Sen. Rick Scott says GOP will gain at least 4 Senate seats in 2022 midterms

Midterm elections tend to be kryptonite to The Presidents political party. Generally, that party loses seats and more often than not loses its majority.

Exactly. If and when the Party in Power swings too far, the American Electorate is motivated to shift power to the other Party. Saw it with Clinton, Bush, Obama, and Trump. I don't see how and why Biden will be any different. At a minimum, I predict the GOP will take one of the Legislative Chamber majorities. The Biden Administration would need to not only be centrist, but unifying as well. Obama could not achieve that. Trump could not achieve that. I think Clinton and Bush had the best shots but even they saw chambers shift to the other party during their 8 years.

The Trump Republican Party and Jan 6 scramble all previous norms. It is Republicans who are blocking everything instead of compromising. That will not sit well with voters. Voters are closer to Democrats than Republicans on the issues.

You can only compromise if BOTH parties are wiling to do so.
As I think of it there is no reason President Trump could not, if he so chose, to run for House or Senate from Florida in '22.

OK, liberals, now go change your Depends!
ORLANDO, Florida – Sen. Rick Scott predicted on Friday that the Republican Party will flip blue Senate seats to red in at least four states in the 2022 midterms, after earlier this week declaring that the civil war within the GOP is "canceled."

"I think we've got opportunities across the country," Scott, R-Fla., said in an interview with Fox News. "Clearly, we're going to pick up Georgia. We're going to pick up Arizona. We're gonna pick up New Hampshire, we're going to pick up Nevada. But I think we have opportunities all across the country. There's 14 Democrat seats up and I think we can get quite a few of them."

Scott is the chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC), which means he's the person charged with bringing the GOP back to the Senate majority in 2022. He spoke to Fox News shortly after his address to the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC).
Scott specifically said that the GOP will take back the Senate by focusing "on who the Democrats are, who the Republicans are. The Democrat Party has been taken over by socialism. That's not where America is. We're gonna focus on job creation. The Democrats aren't. We're gonna focus on school choice. Clearly, the Democrats don't even wanna open the schools."

I wouldn't be surprise at all, maybe even more than 4. Plus take back the House IMHO.
Rick Scott is a bum. He defrauded medicare of $20 billion dollars and wrecked the Columbia HCA.

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