Senate Passes $1 Trillion Infrastructure Bill In Strong Bipartisan Vote

Trump proposed a 1.5 trillion dollar infrastructure bill. It was not voted on as some Republicans, mostly RHINOs, and EVERY Democrat had reservations. Any more questions?

Trump's "proposals' were not real. That's why there was no vote. Just like his great health care bill he said he had ready to go and his promise to release his taxes.

We are still waiting on that new trade bill with China also.
The only "infrastructure" falling apart in our political infrastructure.

Let the house cleaning begin.
How will billions for "green lunches" help our infrastructure one bit?

Less than 25% for actual infrastructure projects. This is the Obama Stimulus bullshit redux.
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At this point I see no other option than to put on some popcorns and sit back and watch the whole system implode. lol.

These people are nuts. Just absolutely nuts.

There's no way these half-wits survive the mid-term.

All we got from trump was lame catch phrases.
Ironic considering this turd of a bill will actually spend less than 25% on actual infrastructure!!

So what are you cheering about? The same weak republicans like Murkowski, McConnell, Romney,
etc. helped Biden plunge a knife into the backs of the nation.

I don't feel like cheering for economic chaos and instability for the foreseeable future.
I guess you do as a stupid leftist cheer leader.
Natural Citizen
I agree and implode it will. Here' some of what in that bill. Only 25% is for actual infrastructure repair.

Really need to up the leval of infiltration of the Republican party over he next few cycles.

We're getting more people in there gradually, but there's still way too many who just go right along with the party-of-one gag.
2022 and 2024 my friend.
A strong message must be sent so there is no doubt how people feel.
Billions for lunch and STEM programs under the umbrella of infrastructure is the Obama "stimulus"
horse shit all over again.

I'm sure he is laughing in his multi million dollar mansion as all his failed idiocy is being
reconstituted by that mentally ill puppet in the White House and recycled.
Unlike with trump, we actually got a bill and it passed.
Only because the democrats, not ONE of them, would cross the aisle as the GOP has done to work together to get a bill passed. If not for the GOP's willingness to work WITH the idiots on the other side, NOTHING would EVER get done.

Biden got it done.
Biden got SHIT done, you stupid, lying jackass. He didn't write the bill, all he will do is gladly sign the fucking thing. The House and Senate got the bill done, and it got this far only because the GOP put party politics aside unlike the Democrats, and worked bipartisanly.

Now Nancy will get greedy insisting it be tied to a whole lot of democrat PORK and the senate will spend the whole rest of the year fighting about it getting nothing passed.
From 2016-2018 the Republicans 100%.

All the same, when Mitch wanted to introduce a bill 2019-2020 he would still do so.

McConnell introduces $2,000 aid checks bill tied to social media immunity and election fraud

So the Democrats couldn't vote down a Trump infrastructure bill as there never was one.
Uh-huh.....And even then they were sandbagging Trump.....Forgotten the smug looks on the faces of Ryan and McTurtle when they jammed their idiotic FY 2017 budget down our throats?

Even so, there were six years where an infrastructure bill could have been passed, if those controlling congress were interested in it.....They weren't, so blaming Trump is the height of intellectual dishonesty.
Uh-huh.....And even then they were sandbagging Trump.....Forgotten the smug looks on the faces of Ryan and McTurtle when they jammed their idiotic FY 2017 budget down our throats?

Even so, there were six years where an infrastructure bill could have been passed, if those controlling congress were interested in it.....They weren't, so blaming Trump is the height of intellectual dishonesty.

Sure, it's like blaming your dog for barking at the mailman.
A large part of that is Democrat controlled grants that will be used to fund all this BLM and Left Wing bullshit.

Here is Senator Kennedy explaining what is wrong with the stupid bill.


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