speech and freedom of conscience.

The new definition of McCarthyism: when right thinking Americans make sure the truth is not drowned by the lies and hatred of reactionaries.

All six of you in the country, once again, have a right to your beliefs, but not to your own reality.

PC already swiftly dissected your stupid post like a Biology Class Frog, but let me be clear, we have tens of thousands of pages of freshly released documents by the FBI describing in great detail the extent of the Communist penetration of US State.

All McCarthy had at the time was a memo provided him by a State employee who was also concerned with Communist infiltration of State and POTUS Truman's apparent covering up the extent of the infiltration by refusing to allow Congress to investigate.

McCarthy was asking if Congress should take a deeper look and he was lambasted for it by Communists and their American Progressive Sock Puppets.

Here we are 60 years after the Feb 1950 Wheeling WV Speech that started it and from a evidentiary stand point it like the difference between examining microbes with a magnifying glass or a scanning electron microscope, between gazing at the night sky with a crappy little telescope or the Hubble.

So much new data has come forth that the Progressive McCarthites MUST ignore, because it shatters and make a lie of their core thesis: that McCarthy was something other than a concerned Patriot with his hand on the Communist throat.

Frank, kudos to you for this thread, and the mighty efforts in disabusing our less informed compatriots about this aspect of American history.

If I may expand it just a bit, nothing is more demonstrative as to how cerebrally hog-tied our friends are as the comparison of the ire that they can muster about Senator McCarthy and his revelations, relative to the mute ignorance that they exhibit about actual destruction to America and American values, perpetuated by the first Progressive President.

1. The Red Scare intensified in June 1919, when Attorney General Palmer, who claimed to have a list of 60,000 subversives, engaged in a series of warrantless raids aimed at capturing the mostly immigrant red radicals, some of whom were jailed or shipped back to Russia. With no reproach from Wilson, Palmer trampled on civil liberties and harassed the innocent as well as the likely guilty.

None of the bolded above is true of Senator McCarthy.

2.. During WW I, under the Progressive Woodrow Wilson, American was a fascist nation.
1. Had the world’s first modern propaganda ministry
2. Political prisoners by the thousands were harassed, beaten, spied upon and thrown in jail for simply expressing private opinions.
3. The national leader accused foreigners and immigrants of injecting treasonous ‘poison’ into the American bloodstream
4. Newspapers and magazines were closed for criticizing the government
5. Almost 100,000 government propaganda agents were sent out to whip up support for the regime and the war
6. College professors imposed loyalty oaths on their colleagues
7. Nearly a quarter million ‘goons’ were given legal authority to beat and intimidate ‘slackers’ and dissenters
8. Leading artists and writers dedicated their work to proselytizing for the government. p. 9

3. The Wilson Propaganda Ministry
a. George Creel was named to head the Committee on Public Information, the CPI. How liberal was he: “served as police commissioner in Denver, depriving policemen of guns and nightsticks”(JSTOR: An Error Occurred Setting Your User Cookie) Fear was a vital tool, “an important element to be bred into the civilian population.” (Goldberg, “Liberal Fascism,” p.109) He recruited about 75,000 "Four Minute Men," who spoke about the War at social events for an ideal length of four minutes, considering that the average human attention span was judged at the time to be four minutes.( George Creel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

b. The official position of the US government's Committee on Public Information was: "The force of an idea lies in its inspirational value. It matters very little if it is true or false." Journal of Translational Medicine | Full text | Comments on the nonpharmaceutical interventions in New York City and Chicago during the 1918 influenza pandemic

c. Wilson’s Sedition Act, May 1918 banned “uttering, printing, writing, or publishing any disloyal, profane, scurrilous, or abusive language about the United States government of the military.

d. The postmaster general had authority to deny mailing privileges to any publication: at least 75 were banned. The supply of newsprint was halted by the War Industries Board of any journal that disparaged the draft.

e. The censorship of “The Masses” was prosecuted under the Espionage Act of June 1917, because it carried a cartoon proclaiming that it was a war to “make the world safe for capitalism,” and editorials praising draft resistors. Six editors’ trial resulted in hung juries.

f. He proclaimed that the greatest threat came from ‘hyphenated’ Americans: “I cannot say too often- any man who carries a hyphen about with him carries a dagger that he is ready to plunge into the vitals of this Republic whenever he gets ready.” CONGRESS CHEERS AS WILSON URGES CURB ON PLOTTERS - Wild Applause Greets the President's Denunciation of Disloyal Citizens. ACCLAIM DEFENSE PLANS Members of Both Parties Express Approval of His Sentiments on Preparedness. UPHOLDS PAN-AMERICANISM Warns

g. “The Nation, on April 17, 1920, recounted how a clothing salesman received six months in jail for saying that Vladimir Lenin was smart.” "The Most Brainiest Man?" The Red Scare and Free Speech in Connecticut Because the Oklahoma Council of Defense was an extralegal organization, numerous incidents of extreme measures occurred to eliminate dissent. Men were beaten with leather straps and tarred and feathered. OKLAHOMA COUNCIL OF DEFENSE

4. The Justice Department had its own quasi-official fascisti, the American Protective League, the APL. They has ‘Secret Service’ badges, and were charged with keeping an eye on neighbors, co-workers and friends, including reading neighbor’s mail and listening in on their phones with government approval. Membership exceeded a quarter million. Zinn, Howard, “The Twentieth Century: A People’s History,” p.89-92

a. In Rockford, Illinois, the army asked the APL to extract confessions from 21 black soldiers charged with assaulting white women. Barry, “The Great Influenza,” p. 124.

b. The APL Vigilante Patrol cracked down on “seditious street oratory,” and as ‘head crackers’ against ‘slackers’ who avoided conscription.

And yet, the uneducated in this thread, relying on the liberal media and government schools, have the gall to affront Senator McCarthy for spotlighting lacunae in the Democrat administrations who hired and promoted paid agents of the Soviet Communist conspiracy.

This would almost be understandable, except for the fact they have library cards, the internet, and

The persistence of ignorance...but, Frank, you will be able to use the words of Admiral Nelson at Trafalgar, "Thank God, I have done my duty."

Again, good work!

I hate to admit it, but I didn't know this about Wilson. It's not surprising that he was a vicious anti American scumbag, considering he gave us a Central Bank and neutron bombed the States with the 16th Amendment.
Don't take this personally, but you suck as a private detective and don't have the first fucking clue how McCarthy and Cohn ran anything.

You should have some vague, passing familiarity with the facts and circumstances of McCarty's Central Thesis before you accuse him of a "Shotgun" effect.

President Truman prevented Congress from investigating the allegations of Communist infiltration of US State for years and that simmered until Feb 1950, when Joe McCarthy made a speech at Wheeling WV, saying that he was given a list from State of 57 Card carrying Communist at State. In the interest of fairness to them he refused to name them because he had so little evidence. All he wanted was for Congress to take a deeper look at US State.

The Leftists then and now were the real McCarthyites, they threw everything at him and ignored all the facts all to protect the Comrades at State, Treasury, the Federal Reserve and World Bank. Nothing changed in how the Left operates, unfortunately, the Left lost their media monopoly so all they have is spew, innuendo, ridicule and outright nonsense.

Are you claiming that everyone McCarthy drug before his committee was guilty of being a communist? HAHAHAHA, you should know better Frank.
"Don't take this personally but you suck as a private detective" Frank.
LOL, what about that is not personal Frank?
But ok, I like those rules.
"All he wanted was for Congress to take a deeper look at State" Frank.
Yeah, sure right Frank. All those Hollywood producers, writers and actors were in the State Department. :cuckoo:
And you would want Congress, the leak Capital of the world to conduct our internal espionage?:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
You are a buffoon and a dumbass prick Frank but don't take it personal old boy.
Would not want you on a jury. You are gullible and naive as hell.

See what I mean about you sucking and not having a clue?

McCarthy was focused on Soviet infiltration at US State and had NOTHING TO DO WITH ZERO MOSTEL or Hollywood Producers.

You got duped, which happens sometimes so there's no shame in it. But after being told repeatedly you got duped and never bothering to take another look, well, shame on you.

You are absolutely right on the Hollywood witch hunt as that was before the McCarthy hearings and I stand corrected and I was totally wrong on that point.
But you do agree that was also a witch hunt, don't you?
How many officers in the Army did McCarthy flush out and how many did he accuse that were innocent? You claim he was focused on infiltration at State and that it is not so. Voice of America and others also.
But again, you corrected me on the Hollywood witch hunts as he was not a part of that but I saw no effort on his part to clear all of the falsely accused with his hearings. His hearings compounded the red scare hysteria as Truman and Eisenhower stated.
Are you claiming that everyone McCarthy drug before his committee was guilty of being a communist? HAHAHAHA, you should know better Frank.
"Don't take this personally but you suck as a private detective" Frank.
LOL, what about that is not personal Frank?
But ok, I like those rules.
"All he wanted was for Congress to take a deeper look at State" Frank.
Yeah, sure right Frank. All those Hollywood producers, writers and actors were in the State Department. :cuckoo:
And you would want Congress, the leak Capital of the world to conduct our internal espionage?:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
You are a buffoon and a dumbass prick Frank but don't take it personal old boy.
Would not want you on a jury. You are gullible and naive as hell.

See what I mean about you sucking and not having a clue?

McCarthy was focused on Soviet infiltration at US State and had NOTHING TO DO WITH ZERO MOSTEL or Hollywood Producers.

You got duped, which happens sometimes so there's no shame in it. But after being told repeatedly you got duped and never bothering to take another look, well, shame on you.

You are absolutely right on the Hollywood witch hunt as that was before the McCarthy hearings and I stand corrected and I was totally wrong on that point.
But you do agree that was also a witch hunt, don't you?
How many officers in the Army did McCarthy flush out and how many did he accuse that were innocent? You claim he was focused on infiltration at State and that it is not so. Voice of America and others also.
But again, you corrected me on the Hollywood witch hunts as he was not a part of that but I saw no effort on his part to clear all of the falsely accused with his hearings. His hearings compounded the red scare hysteria as Truman and Eisenhower stated.

First, I apologize for my tone. My frustration is that I'm trying to tell people the Earth is round and so few hear it and just want to keep telling me they learned it was flat and that all they know.

I'm glad you saw part of the error regarding the Hollywood Blacklisting, but the far larger problem is how correct McCarthy was about Communist infiltration at State and it mattered because they steered US policy toward Stalin and Mao.

There was no McCarthy WITCH HUNT!!!! It never happened!

He asked Congress to investigate Communist Inflirtration at State and he was treated like a War Criminal for exposing it.

The "Red Scare" started because the ChioComs started the Korean War 4 months after McCarthy asked these questions for the first time. That's why Korea is the "Forgotten War"

I promise I'll try not to be a dick, but please, please, please try ti understand that the information is so very different from what we first were told.
PC already swiftly dissected your stupid post like a Biology Class Frog, but let me be clear, we have tens of thousands of pages of freshly released documents by the FBI describing in great detail the extent of the Communist penetration of US State.

All McCarthy had at the time was a memo provided him by a State employee who was also concerned with Communist infiltration of State and POTUS Truman's apparent covering up the extent of the infiltration by refusing to allow Congress to investigate.

McCarthy was asking if Congress should take a deeper look and he was lambasted for it by Communists and their American Progressive Sock Puppets.

Here we are 60 years after the Feb 1950 Wheeling WV Speech that started it and from a evidentiary stand point it like the difference between examining microbes with a magnifying glass or a scanning electron microscope, between gazing at the night sky with a crappy little telescope or the Hubble.

So much new data has come forth that the Progressive McCarthites MUST ignore, because it shatters and make a lie of their core thesis: that McCarthy was something other than a concerned Patriot with his hand on the Communist throat.

Frank, kudos to you for this thread, and the mighty efforts in disabusing our less informed compatriots about this aspect of American history.

If I may expand it just a bit, nothing is more demonstrative as to how cerebrally hog-tied our friends are as the comparison of the ire that they can muster about Senator McCarthy and his revelations, relative to the mute ignorance that they exhibit about actual destruction to America and American values, perpetuated by the first Progressive President.

1. The Red Scare intensified in June 1919, when Attorney General Palmer, who claimed to have a list of 60,000 subversives, engaged in a series of warrantless raids aimed at capturing the mostly immigrant red radicals, some of whom were jailed or shipped back to Russia. With no reproach from Wilson, Palmer trampled on civil liberties and harassed the innocent as well as the likely guilty.

None of the bolded above is true of Senator McCarthy.

2.. During WW I, under the Progressive Woodrow Wilson, American was a fascist nation.
1. Had the world’s first modern propaganda ministry
2. Political prisoners by the thousands were harassed, beaten, spied upon and thrown in jail for simply expressing private opinions.
3. The national leader accused foreigners and immigrants of injecting treasonous ‘poison’ into the American bloodstream
4. Newspapers and magazines were closed for criticizing the government
5. Almost 100,000 government propaganda agents were sent out to whip up support for the regime and the war
6. College professors imposed loyalty oaths on their colleagues
7. Nearly a quarter million ‘goons’ were given legal authority to beat and intimidate ‘slackers’ and dissenters
8. Leading artists and writers dedicated their work to proselytizing for the government. p. 9

3. The Wilson Propaganda Ministry
a. George Creel was named to head the Committee on Public Information, the CPI. How liberal was he: “served as police commissioner in Denver, depriving policemen of guns and nightsticks”(JSTOR: An Error Occurred Setting Your User Cookie) Fear was a vital tool, “an important element to be bred into the civilian population.” (Goldberg, “Liberal Fascism,” p.109) He recruited about 75,000 "Four Minute Men," who spoke about the War at social events for an ideal length of four minutes, considering that the average human attention span was judged at the time to be four minutes.( George Creel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

b. The official position of the US government's Committee on Public Information was: "The force of an idea lies in its inspirational value. It matters very little if it is true or false." Journal of Translational Medicine | Full text | Comments on the nonpharmaceutical interventions in New York City and Chicago during the 1918 influenza pandemic

c. Wilson’s Sedition Act, May 1918 banned “uttering, printing, writing, or publishing any disloyal, profane, scurrilous, or abusive language about the United States government of the military.

d. The postmaster general had authority to deny mailing privileges to any publication: at least 75 were banned. The supply of newsprint was halted by the War Industries Board of any journal that disparaged the draft.

e. The censorship of “The Masses” was prosecuted under the Espionage Act of June 1917, because it carried a cartoon proclaiming that it was a war to “make the world safe for capitalism,” and editorials praising draft resistors. Six editors’ trial resulted in hung juries.

f. He proclaimed that the greatest threat came from ‘hyphenated’ Americans: “I cannot say too often- any man who carries a hyphen about with him carries a dagger that he is ready to plunge into the vitals of this Republic whenever he gets ready.” CONGRESS CHEERS AS WILSON URGES CURB ON PLOTTERS - Wild Applause Greets the President's Denunciation of Disloyal Citizens. ACCLAIM DEFENSE PLANS Members of Both Parties Express Approval of His Sentiments on Preparedness. UPHOLDS PAN-AMERICANISM Warns

g. “The Nation, on April 17, 1920, recounted how a clothing salesman received six months in jail for saying that Vladimir Lenin was smart.” "The Most Brainiest Man?" The Red Scare and Free Speech in Connecticut Because the Oklahoma Council of Defense was an extralegal organization, numerous incidents of extreme measures occurred to eliminate dissent. Men were beaten with leather straps and tarred and feathered. OKLAHOMA COUNCIL OF DEFENSE

4. The Justice Department had its own quasi-official fascisti, the American Protective League, the APL. They has ‘Secret Service’ badges, and were charged with keeping an eye on neighbors, co-workers and friends, including reading neighbor’s mail and listening in on their phones with government approval. Membership exceeded a quarter million. Zinn, Howard, “The Twentieth Century: A People’s History,” p.89-92

a. In Rockford, Illinois, the army asked the APL to extract confessions from 21 black soldiers charged with assaulting white women. Barry, “The Great Influenza,” p. 124.

b. The APL Vigilante Patrol cracked down on “seditious street oratory,” and as ‘head crackers’ against ‘slackers’ who avoided conscription.

And yet, the uneducated in this thread, relying on the liberal media and government schools, have the gall to affront Senator McCarthy for spotlighting lacunae in the Democrat administrations who hired and promoted paid agents of the Soviet Communist conspiracy.

This would almost be understandable, except for the fact they have library cards, the internet, and

The persistence of ignorance...but, Frank, you will be able to use the words of Admiral Nelson at Trafalgar, "Thank God, I have done my duty."

Again, good work!

I hate to admit it, but I didn't know this about Wilson. It's not surprising that he was a vicious anti American scumbag, considering he gave us a Central Bank and neutron bombed the States with the 16th Amendment.

I knew this about Wilson, although I didn't know quite that many specifics. If I remember correctly, he lied us into WWI, too.
See what I mean about you sucking and not having a clue?

McCarthy was focused on Soviet infiltration at US State and had NOTHING TO DO WITH ZERO MOSTEL or Hollywood Producers.

You got duped, which happens sometimes so there's no shame in it. But after being told repeatedly you got duped and never bothering to take another look, well, shame on you.

You are absolutely right on the Hollywood witch hunt as that was before the McCarthy hearings and I stand corrected and I was totally wrong on that point.
But you do agree that was also a witch hunt, don't you?
How many officers in the Army did McCarthy flush out and how many did he accuse that were innocent? You claim he was focused on infiltration at State and that it is not so. Voice of America and others also.
But again, you corrected me on the Hollywood witch hunts as he was not a part of that but I saw no effort on his part to clear all of the falsely accused with his hearings. His hearings compounded the red scare hysteria as Truman and Eisenhower stated.

First, I apologize for my tone. My frustration is that I'm trying to tell people the Earth is round and so few hear it and just want to keep telling me they learned it was flat and that all they know.

I'm glad you saw part of the error regarding the Hollywood Blacklisting, but the far larger problem is how correct McCarthy was about Communist infiltration at State and it mattered because they steered US policy toward Stalin and Mao.

There was no McCarthy WITCH HUNT!!!! It never happened!

He asked Congress to investigate Communist Inflirtration at State and he was treated like a War Criminal for exposing it.

The "Red Scare" started because the ChioComs started the Korean War 4 months after McCarthy asked these questions for the first time. That's why Korea is the "Forgotten War"

I promise I'll try not to be a dick, but please, please, please try ti understand that the information is so very different from what we first were told.

I would also like to point out that it wasn't McCarthy's job to "try to clear the names" of the people blacklisted in Hollywood. Again, his committee was about GOVERNMENT oversight, not Hollywood.

Also, as to Gadawg's question of "how many did he accuse who were innocent", that's HIS assertion, not yours or mine, so it's up to HIM to tell us about accused innocents, not us to prove him right.
PC has an epic fail, and CeCelie1200 and CrusaderFrank have been torn apart.

All your ranting and chanting, you three stooges, does not change that you have epically failed.
PC has an epic fail, and CeCelie1200 and CrusaderFrank have been torn apart.

All your ranting and chanting, you three stooges, does not change that you have epically failed.

Day 6: Where's the Footnote. One Footnote. Just one (1).
You three remind me of some of the fascist journalists and propaganda people in Italy during the mid-1920s. They were awful.

Frank: that was dealt with already. Mark can fight his own battles, and has been, I heard, getting his ass kicked elsewhere. Anybody can read the book on their own, study the footnotes and conclusions, and realize the work is a hoax.

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