Senate GOP Will Use Reconciliation to Repeal Obamacare


Senior Member
Feb 28, 2012
'Mike Franc, Heritage’s Vice President of Government Studies, explained the details of reconciliation’s applicability thusly:

Now that the individual mandate has acquired the official constitutional status of a “tax”, there is no longer any doubt that the Congress, and more specifically the Senate, can repeal it pursuant to the simple majority vote threshold available under the Budget Act’s reconciliation process. Some Senate insiders were concerned that the reconciliation process would leave too much of Obamacare intact, including the individual mandate. But today’s decision, while alarming in so many other ways, dispels with that concern.

The mandate is now a revenue provision. Therefore, it is germane and not subject to a Senate parliamentary point of order to strike it from a repeal bill. The Senate’s filibuster process that would require a supermajority of 60 Senate votes to approve repeal is now irrelevant.'

Senate GOP Will Use Reconciliation to Repeal Obamacare

Justice Roberts is, indeed, a genius!
What part of official Constitutional status as a tax are you not getting?
'Mike Franc, Heritage’s Vice President of Government Studies, explained the details of reconciliation’s applicability thusly:

Now that the individual mandate has acquired the official constitutional status of a “tax”, there is no longer any doubt that the Congress, and more specifically the Senate, can repeal it pursuant to the simple majority vote threshold available under the Budget Act’s reconciliation process. Some Senate insiders were concerned that the reconciliation process would leave too much of Obamacare intact, including the individual mandate. But today’s decision, while alarming in so many other ways, dispels with that concern.

The mandate is now a revenue provision. Therefore, it is germane and not subject to a Senate parliamentary point of order to strike it from a repeal bill. The Senate’s filibuster process that would require a supermajority of 60 Senate votes to approve repeal is now irrelevant.'

Senate GOP Will Use Reconciliation to Repeal Obamacare

Justice Roberts is, indeed, a genius!

While I will be happy the GOP uses any tactic within the rules to rid us of this insanity I have'nt alot to say about anything that comes out of Herritage. They started this ball rolling and now the GOP has to eat it regardless of involvement or not. All in an effort to fight Hillary.....
Oh, I get the tax part loud and clear, and applaud it. That allows us to use an income tax to create a full single payer universal health care system.
Since Obamacare is a TAX and it originated in the Senate and not in the is illegal.

Taxes can only begin in the HoR.
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Oh, I get the tax part loud and clear, and applaud it. That allows us to use an income tax to create a full single payer universal health care system.

This ruling does not permit the federal government to nationalize an industry.
Oh, I get the tax part loud and clear, and applaud it. That allows us to use an income tax to create a full single payer universal health care system.

But of course, 'single payer' would require a new set of laws subject to the Senate rules just like the original Obamacare was.
Telling the right’s desire to repeal the ACA, yet mention nothing as to what they’d replace it with.
Given what will happen in November....

Single Payer is not going to happen for a long long long time.
May-be the senate can repeal Obama ,and get rid of that Sociopath:badgrin::eusa_clap::badgrin::eusa_clap::badgrin:



Any of you rabid right wingers have your head blow up yet. You know, as a result of the Supremes. Thank God you have medical insurance. Bet your blood pressure is through the roof. Don't stroke out now. Full effect of the health care law isn't untill 2014.
Telling the right’s desire to repeal the ACA, yet mention nothing as to what they’d replace it with.

Plenty of good ideas were offered at the time ACA was being debated but you hacks were to excited about Obama telling us to sit in the back of the bus that you never noticed.
Any of you rabid right wingers have your head blow up yet. You know, as a result of the Supremes. Thank God you have medical insurance. Bet your blood pressure is through the roof. Don't stroke out now. Full effect of the health care law isn't untill 2014.

This may work out perfectly.

The normal people in America are now even more energized to throw the Leftist pukes out of office, and Obamacare gets repealed the first day of the new Congress.


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