Senate Releases Kavanaugh Report – Investigators Continue Review of Former FBI Agent Involvement


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
It’s a small world after all!

It always seemed curious how the Senate committee never redacted the name Monica McLean when first releasing the investigative material containing her involvement. […]

Ms. Monica Lee McLean and Ms. Christine Blasey-Ford are life-long friends; obviously they have known each other since their High School days at Holton-Arms; and both lived together as “roommates” in California after college. Their close friendship is cited by Ms. Fords former boyfriend of six years.

Ms. Monica McLean retired from the FBI in 2016; apparently right after the presidential election. Her current residence is listed at Rehoboth Beach, Delaware; which aligns with public records and the serendipitous printed article.

Now, where did Ms. Blasey-Ford testify she was located at the time she wrote the letter to Dianne Feinstein, accusing Judge Brett Kavanaugh?

Senate Judiciary Committee Releases 414-Page Kavanaugh Report – Investigators Continue Review of Former FBI Agent Monica Lee McLean Involvement…

....but wait, there is no deep state!

Only Trump and Putin rigging elections.

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