Senate Passes $1 Trillion Infrastructure Bill In Strong Bipartisan Vote

PSSST!Don Trump left the White House 8 months ago. He has not had any authority over anyone in Washington since then.
He thinks he has influence. He does, but not as much as he would like apparently
I have no problem paying for it either. The bill should be fully paid for.

I agree with you. It looks like it is going to be paid for and not added to the national debt.

The republicans will throw hissy fits when taxes are raised but I don't care.

Unlike tax cuts for the rich that aren't paid for and wars that aren't paid for, we will actually get something from the this bill and it looks like it's paid for so it won't add to the debt.
I agree with you. It looks like it is going to be paid for and not added to the national debt.

The republicans will throw hissy fits when taxes are raised but I don't care.

Unlike tax cuts for the rich that aren't paid for and wars that aren't paid for, we will actually get something from the this bill and it looks like it's paid for so it won't add to the debt.

Your bet is the next bill will cover it. We will see but I doubt they can raise taxes high enough to cover both.
There's more asshole Republicans than I thought. Republican senators are pretty much pussies.
Dana's bragging about a bill which 80% of it is nothing but waste and pork for democrats that will raise inflation and end up costing many people and states MORE than what they actually get out of the bill! Anyone with an IQ over 80 would be ASHAMED of this bill.
Agreed. Dems and the RINO's got a gigantic PORK bill under the cover of "roads and bridges". DC has been milking the "roads and bridges" talking point for decades to justify PORK. It used to be 80% roads and bridges with 20% PORK. Now its 80% PORK and 20% roads and bridges WTF.
The bipartisan bill passed easily with 19 republican senators voting for it.
Oodles and oodles of money for city hall, fire district, police precinct, libraries, school districts, parks, fire districts. Do you know how much money it costs to micromanage peoples lives, force them against their will to do things they the do not want to do and restrain them from doing things they do want to do?

Water, sewer, gas, electric, phone, internet, cable TV, trash pickup, utility bills parkong citations and traffic fines are all going up, up, up. Lienable and foreclosure against your property. Come on, give 'em a raise folks, they got a homeless shelter for you if you can't afford to give up your guns and driver's license and fully fund your local police department.
At this point I see no other option than to put on some popcorns and sit back and watch the whole system implode. lol.

These people are nuts. Just absolutely nuts.

There's no way these half-wits survive the mid-term.
This point of view warms the cockles of my collapsatarian heart.

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