Staggering climate contradiction - data that can be fudged says "warming," data that cannot be fudged says "no warming"

Sorry "Charlie" but you haven't a clue what you are talking about nor did you grasp the concepts and contents of my post!

I disputed most of the false conclusions reached by the NOAA and NASA doctored/tainted data on this matter, which seeks a funding supported agenda, and subscribe to a more objective conclusion that human causes are minor to insignificant on the Global Climate Change Factors and Scales!

We humans are at best scrambling to adjust to natural causes out side of out influence and control!

For millions of years Nature has run it's course regardless of what we Humans have done and such still continues to be the Norm!

Meanwhile you fail as usual to grasp the basics of science and maths that apply to the topics under discussion here.

I'd suggest you consider a repeat of the K-12 schooling and basic knowledge you failed to learn the first time through.
You have a right to your freedom of speech in disagreeing with what every climate science research facility in the world says. But you’re totally delusional….
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You have a right to your freedom of speech in disagreeing with what every climate science research facility in the world says. But your totally delusional….
It's not "every", just those that have funding for the purpose to advance the ACC/AGW agenda, which is more political than science.
BTW that should be " you're " not "your" unless you are illiterate, or want to claim a typo.
The 'delusion', foisted upon the scientifically illiterate public, is that one part a few degrees warmer will make the rest of the 2,500 parts equally a few degrees warmer.

Feel free to show the documented laboratory experiment that proves this with regard to CO2 introduced into a blend of gases that math atmospheric composition.
Probably because what you say makes no sense to anyone with any background in science.
Just the opposite.
Since you have no background in science you are the one to whom it makes no sense.

My most recent employment was in quality assurance for a manufacturer of major components for flue gas desulfurization (FGD) systems.
Since you know so much about science I won't need to explain that to you any further.
Just the opposite.
Since you have no background in science you are the one to whom it makes no sense.

My most recent employment was in quality assurance for a manufacturer of major components for flue gas desulfurization (FGD) systems.
Since you know so much about science I won't need to explain that to you any further.
Look woo woo spreader, I’ll make two contradictory statements of yours that illustrate your ineptitude. First, consensus science has nothing to do with opinions and everything to do with why every single climate science research facility, every country and every related corporation who are on board with AGW..

Secondly, discussions of science theories are way out of your league.
OK, since you accept the truth of Hawaiian temp data showing NO WARMING, then is the Pacific Ocean "warming?"

NO, because if it was, Hawaii would be too....
You were fine with my response to the earlier statement.
Probably because what you say makes no sense to anyone with any background in science.
One day when you went to school, your teacher told you "I will scare the shit out of you."
And the teacher did just that.
One day when you went to school, your teacher told you "I will scare the shit out of you."
And the teacher did just that.
I’m not scared, you are. You’re in denial you’re afraid of the truth. The most fearful at in denial and that’s you. Conservatives prey on the fearful and most ignorant.
Look woo woo spreader, I’ll make two contradictory statements of yours that illustrate your ineptitude. First, consensus science has nothing to do with opinions and everything to do with why every single climate science research facility, every country and every related corporation who are on board with AGW..

Secondly, discussions of science theories are way out of your league.
False on both accounts.
A lame effort at CYA.

Tell us something traceable and accurate on your science credentials, faker.
False on both accounts.
A lame effort at CYA.

Tell us something traceable and accurate on your science credentials, faker.
Sure bubba. Here I am taking the side of every climate research facility in the world, and you’re making up shit…
Credentials ? Sure. I’m sane, your not.
I’m not scared, you are. You’re in denial you’re afraid of the truth. The most fearful at in denial and that’s you. Conservatives prey on the fearful and most ignorant.
You ooooooze fear. It is like you slashed your throat. Were I in fear, you would claim it is your fault.
take anything I’ve said and refute it…..on an accredited science related institute

Translation - Dag doesn't think, doesn't know how to think. Dag parrots.


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