Sen Sessions to Obama: "You're not wanted in Texas" in regard to border visit

You are totally insane. First, the guy who committed the crime was not from Texas and his actions were an aberration. Second, Kennedy wasn't killed because he was a Democratic President. Finally, no one, other than you, is talking about assassinating anyone not only because we're not insane, but because making him a martyr would make everything he's done harder to repeal.

Are you obtuse? Sorry, silly question.

The point isn't where Oswald was born or where he spent most of his life, although he did LIVE there and he DID go to school up through the sixth grade as a young boy. So, it's not like he didn't know the state, and it's not as if he just got off a bus for the first time a couple of days before.

The point is that Texas was THE site where Kennedy was assassinated, AND the fact that this thread IS about a conservative US Senator telling the current Democrat President that he's "not wanted in Texas"!

One more thing, genius. My original post was about an assassination ATTEMPT!

However, what's most telling about your post is the last part which I'll simply highlight because you're implying that the main reason you wouldn't want it to happen is because it would make a conservative agenda more difficult as a result. That's not what I would call patriotic fervor in an E Pluribus Unum sense of the word.

I knew it wouldn't take long to out yourself here as the lunafuckingtic that you are.

It's your thread, Madonna! YOU started it. I merely commented on it with an obvious historical relevancy that the state of Texas is still trying to live down 50 plus years after the fact. But with Senators like Jeff Sessions who don't have enough sense (or class) to think before speaking or enough brains to keep his mouth shut instead of inserting his foot in it..., and with fear-mongers like you who have little more to offer anyone here in this forum other than a daily dose of paranoia, Texas is going to find it more difficult to get out from under their image as a state where craziness in one form or another is almost a prerequisite for citizenship.

(By the way, I've been to Texas twice in my adult life. So, I know of what I speak.)
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I see the liberals have moved on from "If you dont like Obama, you are a racist" to "If you dont like obama you want him assasinated".


Mustang is a fucking loon equivalent with Nutty and Ravi.


Great symbolic flag-image, that, LadyG... really captures their agenda, doesn't it?
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I see the liberals have moved on from "If you dont like Obama, you are a racist" to "If you dont like obama you want him assasinated".


Mustang is a fucking loon equivalent with Nutty and Ravi.


Great symbolic flag-image, that, LadyG... really captures their agenda, doesn't it?

It's symbolic alright...of LGS's lack of ability to offer anything other than misdirection.

Here's how it works (or doesn't, in this case):

The immigration system in this country is broken. It has been for years. Everyone knows it. That's why things are in such a sorry state. What's more, many people would say it's only getting worse, and the recent influx of unaccompanied minors makes that fact glaringly obvious.

What to do...

Well, Obama and the Democrats want immigration reform.

Even many Republicans see the need for it. But the conservative base steadfastly is against ANY immigration reform because they consider any legislation or legislative compromise that fails to deny eventual citizenship to anyone who originally entered this country illegally (even if it means they overstayed a visa visit) as a form of amnesty. This is the case even though EVERYONE knows we're not going to engage in the mass roundup of millions of people for numerous reasons including cost, social upheaval, damage to the economy, the breakup of families, and the sheer impracticality of it.

So, what happens?

At best, the system remains broken. What's more likely is that the situation continues to deteriorate with no solution in sight.

The answer?

Blame Obama, of course. And so, LGS puts a silly little altered Mexican flag with an Obama symbol at its center in the signature portion of her posts as if it conveys some idea that he wants things the way they are when, in fact, he's being stymied in his efforts to get immigration reform by....(drum roll, please) head case conservatives like...(another drum roll, please) LGS!

Any questions?
LOL! What bullshit. No surprise there since you're such a liar. On that "other" forum, I RARELY went to the Mods. In fact, when it came to the wild west kind of BS abuses that went on over there, I generally gave posters a chance to change a post prior to going to the Mod Forum to report it. I just got sick of the fact that the rules didn't really exist in any concrete way. It was like being in a communist country where the law was whatever anyone said it was at a given moment. In fact, I was SO sick of it (and so NOT addicted to the place like a lot of people were) that when I got a ban or a time out, I just took it. I didn't come crawling back like a lot of conservatives did over there asking for another ruling to get back sooner because their lives were so devoid of any other activity. And after the last ban I got back in Jan of 2011, I never even bothered to ask for reinstatement because I didn't really care to play their silly games anymore.

As for you, perhaps YOU should think about what you post and how you come across, because your posts are ALL about fear, not about policy differences. You promote the kind of fear that breeds desperation of thought and action. And the fact that the word GUNSLINGER is in your user name is not lost on me and probably not anyone else either, I'm sure.

But you ought to consider asking the Mods if you can change your user name for another reason. That's because you AIN'T no lady.

Edit to add: Oh, I forgot something. What's the topic of this thread again? A conservative US Senator warns Obama not to come to Texas because he's "not wanted in Texas"? What's up with that? I mean you DO remember what happened in Texas in November 1963, don't you? So, LadyGUNSLINGER, don't tell me I'm reaching for something as if can't possibly be in the minds of a lot of people who read this crap when it comes to Texas and Democrat presidents!

You are totally insane. First, the guy who committed the crime was not from Texas and his actions were an aberration. Second, Kennedy wasn't killed because he was a Democratic President. Finally, no one, other than you, is talking about assassinating anyone not only because we're not insane, but because making him a martyr would make everything he's done harder to repeal.

Are you obtuse? Sorry, silly question.

The point isn't where Oswald was born or where he spent most of his life, although he did LIVE there and he DID go to school up through the sixth grade as a young boy. So, it's not like he didn't know the state, and it's not as if he just got off a bus for the first time a couple of days before.

The point is that Texas was THE site where Kennedy was assassinated, AND the fact that this thread IS about a conservative US Senator telling the current Democrat President that he's "not wanted in Texas"!

One more thing, genius. My original post was about an assassination ATTEMPT!

However, what's most telling about your post is the last part which I'll simply highlight because you're implying that the main reason you wouldn't want it to happen is because it would make a conservative agenda more difficult as a result. That's not what I would call patriotic fervor in an E Pluribus Unum sense of the word.

My initial assessment of you was ABSOLUTELY on target. Oswald was a socialist, so he thought more like you than me. You should fear when Leftists want to talk about assassinating people, not a Conservative.

As far as what you highlighted, truth is truth. I never said I liked Obama and won't be joining hands with him to sing kumbaya. Unlike you, I can dislike a person without wishing death upon him!
You are totally insane. First, the guy who committed the crime was not from Texas and his actions were an aberration. Second, Kennedy wasn't killed because he was a Democratic President. Finally, no one, other than you, is talking about assassinating anyone not only because we're not insane, but because making him a martyr would make everything he's done harder to repeal.

Are you obtuse? Sorry, silly question.

The point isn't where Oswald was born or where he spent most of his life, although he did LIVE there and he DID go to school up through the sixth grade as a young boy. So, it's not like he didn't know the state, and it's not as if he just got off a bus for the first time a couple of days before.

The point is that Texas was THE site where Kennedy was assassinated, AND the fact that this thread IS about a conservative US Senator telling the current Democrat President that he's "not wanted in Texas"!

One more thing, genius. My original post was about an assassination ATTEMPT!

However, what's most telling about your post is the last part which I'll simply highlight because you're implying that the main reason you wouldn't want it to happen is because it would make a conservative agenda more difficult as a result. That's not what I would call patriotic fervor in an E Pluribus Unum sense of the word.

My initial assessment of you was ABSOLUTELY on target. Oswald was a socialist, so he thought more like you than me. You should fear when Leftists want to talk about assassinating people, not a Conservative.

As far as what you highlighted, truth is truth. I never said I liked Obama and won't be joining hands with him to sing kumbaya. Unlike you, I can dislike a person without wishing death upon him!

LOL! Your 'initial assessment' of me based on a couple of posts on a message board without ever meeting me or knowing me personally? Apparently, you learned nothing from former Senator (and doctor) Bill Frist who assessed (and diagnosed) Terri Schiavo from seeing a video tape of her. That was a silly thing for any physician to do, if he cared about his reputation as a doctor, that is. That's because it's not possible to diagnose someone from a video. Alas, Frist was ultimately revealed to be wrong (and a fool, as well) when the x-rays of Schiavo's brain were released and it became obvious that much of her brain matter had liquefied. Of course, one can't deny that he was pandering to the conservative right who too often seem to embrace ignorance as a badge of honor.
Are you obtuse? Sorry, silly question.

The point isn't where Oswald was born or where he spent most of his life, although he did LIVE there and he DID go to school up through the sixth grade as a young boy. So, it's not like he didn't know the state, and it's not as if he just got off a bus for the first time a couple of days before.

The point is that Texas was THE site where Kennedy was assassinated, AND the fact that this thread IS about a conservative US Senator telling the current Democrat President that he's "not wanted in Texas"!

One more thing, genius. My original post was about an assassination ATTEMPT!

However, what's most telling about your post is the last part which I'll simply highlight because you're implying that the main reason you wouldn't want it to happen is because it would make a conservative agenda more difficult as a result. That's not what I would call patriotic fervor in an E Pluribus Unum sense of the word.

My initial assessment of you was ABSOLUTELY on target. Oswald was a socialist, so he thought more like you than me. You should fear when Leftists want to talk about assassinating people, not a Conservative.

As far as what you highlighted, truth is truth. I never said I liked Obama and won't be joining hands with him to sing kumbaya. Unlike you, I can dislike a person without wishing death upon him!

LOL! Your 'initial assessment' of me based on a couple of posts on a message board without ever meeting me or knowing me personally? Apparently, you learned nothing from former Senator (and doctor) Bill Frist who assessed (and diagnosed) Terri Schiavo from seeing a video tape of her. That was a silly thing for any physician to do, if he cared about his reputation as a doctor, that is. That's because it's not possible to diagnose someone from a video. Alas, Frist was ultimately revealed to be wrong (and a fool, as well) when the x-rays of Schiavo's brain were released and it became obvious that much of her brain matter had liquefied. Of course, one can't deny that he was pandering to the conservative right who too often seem to embrace ignorance as a badge of honor.

Ah, so now you're Terri Schiavo? You're very odd and seem mentally unbalanced. You should consider asking for assistance from your State's mental health services department.
The DIFFERENCE is that Madonna would be wrong. All appearances are that you truly are insane!

LOL Truth

You stayed away and let someone respond for you? How pathetic is that?

Let me guess. You were starting another paranoia thread and were too busy to follow up when someone dared to challenge your BS.

You're melting down because you made a blanket statement about assassinating this President and said I would want that.. YOU DID THAT you insane dipshit.. not me. I said what I had to say.. I've dealt with your crazy ass before so I know how fucking warped you are, you toothless bastard. Now take your milk and cookies and go cry elsewhere.
LOL Truth

You stayed away and let someone respond for you? How pathetic is that?

Let me guess. You were starting another paranoia thread and were too busy to follow up when someone dared to challenge your BS.

You're melting down because you made a blanket statement about assassinating this President and said I would want that.. YOU DID THAT you insane dipshit.. not me. I said what I had to say.. I've dealt with your crazy ass before so I know how fucking warped you are, you toothless bastard. Now take your milk and cookies and go cry elsewhere.

You're wrong on every count.

For one, I'm not having a meltdown at all. Nothing about you or your posts warrants emotional involvement in any way. You're just a curiosity.

Two, you can't even get the facts straight let alone get the quotes right. I didn't say anything about you wanting the president to be assassinated. I postulated the following question (underlined emphasis mine, after the fact):

Think LGS would be glad if an assassination attempt was made on President Obama?​

Then I answered my own question in the affirmative because that's exactly the direction your posts point toward, regardless of what you later stated about how you "would be the first person to defend this President against any attempt on his life.."

What a joke that is. You can't even bring yourself to defend what he says.

The rest of your post is nothing more than your typical nastiness when anyone dares to stand up to you which makes me wonder something. I wonder if you suffer from Borderline Personality Disorder since women who have that disorder routinely engage in a sudden verbal invective against anyone who says something that they don't like or displeases them in some way.

Aside from that, the only other thing I wonder is why is it that conservatives behave like ill-mannered and poorly disciplined children on a playground? I ask that question because the name-calling seems to be so common with the conservative crowd. But don't bother trying to answer the question. My guess is you're not self-aware enough to know, and even if you did, I would never expect honesty from you.
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The vast majority of Americans finally realize what kind of a purely evil, anti American POS obama is. The only ones left supporting him now are also the purely evil, anti American, pieces of shit, and we have some winners in that department right here.

If the kenyan isn't impeached and he actually finishes his second term, he's already cemented his place as worst president in history, so two more years of his shit and I'd be surprised if he wasn't tar and feathered and sent exiled back to his homeland, kenya.
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My initial assessment of you was ABSOLUTELY on target. Oswald was a socialist, so he thought more like you than me. You should fear when Leftists want to talk about assassinating people, not a Conservative.

As far as what you highlighted, truth is truth. I never said I liked Obama and won't be joining hands with him to sing kumbaya. Unlike you, I can dislike a person without wishing death upon him!

LOL! Your 'initial assessment' of me based on a couple of posts on a message board without ever meeting me or knowing me personally? Apparently, you learned nothing from former Senator (and doctor) Bill Frist who assessed (and diagnosed) Terri Schiavo from seeing a video tape of her. That was a silly thing for any physician to do, if he cared about his reputation as a doctor, that is. That's because it's not possible to diagnose someone from a video. Alas, Frist was ultimately revealed to be wrong (and a fool, as well) when the x-rays of Schiavo's brain were released and it became obvious that much of her brain matter had liquefied. Of course, one can't deny that he was pandering to the conservative right who too often seem to embrace ignorance as a badge of honor.

Ah, so now you're Terri Schiavo? You're very odd and seem mentally unbalanced. You should consider asking for assistance from your State's mental health services department.

It's just a relevant reference based on your previous post.

As for mentally unbalanced, I'll give you an example of one which is actually also wholly relevant to this thread topic

It's good old conservative Bill O'Reilly who used his O'Reilly Factor TV show for years to refer to Dr. George Tiller as Tiller the baby killer.

And look what happened? Five years ago, a mentally unbalanced man walked into Tiller's church and gunned him down (killed him) which shouldn't truly surprise anyone who's acquainted with what happens when people spread fear and hatred since some people can and do act on the incendiary rhetoric of others. I suppose that's why inciting to riot is considered a crime. But of course O'Reilly denied any culpability let alone any responsibility although I doubt that O'Reilly had any real regrets about the way things played out since he considered Dr Tiller a murderer. At least that's what he said on the air. It was probably good for ratings if nothing else.
The vast majority of Americans finally realize what kind of a purely evil, anti American POS obama is. The only ones left supporting him now are also the purely evil, anti American, pieces of shit, and we have some winners in that department right here.

If the kenyan isn't impeached and he actually finishes his second term, he's already cemented his place as worst president in history, so two more years of his shit and I'd be surprised if he wasn't tar and feathered and sent exiled back to his homeland, kenya.

Seeing as how you think Obama is 'a purely evil, anti-American piece of shit," are you thinking about strapping a bomb to your chest in order to save America since you're such a true blue patriot? Or are you just inciting others to take action? Or are you just another loudmouth who thinks that hyperbole makes you a big man?
The difference between the '60s paranoia and today's is that now we have FoxNews, Drudge, talk-radio the internet, and billionaire funders so that this insanity can magnified and instantaneously transmitted to larger and larger audiences. Even if the percentage of the mentally-unbalanced is unchanged, the numbers who can hear it, and hear it repeated over-and-over-and-over, are substantially greater.

The Kochs' daddy funded the John Birch Society that considered fluoridation of drinking water to be a communist plot, and accused President Eisenhower and Chief Justice Earl Warren of being communists. William F. Buckley, Jr., helped exclude such craziness from the conservative movement.

But, today, there is no William F. Buckley, Jr., and those who should be responsible to denounce the talk as crazy and marginalize it to the lunatic fringe remain silent.

Could it be that real conservatives are so few in number that they cannot afford to lose the money and votes of the crazy extremists.
Doesn't matter...

He's not welcome in Texas at the border...

There's not one state in the country where everyone votes the same, or thinks the same, or feels the same. President Obama may have lost a majority of the vote (of the people who actually BOTHERED to vote, that is), but that doesn't mean that everyone in Texas has the same attitude toward him. Consequently, it's the height of arrogance for conservatives to imply that's the case. But let them think what they want. Demographic changes will make them an electoral minority eventually.
The difference between the '60s paranoia and today's is that now we have FoxNews, Drudge, talk-radio the internet, and billionaire funders so that this insanity can magnified and instantaneously transmitted to larger and larger audiences. Even if the percentage of the mentally-unbalanced is unchanged, the numbers who can hear it, and hear it repeated over-and-over-and-over, are substantially greater.

The Kochs' daddy funded the John Birch Society that considered fluoridation of drinking water to be a communist plot, and accused President Eisenhower and Chief Justice Earl Warren of being communists. William F. Buckley, Jr., helped exclude such craziness from the conservative movement.

But, today, there is no William F. Buckley, Jr., and those who should be responsible to denounce the talk as crazy and marginalize it to the lunatic fringe remain silent.

Could it be that real conservatives are so few in number that they cannot afford to lose the money and votes of the crazy extremists.

Extremists in Dallas created volatile atmosphere before JFK’s 1963 visit

Look familiar?



Extremists in Dallas created volatile atmosphere before JFK?s 1963 visit | Dallas Morning News
The difference between the '60s paranoia and today's is that now we have FoxNews, Drudge, talk-radio the internet, and billionaire funders so that this insanity can magnified and instantaneously transmitted to larger and larger audiences. Even if the percentage of the mentally-unbalanced is unchanged, the numbers who can hear it, and hear it repeated over-and-over-and-over, are substantially greater.

The Kochs' daddy funded the John Birch Society that considered fluoridation of drinking water to be a communist plot, and accused President Eisenhower and Chief Justice Earl Warren of being communists. William F. Buckley, Jr., helped exclude such craziness from the conservative movement.

But, today, there is no William F. Buckley, Jr., and those who should be responsible to denounce the talk as crazy and marginalize it to the lunatic fringe remain silent.

Could it be that real conservatives are so few in number that they cannot afford to lose the money and votes of the crazy extremists.

Advertisers know that repetition works. The same is true of any idea if it can be repeated often enough until some people assume it's true without ever really questioning it. Alas, once our national news became fragmented with all these different media outlets, a lot of people thought they could tailor their news to their preconceived beliefs, and that's exactly what they did. I realized that back in the 1980s when CBN had a news show which had the tag line "News...from a Christian perspective." Really?

With that said, I've never witnessed a group (other than teenagers) who are as easily manipulated as conservatives when someone on their side of the spectrum says X. They ALL jump on the bandwagon. There's no doubt in my mind that there's money to be made from a group of people who are so reliably pliable. All those conservative books (screeds, really) are testament to that fact.

But I question if it can last since conservatives spend so much time metaphorically (yet seemingly intentionally) poking everyone else in the eye if and when they don't agree. You simply can't alienate people over and over again, and then expect them to vote for your candidate later on.

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