Senate GOP Obamacare replacement would lead to 22 million more uninsured in 2026, CBO estimates


Diamond Member
Aug 10, 2009
. . . ten million of that may occur next year during an election cycle. The major points of the CNBC report are listed below.
  • The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office estimates that 22 million more people would be uninsured in 2026 under the Senate's Obamacare replacement bill.
  • Average premiums are expected to fall in 2026 after initially rising.
  • The CBO's estimate of the plan's effect on the number of uninsured Americans could influence whether Republican senators support it.
  • Senate leaders are aiming to quickly gather the votes needed to pass the plan.
Senate GOP Obamacare replacement would lead to 22 million more uninsured in 2026, CBO estimates
From the report. Tough times in the Senate for McConnell.

Key Republican senators jeopardize GOP's push to pass Obamacare replacement this week

  • Six senators have opposed the Senate Obamacare replacement bill as written.
  • Republicans can only lose two votes in their push to pass the plan this week.
  • Sen. Susan Collins says she will vote "no" on a motion to proceed with the bill, while Sen. Rand Paul says he will not do so without changes.
States can also waive Obamacare's essential health benefits requirement, which covers things like mental health and substance abuse treatment. About half of Americans would live in states modifying EHBs, and could "experience substantial increases in supplemental premiums or out-of-pocket spending on health care, or would choose to forgo the services."
Well the fools thought they could trust DT when he said "I'm the only Republican up here that will not cut your Medicaid or mess with your SS. :cuckoo:
Well the fools thought they could trust DT when he said "I'm the only Republican up here that will not cut your Medicaid or mess with your SS. :cuckoo:
How in the world can anyone trust a guy who created a fake University with the Explicit purpose of separating Podunk Rubes from their money by telling them that a degree from this "University" was the key to wealth and riches ....How can anyone feel anything else but Contempt for the Mango Mussolini ...he sucks Large...
States can also waive Obamacare's essential health benefits requirement, which covers things like mental health and substance abuse treatment. About half of Americans would live in states modifying EHBs, and could "experience substantial increases in supplemental premiums or out-of-pocket spending on health care, or would choose to forgo the services."

Number 4 and 10 in this list should be optional and if wanted then pay extra premium. Also a preventative now is free, should have a co pay. All these could be tweaked so premiums could come down a bit.

  1. Ambulatory patient services. [outpatient care]
  2. Emergency services.
  3. Hospitalization. [inpatient care]
  4. Maternity and newborn care
  5. Mental health and substance use disorder services, including behavioral health treatment.
  6. Prescription drugs.
  7. Rehabilitative and habilitative services and devices.
  8. Laboratory services
  9. Preventive and wellness services and chronic disease management;
  10. Pediatric services, including oral and vision
This is a good example of slanting of the news to promote a Leftist agenda. Every news outlet is pushing the same story line: 22 million fewer insured. Some even used language like "will lose their insurance," or "will be thrown out of insurance plans."

Both the employer and individual mandates will go away. So things will be exactly the same as they were before ACA was enacted…and tens of thousands of people will be dying in the streets. If you don’t believe me, check with Nancy Pelosi. What better source?
Average premiums are expected to fall in 2026 after initially rising.

why, because they are not covering as much, but the costs will be higher than the premiums now and under the ACA,
also out of pocket expenses will be greater.
When you don't FORCE people to buy health insurance, then yes, there will be people who voluntarily opt out of purchasing it. And to think, Liberals say they are for "CHOICE". but only when they can kill babies, or pork another mans anus.
This is a good example of slanting of the news to promote a Leftist agenda. Every news outlet is pushing the same story line: 22 million fewer insured. Some even used language like "will lose their insurance," or "will be thrown out of insurance plans."

Both the employer and individual mandates will go away. So things will be exactly the same as they were before ACA was enacted…and tens of thousands of people will be dying in the streets. If you don’t believe me, check with Nancy Pelosi. What better source?

Average premiums are expected to fall in 2026 after initially rising.

why, because they are not covering as much, but the costs will be higher than the premiums now and under the ACA,
also out of pocket expenses will be greater.
When you don't FORCE people to buy health insurance, then yes, there will be people who voluntarily opt out of purchasing it. And to think, Liberals say they are for "CHOICE". but only when they can kill babies, or pork another mans anus.

And you losers should not get treated at hosp er's for free. What the hell do you care about fetuses or babies. you do not want pg women to have healthcare. You don't give a rip about fetuses or babies if you think the Tump care is fine. Neither does the GOP , just one big excuse that RWNJ's use to take healthcare away from millions.
. . . ten million of that may occur next year during an election cycle. The major points of the CNBC report are listed below.
  • The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office estimates that 22 million more people would be uninsured in 2026 under the Senate's Obamacare replacement bill.
  • Average premiums are expected to fall in 2026 after initially rising.
  • The CBO's estimate of the plan's effect on the number of uninsured Americans could influence whether Republican senators support it.
  • Senate leaders are aiming to quickly gather the votes needed to pass the plan.
Senate GOP Obamacare replacement would lead to 22 million more uninsured in 2026, CBO estimates
From my understanding is that huge number of people uninsured is basically the people who didn't want insurance (young and healthy) but were forced to buy it under the Obama Care Act.
Rand says it isn't MEAN enough, Collins says too MEAN. (Term comes from what Trump refers to himself as "T".)
This is a good example of slanting of the news to promote a Leftist agenda. Every news outlet is pushing the same story line: 22 million fewer insured. Some even used language like "will lose their insurance," or "will be thrown out of insurance plans."

Both the employer and individual mandates will go away. So things will be exactly the same as they were before ACA was enacted…and tens of thousands of people will be dying in the streets. If you don’t believe me, check with Nancy Pelosi. What better source?

Average premiums are expected to fall in 2026 after initially rising.

why, because they are not covering as much, but the costs will be higher than the premiums now and under the ACA,
also out of pocket expenses will be greater.
When you don't FORCE people to buy health insurance, then yes, there will be people who voluntarily opt out of purchasing it. And to think, Liberals say they are for "CHOICE". but only when they can kill babies, or pork another mans anus.

And you losers should not get treated at hosp er's for free. What the hell do you care about fetuses or babies. you do not want pg women to have healthcare. You don't give a rip about fetuses or babies if you think the Tump care is fine. Neither does the GOP , just one big excuse that RWNJ's use to take healthcare away from millions.
wow, you guys didn't give a shit, about women dying on the abortion doctors tables, or those babies that happened to survive the abortion. But for you lazy ass liberals, who want everyone else to pay for your SHIT, get a fucking job, get off the EBT cards and make something of yourselves, get some personal satisfaction, not be a victim to liberalism who FORCES everyone to buy shit, before you get to see the shit, passed by the liberal congress, signed by the bi racial, homosexual, Muslim Loving, community agitator.
This is a good example of slanting of the news to promote a Leftist agenda. Every news outlet is pushing the same story line: 22 million fewer insured. Some even used language like "will lose their insurance," or "will be thrown out of insurance plans."

Both the employer and individual mandates will go away. So things will be exactly the same as they were before ACA was enacted…and tens of thousands of people will be dying in the streets. If you don’t believe me, check with Nancy Pelosi. What better source?

Average premiums are expected to fall in 2026 after initially rising.

why, because they are not covering as much, but the costs will be higher than the premiums now and under the ACA,
also out of pocket expenses will be greater.
When you don't FORCE people to buy health insurance, then yes, there will be people who voluntarily opt out of purchasing it. And to think, Liberals say they are for "CHOICE". but only when they can kill babies, or pork another mans anus.

And you losers should not get treated at hosp er's for free. What the hell do you care about fetuses or babies. you do not want pg women to have healthcare. You don't give a rip about fetuses or babies if you think the Tump care is fine. Neither does the GOP , just one big excuse that RWNJ's use to take healthcare away from millions.
wow, you guys didn't give a shit, about women dying on the abortion doctors tables, or those babies that happened to survive the abortion. But for you lazy ass liberals, who want everyone else to pay for your SHIT, get a fucking job, get off the EBT cards and make something of yourselves, get some personal satisfaction, not be a victim to liberalism who FORCES everyone to buy shit, before you get to see the shit, passed by the liberal congress, signed by the bi racial, homosexual, Muslim Loving, community agitator.

Very few women die from abortions, but they will when backstreet abortions start back up and they will. What makes you think that we do not see right through you fake CINO's, its all about money with yous. You do not want to be told what to do , I get it, but for those who no longer have insurance should not be allowed to get medical care in the er, now you have the state congresses telling you what to do. You are owned whether you like it or not. Get use to it, we may as well have a few bennies while being under the authority of other people.
This is a good example of slanting of the news to promote a Leftist agenda. Every news outlet is pushing the same story line: 22 million fewer insured. Some even used language like "will lose their insurance," or "will be thrown out of insurance plans."

Both the employer and individual mandates will go away. So things will be exactly the same as they were before ACA was enacted…and tens of thousands of people will be dying in the streets. If you don’t believe me, check with Nancy Pelosi. What better source?

Average premiums are expected to fall in 2026 after initially rising.

why, because they are not covering as much, but the costs will be higher than the premiums now and under the ACA,
also out of pocket expenses will be greater.
When you don't FORCE people to buy health insurance, then yes, there will be people who voluntarily opt out of purchasing it. And to think, Liberals say they are for "CHOICE". but only when they can kill babies, or pork another mans anus.

And you losers should not get treated at hosp er's for free. What the hell do you care about fetuses or babies. you do not want pg women to have healthcare. You don't give a rip about fetuses or babies if you think the Tump care is fine. Neither does the GOP , just one big excuse that RWNJ's use to take healthcare away from millions.
wow, you guys didn't give a shit, about women dying on the abortion doctors tables, or those babies that happened to survive the abortion. But for you lazy ass liberals, who want everyone else to pay for your SHIT, get a fucking job, get off the EBT cards and make something of yourselves, get some personal satisfaction, not be a victim to liberalism who FORCES everyone to buy shit, before you get to see the shit, passed by the liberal congress, signed by the bi racial, homosexual, Muslim Loving, community agitator.

Very few women die from abortions, but they will when backstreet abortions start back up and they will. What makes you think that we do not see right through you fake CINO's, its all about money with yous. You do not want to be told what to do , I get it, but for those who no longer have insurance should not be allowed to get medical care in the er, now you have the state congresses telling you what to do. You are owned whether you like it or not. Get use to it, we may as well have a few bennies while being under the authority of other people.
Why the fuck should I pay for some liberal tramps abortion, because she decided to hook up with a liberal EBT jobless jerk? I am very tired of paying for other peoples shit, because they are too jealous and lazy to get a fucking job. How did people LIVE, before shit fucks like FDR put a chicken in every pot?

The slack jawed white trash trump voters can go to benny hinn for thei medical care


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