Sen. Ron Johnson Says Covid Was "Preplanned" by "Elite Group," Cites Bill Gates' Event 201


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
That would mean the World Economic Forum, another sponsor of Event 201 at Johns Hopkins University, always first out with a fresh paper on how "safe and effective" the vaxxes were (not.)

RFK Jr. recently said on the Russell Brand Show that COVID was a military operation.

Sen. Johnson gave Covid vaccine victims a forum.

"Sen. Ron Johnson: Covid-19 Was "Preplanned By An Elite Group Of People," "Planned For Our Loss Of Freedom""

Sen. Johnson Covid vaccine victim roundtable

Bill Gates co-sponsored Event 201 in New York on Oct. 18, 2019, a pandemic “simulation” exercise which was centered around a new, fictional kind of coronavirus which originated from bats, nearly two months before the first reports emerged out of Wuhan of a new, bat-origin coronavirus illness.

Event 201 website Johns Hopkins University


Real Clear Politics, By Tim Hains, August 11, 2023

"Sen. Ron Johnson: Covid-19 Was "Preplanned By An Elite Group Of People," "Planned For Our Loss Of Freedom""

Sen. Ron Johnson articulated the belief that the Covid-19 pandemic was "preplanned by an elite group of people... for our loss of freedom" during an appearance Friday morning with FBN's Maria Bartiromo.

Johnson cited "Event 201," a pandemic preparedness event hosted in 2019 by the World Health Organization, Gates Foundation, and Johns Hopkins University that has been repeatedly cited by conspiracy theorists as a "practice run" for Covid-19.

SEN. RON JOHNSON: You know doctors I have been dealing with talking to for years now. They may believe, probably hundreds of thousands of Americans lost their lives because they were denied early treatment because the FSA sabotaged Ivermectin and said, "Come on you're now a cow, you're not a horse." This was supposedly horse medicine. No, it was a Nobel prize-winning medicine that could have saved hundreds of thousands of lives. It did save many, many lives because people did have doctors with courage to, and the compassion to actually treat patients using it, putting at risk their medical licenses.

Fortunately, we do have reporters like yourself and John Solomon with the courage to report the truth against the mainstream media and against the narrative. But that is the only way this is solved, we need to truth to be exposed, we need more Americans to listen to the truth, to be exposed to the truth, to pull their heads out of the sand, quite honestly, and open their eyes and understand what has happened in this country.

We are going down a very dangerous path, but it is a path that is being laid out and planned by an elite group of people that want to take total control over our lives, and that's what they are doing, bit by bit. They do it by increasing massive government spending, increasing the size of government, take over of the WHO, these amendments coming that are going to be voted on in 2024 at the WHO are frightening, they really risk taking away all of our sovereignty. People have to wake up awaken to the dangers of the moment.

MARIA BARTIROMO: It is just extraordinary to me that the government was working with social media to amplify lies and suppress truth and has been doing so repeatedly. We just saw the Facebook story, the Twitter files, all of the all the way, government officials from the CDC, FBI, you know CIA, a thousand people according to the reporters working on the Twitter files, worked with social media to amplify lies and suppress truth.

Why couldn't the American people know that, you know, there were other alternatives to treat Covid why can't American people know there were side effects with the vaccine?

JOHNSON: This is all preplanned by an elite group of people, that is what I am talking about, Event 201 occurred in late 2019, prior to the rest of us knowing about the pandemic. Again -- this is very concerning in terms of what is happening, what continues to be planned for our loss of freedom.


JOHNSON: It needs to be exposed but unfortunately, very few people even in Congress are willing to take a look at this. They all pushed the vaccine, they don't want to be made aware of the fact that vaccines might have caused injuries or death, so many people simply just don't want to admit they were wrong and they're going to do everything they can to make sure they're not proven wrong.

We are up against a very powerful group of people here, Maria."


NBC News Atlanta: US Government Vaccine Injury Program Overwhelmed by COVID Vaccine Injury Claims

COVID Vaccine Victim Information

Search Twitter by #VaccineInjuries and #VaccineGenocide

Real Not Rare.

Real Not Rare Facebook page.


“Anecdotals” (documentary)

“Safe and Effective” (documentary)

The Vaccine Reaction

Children’s Health Defense

World Council for Health: Covid-19 Vaccine Pharmacovigilance Report

1,000+ Peer Reviewed Articles On COVID Vaccine Injuries

Reuters: COVID Vaccine Injury Claims Skyrocket 16-Fold to 5400

Links to doctors’ calls for halts to mass “vaccinations,” partial list: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
Like Maui, 911 and the rest, Covid was a flop of a genetically engineered flu, but that didn't stop Zionist Fascism from

fudging death certificates
mandating a Murderous Fraud Vax
forcing mass use of absentee ballots
bankrupting small and mid sized businesses with unconstitutional shut downs

Our enemy as America is Zionist Fascism. If we cannot figure that out, we are doomed to be conquered by it.
That would mean the World Economic Forum, another sponsor of Event 201 at Johns Hopkins University, always first out with a fresh paper on how "safe and effective" the vaxxes were (not.)

RFK Jr. recently said on the Russell Brand Show that COVID was a military operation.

Sen. Johnson gave Covid vaccine victims a forum.

"Sen. Ron Johnson: Covid-19 Was "Preplanned By An Elite Group Of People," "Planned For Our Loss Of Freedom""

Sen. Johnson Covid vaccine victim roundtable

Bill Gates co-sponsored Event 201 in New York on Oct. 18, 2019, a pandemic “simulation” exercise which was centered around a new, fictional kind of coronavirus which originated from bats, nearly two months before the first reports emerged out of Wuhan of a new, bat-origin coronavirus illness.

Event 201 website Johns Hopkins University


Real Clear Politics, By Tim Hains, August 11, 2023

"Sen. Ron Johnson: Covid-19 Was "Preplanned By An Elite Group Of People," "Planned For Our Loss Of Freedom""

Sen. Ron Johnson articulated the belief that the Covid-19 pandemic was "preplanned by an elite group of people... for our loss of freedom" during an appearance Friday morning with FBN's Maria Bartiromo.

Johnson cited "Event 201," a pandemic preparedness event hosted in 2019 by the World Health Organization, Gates Foundation, and Johns Hopkins University that has been repeatedly cited by conspiracy theorists as a "practice run" for Covid-19.

SEN. RON JOHNSON: You know doctors I have been dealing with talking to for years now. They may believe, probably hundreds of thousands of Americans lost their lives because they were denied early treatment because the FSA sabotaged Ivermectin and said, "Come on you're now a cow, you're not a horse." This was supposedly horse medicine. No, it was a Nobel prize-winning medicine that could have saved hundreds of thousands of lives. It did save many, many lives because people did have doctors with courage to, and the compassion to actually treat patients using it, putting at risk their medical licenses.

Fortunately, we do have reporters like yourself and John Solomon with the courage to report the truth against the mainstream media and against the narrative. But that is the only way this is solved, we need to truth to be exposed, we need more Americans to listen to the truth, to be exposed to the truth, to pull their heads out of the sand, quite honestly, and open their eyes and understand what has happened in this country.

We are going down a very dangerous path, but it is a path that is being laid out and planned by an elite group of people that want to take total control over our lives, and that's what they are doing, bit by bit. They do it by increasing massive government spending, increasing the size of government, take over of the WHO, these amendments coming that are going to be voted on in 2024 at the WHO are frightening, they really risk taking away all of our sovereignty. People have to wake up awaken to the dangers of the moment.

MARIA BARTIROMO: It is just extraordinary to me that the government was working with social media to amplify lies and suppress truth and has been doing so repeatedly. We just saw the Facebook story, the Twitter files, all of the all the way, government officials from the CDC, FBI, you know CIA, a thousand people according to the reporters working on the Twitter files, worked with social media to amplify lies and suppress truth.

Why couldn't the American people know that, you know, there were other alternatives to treat Covid why can't American people know there were side effects with the vaccine?

JOHNSON: This is all preplanned by an elite group of people, that is what I am talking about, Event 201 occurred in late 2019, prior to the rest of us knowing about the pandemic. Again -- this is very concerning in terms of what is happening, what continues to be planned for our loss of freedom.


JOHNSON: It needs to be exposed but unfortunately, very few people even in Congress are willing to take a look at this. They all pushed the vaccine, they don't want to be made aware of the fact that vaccines might have caused injuries or death, so many people simply just don't want to admit they were wrong and they're going to do everything they can to make sure they're not proven wrong.

We are up against a very powerful group of people here, Maria."


NBC News Atlanta: US Government Vaccine Injury Program Overwhelmed by COVID Vaccine Injury Claims

COVID Vaccine Victim Information

Search Twitter by #VaccineInjuries and #VaccineGenocide

Real Not Rare.

Real Not Rare Facebook page.


“Anecdotals” (documentary)

“Safe and Effective” (documentary)

The Vaccine Reaction

Children’s Health Defense

World Council for Health: Covid-19 Vaccine Pharmacovigilance Report

1,000+ Peer Reviewed Articles On COVID Vaccine Injuries

Reuters: COVID Vaccine Injury Claims Skyrocket 16-Fold to 5400

Links to doctors’ calls for halts to mass “vaccinations,” partial list: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

Ain't that the guy who said that Listerine kills the COVID virus?

He’s a fringe lunatic.
Sen. Ron Johnson articulated the belief that the Covid-19 pandemic was "preplanned by an elite group of people... for our loss of freedom" during an appearance Friday morning with FBN's Maria Bartiromo.

Johnson could be on to something.

Trump disbanded NSC pandemic unit that experts had ...​

AP News › article › donald-trump-ap-top-ne...

Mar 14, 2020 — WASHINGTON (AP) — Public health and national security experts shake their heads when President Donald Trump says the coronavirus "came out ...

Officials Fight Criticism Over Cutting Global Health Staff​

Time Magazine › Politics › COVID-19

Mar 19, 2020 — Anticipating the likely investigation into their handling of the coronavirus outbreak, current and former Trump Administration officials are ...

He’s a fringe lunatic.
Link? Your unbacked claim rings hollow.
Sen. Ron Johnson articulated the belief that the Covid-19 pandemic was "preplanned by an elite group of people... for our loss of freedom" during an appearance Friday morning with FBN's Maria Bartiromo.

Johnson could be on to something.

Trump disbanded NSC pandemic unit that experts had ...

View attachment 834311
AP News › article › donald-trump-ap-top-ne...
Mar 14, 2020 — WASHINGTON (AP) — Public health and national security experts shake their heads when President Donald Trump says the coronavirus "came out ...

Officials Fight Criticism Over Cutting Global Health Staff

View attachment 834312
Time Magazine › Politics › COVID-19
Mar 19, 2020 — Anticipating the likely investigation into their handling of the coronavirus outbreak, current and former Trump Administration officials are ...

The groomers tried hard to unseat him but commonsense Wisconsinites outside of the cities know truth when they hear it.
That would mean the World Economic Forum, another sponsor of Event 201 at Johns Hopkins University, always first out with a fresh paper on how "safe and effective" the vaxxes were (not.)

RFK Jr. recently said on the Russell Brand Show that COVID was a military operation.

Sen. Johnson gave Covid vaccine victims a forum.

"Sen. Ron Johnson: Covid-19 Was "Preplanned By An Elite Group Of People," "Planned For Our Loss Of Freedom""

Sen. Johnson Covid vaccine victim roundtable

Bill Gates co-sponsored Event 201 in New York on Oct. 18, 2019, a pandemic “simulation” exercise which was centered around a new, fictional kind of coronavirus which originated from bats, nearly two months before the first reports emerged out of Wuhan of a new, bat-origin coronavirus illness.

Event 201 website Johns Hopkins University


Real Clear Politics, By Tim Hains, August 11, 2023

"Sen. Ron Johnson: Covid-19 Was "Preplanned By An Elite Group Of People," "Planned For Our Loss Of Freedom""

Sen. Ron Johnson articulated the belief that the Covid-19 pandemic was "preplanned by an elite group of people... for our loss of freedom" during an appearance Friday morning with FBN's Maria Bartiromo.

Johnson cited "Event 201," a pandemic preparedness event hosted in 2019 by the World Health Organization, Gates Foundation, and Johns Hopkins University that has been repeatedly cited by conspiracy theorists as a "practice run" for Covid-19.

SEN. RON JOHNSON: You know doctors I have been dealing with talking to for years now. They may believe, probably hundreds of thousands of Americans lost their lives because they were denied early treatment because the FSA sabotaged Ivermectin and said, "Come on you're now a cow, you're not a horse." This was supposedly horse medicine. No, it was a Nobel prize-winning medicine that could have saved hundreds of thousands of lives. It did save many, many lives because people did have doctors with courage to, and the compassion to actually treat patients using it, putting at risk their medical licenses.

Fortunately, we do have reporters like yourself and John Solomon with the courage to report the truth against the mainstream media and against the narrative. But that is the only way this is solved, we need to truth to be exposed, we need more Americans to listen to the truth, to be exposed to the truth, to pull their heads out of the sand, quite honestly, and open their eyes and understand what has happened in this country.

We are going down a very dangerous path, but it is a path that is being laid out and planned by an elite group of people that want to take total control over our lives, and that's what they are doing, bit by bit. They do it by increasing massive government spending, increasing the size of government, take over of the WHO, these amendments coming that are going to be voted on in 2024 at the WHO are frightening, they really risk taking away all of our sovereignty. People have to wake up awaken to the dangers of the moment.

MARIA BARTIROMO: It is just extraordinary to me that the government was working with social media to amplify lies and suppress truth and has been doing so repeatedly. We just saw the Facebook story, the Twitter files, all of the all the way, government officials from the CDC, FBI, you know CIA, a thousand people according to the reporters working on the Twitter files, worked with social media to amplify lies and suppress truth.

Why couldn't the American people know that, you know, there were other alternatives to treat Covid why can't American people know there were side effects with the vaccine?

JOHNSON: This is all preplanned by an elite group of people, that is what I am talking about, Event 201 occurred in late 2019, prior to the rest of us knowing about the pandemic. Again -- this is very concerning in terms of what is happening, what continues to be planned for our loss of freedom.


JOHNSON: It needs to be exposed but unfortunately, very few people even in Congress are willing to take a look at this. They all pushed the vaccine, they don't want to be made aware of the fact that vaccines might have caused injuries or death, so many people simply just don't want to admit they were wrong and they're going to do everything they can to make sure they're not proven wrong.

We are up against a very powerful group of people here, Maria."


NBC News Atlanta: US Government Vaccine Injury Program Overwhelmed by COVID Vaccine Injury Claims

COVID Vaccine Victim Information

Search Twitter by #VaccineInjuries and #VaccineGenocide

Real Not Rare.

Real Not Rare Facebook page.


“Anecdotals” (documentary)

“Safe and Effective” (documentary)

The Vaccine Reaction

Children’s Health Defense

World Council for Health: Covid-19 Vaccine Pharmacovigilance Report

1,000+ Peer Reviewed Articles On COVID Vaccine Injuries

Reuters: COVID Vaccine Injury Claims Skyrocket 16-Fold to 5400

Links to doctors’ calls for halts to mass “vaccinations,” partial list: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

Wow you really have done your homework.why am I not surprised youtube removed one of the videos.

Forum List
