Senate caves to Obama. House must stand tall and say - NO MORE DEBT

There is no debt when you control the printing presses that can spew enough make-believe-money to pay it off in an hour.

Let's keep spending and running up the debt and let the government get bigger and
take more control of our lives....

This seems to be what a majority of Americans want....

$17 trillion in debt and we can't get a handle on it.
Now because we don't have a budget we kick the can down the road again...
The world is NOT gonna come to an end if america defaults. We've done it before. Obozo's socialism is what will destroy america.
Sorry, but in the entire history of the US we have NEVER defaulted. In fact, it is in the Constitution that the US never default on it's obligations.
The world is NOT gonna come to an end if america defaults. We've done it before. Obozo's socialism is what will destroy america.
Sorry, but in the entire history of the US we have NEVER defaulted. In fact, it is in the Constitution that the US never default on it's obligations.


In 1935 the progressive-fascist-democratic axis chose to default for the first time instead of controlling spending.

Nope, sorry, the democrats are pretty much guaranteed to a complete victory here. The GOP is headed for a huge public backlash and the Democrats are winning big. Karl Rove is even telling the GOP to quit while they're behind

Rove: Longer Holdout Means Weaker GOP

You can, and you will, claim victory.

But just like the hollow claim of victory over Putin and Assad, the only people who will believe it are your own.

Nobody else will.

Mark my words, the damage done to your party is irreversible. What you did to Veterans, National Parks and the way you went about it will not be forgotten.

Not only that, but when obamacare does get rolling and people see how incredibly bad it really is... They're going to remember who was for it and who was against it.

Enjoy your empty, shallow victory. It's the last you're going to have for a very long time.
Edgetho is the finest example of a person who is living in a bubble that I have ever seen. His statement that "Mark my words, the damage done to your party is irreversible" is priceless. Apparently s/he/it (pronounced 'shit') failed to see the polls where 70% of the public place the blame for what happened on the republicans. So, edgetho, do you still think romney will win the presidency or has it finally dawned on you that someone has been feeding you a line of bullshit that you have accepted without question?
The world is NOT gonna come to an end if america defaults. We've done it before. Obozo's socialism is what will destroy america.
Sorry, but in the entire history of the US we have NEVER defaulted. In fact, it is in the Constitution that the US never default on it's obligations.


In 1935 the progressive-fascist-democratic axis chose to default for the first time instead of controlling spending.

Perhaps you should do a bit of reading before you tell someone to "STFU."

The 1933 Default.
In the summer of 1933, Congress passed the “Joint Resolution to Assure Uniform Value to the Coins and Currencies of the United States” which declared invalid and provisions of obligations of the federal government which were “purported” to give the creditor the right to require repayment in gold. The Roosevelt administration wanted to depreciate the paper currency, and thought the “gold clauses” contained in various bonds were an obstacle.

This is arguably the closest the US government came to defaulting. But this is more like monetizing debt than defaulting. It is closer to having the Federal Reserve inflate our way out of debt than what Rep. Ryan is proposing.

So no history of defaults?
Sorry, but in the entire history of the US we have NEVER defaulted. In fact, it is in the Constitution that the US never default on it's obligations.


In 1935 the progressive-fascist-democratic axis chose to default for the first time instead of controlling spending.

Perhaps you should do a bit of reading before you tell someone to "STFU."

The 1933 Default.
In the summer of 1933, Congress passed the “Joint Resolution to Assure Uniform Value to the Coins and Currencies of the United States” which declared invalid and provisions of obligations of the federal government which were “purported” to give the creditor the right to require repayment in gold.

Yo Dingle Berry

The Currency prior to 1935 promised to pay the bearer on demand gold, That is what the Founding Fathers required in order to keep the government honest.

The Federal Reserve Board issued more paper than there was gold and the government was required to declare bankruptcy and reneged on its obligations.
Another sad testament in our countries history. Obama has unconstitutionally stole the power of congress. Why he is not impeached is concerning

But, the PUB's were done anyway and had nothing to lose.

May America rest in peace.

There is no turning back

Obozo will use the added debt to expand welfare and buy more votes. Bad for america but good for the democrat (welfare) party. House repubs are committing suicide if they cave in too.

Too bad you weren't around when there was a surplus. Before Republicans "took over".
this whole allocation of funds game the democrats are playing is a joke. you'll be happy to know that while we aren't paying many of our federal workers, the Obama administration saw fit to provide the Lawrence Welk Birthplace in North Dakota with $300,000 in federal funding. This is one example. where the hell are our priorities?
Obozo will use the added debt to expand welfare and buy more votes. Bad for america but good for the democrat (welfare) party. House repubs are committing suicide if they cave in too.

Too bad you weren't around when there was a surplus. Before Republicans "took over".

so you are trying to say under Clinton we had no national debt?
Obozo will use the added debt to expand welfare and buy more votes. Bad for america but good for the democrat (welfare) party. House repubs are committing suicide if they cave in too.

Too bad you weren't around when there was a surplus. Before Republicans "took over".

so you are trying to say under Clinton we had no national debt?

I'm not TRYING to say anything.

I telling you that our debt exploded with Republicans using "reconciliation" twice for Tax Cuts costing trillions during a time of involving the country into two unfunded wars costing trillions more and using reconciliation a third time for a deficit creating "drugs for votes" bill.

Three times Republicans used reconciliation. Not to help Americans but to soak America.

At least when Democrats used reconciliation it was to bring health care to millions of suffering Americans.
Obozo will use the added debt to expand welfare and buy more votes. Bad for america but good for the democrat (welfare) party. House repubs are committing suicide if they cave in too.

Too bad you weren't around when there was a surplus. Before Republicans "took over".

so you are trying to say under Clinton we had no national debt?

Are you for real? Statements like these are why it's so hard to take right wing nutheads seriously.
Too bad you weren't around when there was a surplus. Before Republicans "took over".

so you are trying to say under Clinton we had no national debt?

Are you for real? Statements like these are why it's so hard to take right wing nutheads seriously.

Those in their own party don't take them seriously. We just laugh at them and make fun of them behind their backs. That is until, they start putting hteir hand on the trigger like the kid who got picked on too much at school.. Now we are all in trouble! LOL

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