Sen. Kay Hagan now trailing all of her Republican challengers in North Carolina

Senator Hagan might as well give it up. The Republicans have their canidate. "Greg Brannon, a North Carolina Republican running for U.S. Senate, has argued that the food stamp program is comparable to slavery, calling on lawmakers to abolish the Department of Agriculture." :eek: :cuckoo:

"Brannon, a tea party-aligned Republican, is vying for the Republican nomination in the race to unseat Sen. Kay Hagan (D-N.C.). Brannon, a doctor, has named Jesse Helms, the longtime arch-conservative former senator who opposed the Voting Rights Act and the Civil Rights Act, as an inspiration. He's also spoken out against public education, and has claimed that "all ten of Marx's planks of communism are law in our land today."

In October, Brannon spoke at a rally sponsored by the League of the South, a secessionist group.

Despite his controversial remarks, Brannon has gained support from a number of prominent conservatives, including Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) and columnist Ann Coulter."

Greg Brannon, GOP Senate Candidate, Likens Food Stamps To Slavery
She's going down, folks. One of many others to follow.

The Democrat butthurt is about to commence.

Sen. Kay Hagan now trailing all of her Republican challengers in North Carolina « Hot Air

It wasn’t so very long ago — as in, last September — that Democratic senator and enthusiastic ObamaCare cheerleader Kay Hagan was posting fairly comfortable margins leading all of the Republican challengers to her reelection bid this year. Cue the ObamaCare initiation sequence, however, and that all started to change pretty quickly. These past few months have been whittling away at her erstwhile lead, and even as the Republican primary race is starting to solidify, Public Policy Polling‘s latest update indicates that all of her potential opponents are seriously gaining on her:

For the first time in our polling of the North Carolina Senate race, presumptive frontrunner Thom Tillis has opened a little bit of space between himself and the rest of his opponents in the Republican primary. Tillis now leads the field with 19% to 11% for Greg Brannon and Heather Grant, 8% for Mark Harris, and 7% for Bill Flynn. …

39% of voters in the state say they approve of the job Hagan is doing to 49% who disapprove. She has 1 or 2 point deficits against each of her potential GOP foes. She’s down by 1 to Heather Grant (42/41) and Thom Tillis (43/42), and trails by 2 against the rest of the field (43/41 against Greg Brannon and Mark Harris, 44/42 against Bill Flynn.)​

She's getting her ass kicked by Obama and Obamacare.
I don't know if I'd count Montana as strong GOP, it has a strong history of electing Democratic Senators. Actually...excluding Sen. Burns, ALL they've ever elected is democratic senators...
I hope she loses, she will be the sacrificial lamb over OScamCare

and then on to the rest who pushed OscamCare on us against our will

She was one of the 2008 democrat candidates that rode into office on Obama's coat tail.
Hagan is largely invisible. She rarely makes appearances in North Carolina. She absolutely refuses to be interviewed by the largest news/talk radio stations in Raleigh and Charlotte.
She will not do news conferences.
Her absence from Obama's appearance at NC State U on Tuesday 1/14 did not go unnoticed by Obama.
Hagan knows she is vulnerable and she is attempting to distance herself from Obama. It's not working...Early last year, Hagan was polling at least 10 pts ahead of any of the recognized GOP challengers.
If the election were held today, she'd lose.
Actually, undecideds break for the incumbant.

Actually, no, they don't and this is common knowledge in politics.

Incumbent Rule

Which one will be the first to stick an adjective in front of the word "Rape" when running against a woman?

Yes, a screwball candidate is always capable of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory (Sharron Angle, Christine O'Donnell, Todd Aiken, Robert Murdock), but right now I'm predicting a Republican controlled Senate this time next year. The health care law is a flop, Obama's approval rating has dipped back into the 30s, 42% of Americans think they're worse off financially now than last year. This will factor into the GOP picking up the six seats they need.

All of these Democratic held seats are in play:

South Dakota - Strong GOP Pick Up
West Virginia - Strong GOP Pick Up
Montana - Strong GOP Pick Up
North Carolina - Lean GOP Pick Up
Arkansas - Lean GOP Pick Up
Alaska - Toss Up
Louisiana - Toss Up
Michigan - Toss Up
Iowa - Lean Dem
New Hampshire - Lean Dem
Minnesota - Likely Dem
Virginia - Likely Dem (will be interesting to see how Gillespie's entrance into the race today affects this one)

Weren't you guys predicting a GOP controlled Senate in 2012? When you supposedly had 8 seats in play.

And then you ended up losing two seats?

The three "Strong Pickups" are vacancies. The only one that "leans" is Arkansas, and frankly, I'm sure you are going to find ways to blow the rest of them.

That was then. This is now.

The only one that "leans" is Arkansas, and frankly, I'm sure you are going to find ways to blow the rest of them.

North Carolina is also a "lean" at this point and it won't be the only one as we get closer to November. All the dynamics are now favoring the GOP. It would take a colossal fuck up for them to blow this, not that they can't figure out a way how, of course.

They will control the Senate next year. Barring a major quake in the political realm, I'm certain of it.

Guy, the thing is... your party is crazy and didn't learn jack diddly shit from 2012.

The Generic RCP Average actually shows a slight Democratic advantage.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - 2014 Generic Congressional Vote

All it will take is a few of those nominations to be won by teabaggers and you'll blow this one.

Which might actually be a good thing, as it will finally get your party to examine what it's been doing wrong.

But more likely, you'll pick up a couple seats, think you are on the right track, and Hillary will slam you guys in 2016, when all the Teabaggers who got in before people realized how crazy they are come up again.
Keep telling yourself that.
Your problem is overconfidence.
You libs believe political power for your side is a birthright. You arrogantly believe your side cannot possibly lose and election.
GOP candidates that run on limited government, fiscal responsibility, the middle class, private sector business and employment, lower taxes and reducing many of the crushing regulations on industry will win.
Obama care will of course be a campaign issue as well.
Those Senators which are perceived to be in support of Obamacare will lose.
It is looking more and more likely that the GOP will control the Senate and House after the midterms.

North Carolina is also a "lean" at this point and it won't be the only one as we get closer to November. All the dynamics are now favoring the GOP. It would take a colossal fuck up for them to blow this, not that they can't figure out a way how, of course.

They will control the Senate next year. Barring a major quake in the political realm, I'm certain of it.

Guy, the thing is... your party is crazy and didn't learn jack diddly shit from 2012.

The Generic RCP Average actually shows a slight Democratic advantage.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - 2014 Generic Congressional Vote

All it will take is a few of those nominations to be won by teabaggers and you'll blow this one.

Which might actually be a good thing, as it will finally get your party to examine what it's been doing wrong.

But more likely, you'll pick up a couple seats, think you are on the right track, and Hillary will slam you guys in 2016, when all the Teabaggers who got in before people realized how crazy they are come up again.
Keep telling yourself that.
Your problem is overconfidence.
You libs believe political power for your side is a birthright. You arrogantly believe your side cannot possibly lose and election.
GOP candidates that run on limited government, fiscal responsibility, the middle class, private sector business and employment, lower taxes and reducing many of the crushing regulations on industry will win.
Obama care will of course be a campaign issue as well.
Those Senators which are perceived to be in support of Obamacare will lose.

I don't really buy it that the GOP will have a Senate majority in 2014...but in the end it doesn't mean much. Obama will still be president and the majority of his policies will still be in effect. Sure he'll be lame duck, but what does it matter? No immigration reform? okay, that'll be great in 2016. No minimum wage increase? Okay, another thing to run on in 2016. Afghanistan? That'll already be over.

Will the GOP be able to setup a huge conservative agenda? No, first Obama still in office. Second the GOP majority in the Senate is guaranteed to be small, and there will still be significant filibusters. Third the 2016 presidential election will be on the minds of the GOP and they won't do anything radical on the cusps of a new presidential era.

In the bigger picture for the GOP it's a matter of "prevention" rather then pursuing anything major on their own. 2016 will be HUGELY more impactful then 2014.

2014 is small pickings, it's minor on the federal level. The governorships and state legislators are the real thing to watch IMO.
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I hope she loses, she will be the sacrificial lamb over OScamCare

and then on to the rest who pushed OscamCare on us against our will

She was one of the 2008 democrat candidates that rode into office on Obama's coat tail.
Hagan is largely invisible. She rarely makes appearances in North Carolina. She absolutely refuses to be interviewed by the largest news/talk radio stations in Raleigh and Charlotte.
She will not do news conferences.
Her absence from Obama's appearance at NC State U on Tuesday 1/14 did not go unnoticed by Obama.
Hagan knows she is vulnerable and she is attempting to distance herself from Obama. It's not working...Early last year, Hagan was polling at least 10 pts ahead of any of the recognized GOP challengers.
If the election were held today, she'd lose.

She can be beat by a mainstream GOP candidate easily; if it is a TeaP, she will win by 5 points.
Guy, the thing is... your party is crazy and didn't learn jack diddly shit from 2012.

The Generic RCP Average actually shows a slight Democratic advantage.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - 2014 Generic Congressional Vote

All it will take is a few of those nominations to be won by teabaggers and you'll blow this one.

Which might actually be a good thing, as it will finally get your party to examine what it's been doing wrong.

But more likely, you'll pick up a couple seats, think you are on the right track, and Hillary will slam you guys in 2016, when all the Teabaggers who got in before people realized how crazy they are come up again.
Keep telling yourself that.
Your problem is overconfidence.
You libs believe political power for your side is a birthright. You arrogantly believe your side cannot possibly lose and election.
GOP candidates that run on limited government, fiscal responsibility, the middle class, private sector business and employment, lower taxes and reducing many of the crushing regulations on industry will win.
Obama care will of course be a campaign issue as well.
Those Senators which are perceived to be in support of Obamacare will lose.

I don't really buy it that the GOP will have a Senate majority in 2014...but in the end it doesn't mean much. Obama will still be president and the majority of his policies will still be in effect. Sure he'll be lame duck, but what does it matter? No immigration reform? okay, that'll be great in 2016. No minimum wage increase? Okay, another thing to run on in 2016. Afghanistan? That'll already be over.

Will the GOP be able to setup a huge conservative agenda? No, first Obama still in office. Second the GOP majority in the Senate is guaranteed to be small, and there will still be significant filibusters. Third the 2016 presidential election will be on the minds of the GOP and they won't do anything radical on the cusps of a new presidential era.

In the bigger picture for the GOP it's a matter of "prevention" rather then pursuing anything major on their own. 2016 will be HUGELY more impactful then 2014.

2014 is small pickings, it's minor on the federal level. The governorships and state legislators are the real thing to watch IMO.

The GOP has more Governorships and controls more State houses. The Democrats over-reached with Obamacare and it will hurt them for years to come. it could even spell the end of their party.
One, North Carolina is not the demographic it used to be so don't count on a bunch of ignorant white people's votes. Two, outside attack ads on one of North Carolina's own is going to backfire hard.

NC voted for Romney in 2012. Obama in 2008.
NC is solid GOP. Hagan will not retain her seat.
It is the operatives of the democrat party that have to resort to attack ads because democrats cannot run on the issues.
Your racist comment is noted.
One, North Carolina is not the demographic it used to be so don't count on a bunch of ignorant white people's votes. Two, outside attack ads on one of North Carolina's own is going to backfire hard.

It isn't an outside group and it is a very well run ad. But then one would have to actually live in NC to know the facts.

Who isn't an outside group?

backpedaling already?....It figures.

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