Staggering climate contradiction - data that can be fudged says "warming," data that cannot be fudged says "no warming"

Let's start with ocean temps.

We all know the Co2 Fraud claims "warmest ever ocean temps" just about every year. If so, then hurricanes would be breaking out. But the strongest decade for canes is still the 1940s...

Just last summer was "warmest ever." But the cane season was a complete DUD, with just one Atlantic cane reaching Cat 5 for a total of about 15 hours. Water off FLA was called "warmest ever" yet two canes got near FLA and neither got to Cat 5. In 1938, a Cat 5 got to LONG ISLAND, like NEW YORK, a bit further north...

So here we have a classic "what can be fudged and what cannot." It is hard to "fudge" a cane, although cane strength can be "fudged" and in 2014 it was, at least with one "cat 5" that did ABSOLUTELY NO DAMAGE to Mexico when "it hit as a Cat 5."

It is easy to FUDGE a temperature chart. There is a complete contradiction with the claim of "warmest ever ocean temps" and NO BREAKOUT IN CANES....

from Google

1. The first condition is that ocean waters must be above 26 degrees Celsius (79 degrees Fahrenheit). Below this threshold temperature, hurricanes will not form

HELLO. If the average temp was RISING there would be MORE CANES. THERE ARE NOT MORE CANES.

Hence the claim of "ocean temp rise" is CONTRADICTED/REFUTED by Canes.

It isn't hard to figure out what is going on. The oceans are NOT WARMING and the CANES VALIDATE that claim.

The only "evidence" of "ocean warming" is 100% pure FUDGED FRAUD.

Ditto for "ocean rise." The Co2 FRAUD claims "ocean rise." If there was an ongoing net ice melt on planet Earth, oceans WOULD RISE. They AREN'T. Once again, what can be fudged "ocean rise charts" and what CANNOT BE FUDGED.... actual photos documenting NO OCEAN RISE....

Statue of Liberty
Hawaii 5-0 beach
Norfolk Naval Base

It is time to wake up and get a clue. The Co2 FRAUD is COMPLETE FRAUD, Planet Earth is NOT WARMING, and increasing atmospheric Co2 did NOT WARM ANYTHING....
/——/ Always follow the money.
My most recent employment was in quality assurance for a manufacturer of major components for flue gas desulfurization
That’s it ? “ flue gas “
Hilarious. I’m sure you did studies on the climate daily. What did you do in your spare time, study quantum theory ?
Then you can tell us who is paying every country, research facility etc in the world to lie. Tell us, who is paying ?
/——/ “About 70 percent of the (climate change) groups' income sources are not even known, according to Brulle.”
/——/ “About 70 percent of the (climate change) groups' income sources are not even known, according to Brulle.”
The money going in to the climate debate is to PREVENT LEGISLATION BEING PASSED to address AGW. It’s the opposite of what deniers are claiming.

“Why have conservative groups been so successful in casting doubt on global warming?”

“The study's author, Robert Brulle, a sociology and environmental science professor at Drexel University, takes a systematic look at what he calls the climate change counter-movement (CCCM), made up of groups that Brulle says have an average annual income of just above $900 million, although much of that money is not even spent on climate change-related activities and is used for other issues.”
Translation - Dag doesn't think, doesn't know how to think. Dag parrots.

Bet your arse. I parrot NASA, you parrot idiots and links you’re ashamed to post.
The money going in to the climate debate is to PREVENT LEGISLATION BEING PASSED to address AGW. It’s the opposite of what deniers are claiming.

“Why have conservative groups been so successful in casting doubt on global warming?”

“The study's author, Robert Brulle, a sociology and environmental science professor at Drexel University, takes a systematic look at what he calls the climate change counter-movement (CCCM), made up of groups that Brulle says have an average annual income of just above $900 million, although much of that money is not even spent on climate change-related activities and is used for other issues.”
/——/ Scientists who make a living from their CC research better produce results the donors want to support their agenda.
/——/ “About 70 percent of the (climate change) groups' income sources are not even known, according to Brulle.”
“About 70 percent of the groups' income sources are not even known, according to Brulle.”
This is the real statement about ANTI CLIMATE CHANGE GROUPS. YOU INSERTED ( Climate change ) into the quote. Why are you lying and fraudulently changing the quote ?
Scientists who make a living from their CC research better produce results the donors want to support their agenda.
You lied about your own reference, fraud, which disproves
what you are saying. Typical of frauds.

Scientist aren’t paid to lie about climate change. Its a stupid assertion. All science foolish, are paid to do the studies then give accurate results. You are discrediting every institute of higher learning in the WORLD who come to similar conclusions. You’re the worse kind of a liar…
/——/ “About 70 percent of the (climate change) groups' income sources are not even known, according to Brulle.”
That’s wrong YOU inserted ( climate change). The quote is about ‘anti climate change groups’ YOU ALTERED a quote.
That’s wrong YOU inserted ( climate change). The quote is about ‘anti climate change groups’ YOU ALTERED a quote.
/——/ By adding the parentheses I acknowledge my editorial reply. I didn’t alter anything.
You lied about your own reference, fraud, which disproves
what you are saying. Typical of frauds.

Scientist aren’t paid to lie about climate change. It’s a stupid assertion. All science foolish, are paid to do the studies then give accurate results. You are discrediting every institute of higher learning in the WORLD who come to similar conclusions. You’re the worse kind of a liar…
/——/ Explain the dire predictions of CC for the last 50 years, backed by research, that has been proven wrong by actual events. They are either incompetent or publishing what the sponsors want.
1982, wow…
Where did you get this CHART ? Show the link.

Those SSTs have been breaking daily records for quite a stretch. Notwithstanding where the series is at on the y axis to relative to prior years, one might ask if the question of when (if?) this line retraces. Look how far from normal we are and how far temps would need to fall. Recent temps hint at a discontinuity.

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