Senate caves to Obama. House must stand tall and say - NO MORE DEBT


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
Obozo will use the added debt to expand welfare and buy more votes. Bad for america but good for the democrat (welfare) party. House repubs are committing suicide if they cave in too.
The world is NOT gonna come to an end if america defaults. We've done it before. Obozo's socialism is what will destroy america.
Nope, sorry, the democrats are pretty much guaranteed to a complete victory here. The GOP is headed for a huge public backlash and the Democrats are winning big. Karl Rove is even telling the GOP to quit while they're behind

Rove: Longer Holdout Means Weaker GOP
Nope, sorry, the democrats are pretty much guaranteed to a complete victory here. The GOP is headed for a huge public backlash and the Democrats are winning big. Karl Rove is even telling the GOP to quit while they're behind

Rove: Longer Holdout Means Weaker GOP

You can, and you will, claim victory.

But just like the hollow claim of victory over Putin and Assad, the only people who will believe it are your own.

Nobody else will.

Mark my words, the damage done to your party is irreversible. What you did to Veterans, National Parks and the way you went about it will not be forgotten.

Not only that, but when obamacare does get rolling and people see how incredibly bad it really is... They're going to remember who was for it and who was against it.

Enjoy your empty, shallow victory. It's the last you're going to have for a very long time.
Nope, sorry, the democrats are pretty much guaranteed to a complete victory here. The GOP is headed for a huge public backlash and the Democrats are winning big. Karl Rove is even telling the GOP to quit while they're behind

HAHAHA Karl Rove has turned into a media pundit and as such knows he must support liberals .
Nope, sorry, the democrats are pretty much guaranteed to a complete victory here. The GOP is headed for a huge public backlash and the Democrats are winning big. Karl Rove is even telling the GOP to quit while they're behind

Rove: Longer Holdout Means Weaker GOP

I agree the GOP will suffer for this, and they richly deserve it. But it's naive to think of this as a 'win' for the Democrats. What drove the GOP's desperate antics was genuine, widespread anger over the ACA swindle. People are angry over the Republicans failed stunt, but they're not cheering for the Democrats.
[ People are angry over the Republicans failed stunt, .

Stunt???!! Obozo has $17 trillion of debt and the republicans said no more. That was no stunt though naturally the controlled media calls it that.
People are angry over the Republicans failed stunt ...

Stunt???!! Obozo has $17 trillion of debt and the republicans said no more. That was no stunt though naturally the controlled media calls it that.

It was a stunt in that it had very little chance of succeeding and most of them knew it going in. I'm not saying they shouldn't have tried. I think they should stick to their guns - ACA is that bad. But they won't, and most never intended to.

If the Republicans... uh, the Tea Party... uh, well, whatever... if they don't like this, they should win a bunch of elections and change things.

How's THAT for an idea?

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Gosh, poor SS. Did Boehner spoil you when he got 98% of what he wanted?

Lead you to believe this was the new normal?

Sucks to be you.
Nope, sorry, the democrats are pretty much guaranteed to a complete victory here. The GOP is headed for a huge public backlash and the Democrats are winning big. Karl Rove is even telling the GOP to quit while they're behind

Rove: Longer Holdout Means Weaker GOP

You can, and you will, claim victory.

But just like the hollow claim of victory over Putin and Assad, the only people who will believe it are your own.

Nobody else will.

Mark my words, the damage done to your party is irreversible. What you did to Veterans, National Parks and the way you went about it will not be forgotten.

Not only that, but when obamacare does get rolling and people see how incredibly bad it really is... They're going to remember who was for it and who was against it.

Enjoy your empty, shallow victory. It's the last you're going to have for a very long time.

"Mark my words", ha, you sound like some villian in a childrens cartoon. Please come out and join us in reality, it not that bad. Man you are one screwed up person.
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Nope, sorry, the democrats are pretty much guaranteed to a complete victory here. The GOP is headed for a huge public backlash and the Democrats are winning big. Karl Rove is even telling the GOP to quit while they're behind

Rove: Longer Holdout Means Weaker GOP

Karl Rove , the designer of the "compassionate conservatives ' is a member of the GOP's surrender caucus.


Karl Rove is a strategist, not a 'true believer'. His job is to win elections, to plan strategies that will win elections.

He gets a pass.

Plus, keep in mind something I've said in here from the beginning.....

Many dimocraps are truly and honestly communists. Absolutely no doubt about it.

And while MOST Republicans are a far cry from being communists, many of them would be perfectly happy ADMINISTERING a communist bureaucracy.

Because that's what many of them are -- Bureaucrats.

It's the kind of person a big, huge, gigantic organization attracts.

So it's basically the Tea Party against -- Everybody else
There is no debt when you control the printing presses that can spew enough make-believe-money to pay it off in an hour.
This is nuts! I don't care who you are, Democrat, Republican, Tea Party member, communist, whatever, if you advocate the default you know nothing about economics, politics, or basic math. You know when America defaulted on its debt? 1790 and 1933. A year where the world was not interconnected as it is today and another where America was in a depression. The ACA is a law. This is like if the Detroit Tigers said, if you don't take away David Ortiz's Grand Slam in game 2, we are going to shut down the MLB and stop playing the NLCS. We lost, we need to accept that and try and figure out how to control the debt in new ways. Not destroy this country, and this party.

We can still pass a revision to this LAW, but shutting down the government isnt the first step in doing this. What is the argument here? Well, not a lot of people like this law. Agreed, neither do I, but I do like my government, ya know, working. You know what a lot of people like? Background checks for buying guns (91%). This is legislation, a LAW that is already in place. If the house Republicans choose to default on our bills we can say goodbye to the GOP, the Tea Party will have won in their goal to kill the GOP and it will be the saddest day in our parties history. We will be studied for decades to come as the party that knowingly killed itself. It was shown the approval numbers, it was explained the laws, everything, but they allowed the dumbest of Americans to vote for politicians in statistically fat, dumb and poor states and America is shown why all of these states are dumb, poor and fat.
There is no debt when you control the printing presses that can spew enough make-believe-money to pay it off in an hour.

you know that commercial with the guy driving the motorcycle or boat that blows off money everywhere.....?

that's really Obama underneath all those dollars........:lol:
This is nuts! I don't care who you are, Democrat, Republican, Tea Party member, communist, whatever, if you advocate the default you know nothing about economics, politics, or basic math.t.

I know who you are.......Comrade Starkiev.

Why did you sign it with a different account , it still the same socialist bullshit.

Change you avatar to YOUNG SOCIALIST REPUBLICAN - THE SURRENDER CAUCUS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is nuts! I don't care who you are, Democrat, Republican, Tea Party member, communist, whatever, if you advocate the default you know nothing about economics, politics, or basic math. You know when America defaulted on its debt? 1790 and 1933. A year where the world was not interconnected as it is today and another where America was in a depression. The ACA is a law. This is like if the Detroit Tigers said, if you don't take away David Ortiz's Grand Slam in game 2, we are going to shut down the MLB and stop playing the NLCS. We lost, we need to accept that and try and figure out how to control the debt in new ways. Not destroy this country, and this party.

We can still pass a revision to this LAW, but shutting down the government isnt the first step in doing this. What is the argument here? Well, not a lot of people like this law. Agreed, neither do I, but I do like my government, ya know, working. You know what a lot of people like? Background checks for buying guns (91%). This is legislation, a LAW that is already in place. If the house Republicans choose to default on our bills we can say goodbye to the GOP, the Tea Party will have won in their goal to kill the GOP and it will be the saddest day in our parties history. We will be studied for decades to come as the party that knowingly killed itself. It was shown the approval numbers, it was explained the laws, everything, but they allowed the dumbest of Americans to vote for politicians in statistically fat, dumb and poor states and America is shown why all of these states are dumb, poor and fat.

can you stop rambling on like an idiot....?

Republicans are not choosing to default by any fact it was Republicans who passed a bill (HR807 i believe) that would automatically pay our core debt but the Demrats refused...
There is no debt when you control the printing presses that can spew enough make-believe-money to pay it off in an hour.

Yup - there was never any threat of our economy collapsing. Obozo can just borrow more money from the fed and since he doesn't count that as part of the debt, it would not have breached the ceiling. GOP should not have caved.

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