Senate tradition to annually read George Washington's Farewell Address


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015
In the most disheartening days of our Civil War, the Senate began each annual session by reading out loud Washington's warnings and caveats to the then young nation.

In a most memorable passage, Washington warns us against the ever-looming foreign influences in American internal affairs.

What are the chances that senators....and/or Trump.....have taken Washington's warning seriously enough to take all-out action to prevent Russian meddling in our election?

Bear in mind that both the Mueller report and the current head of the FBI....and virtually ALL of our intelligence agencies (now deridley referred to as the "deep state")..... have CONFIRMED and WARNED us that Russia is having a grand old time in meddling in our electoral processes.

Many Trump acolytes mock by saying " was your vote changed by Putin".....which is the equivalent of someone trying to determine exactly how and when he or she caught a cold.

HEED Washington's warnings and don't let Trump's ego undermine our efforts to thwart Putin's growing control of how we vote.
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Is it okay for the democrats to collude with the Ukrainians?
Is it okay for the democrats to collude with the Russians as long as there is a law firm they pay that pays the Russians?
Is it okay for the democrats to open the borders to let Mexicans and South Americans flood in to vote for them?
In 1776 there was no internet, so foreigners couldn't buy political ads as easy as they can today. Today they still can buy ads, all they need to do is hire lobbyists.
Its also weird that Russia's buying of political ads on FB in 2016 is called an "attack on our democracy". If voters are dumb enough to be swayed by FB ads, they are idiots. That's like Podesta's password being "password" and then wonder why he got hacked. You don't hear that the GOP servers were also attacked, but the GOP had better Spyware and weren't hacked.

Reading GW's farewell address is a good thing, I often wonder if those guys were here today, and were still super smart, how would they be governing the US, as the GOP or as dems?
Reading GW's farewell address is a good thing, I often wonder if those guys were here today, and were still super smart, how would they be governing the US, as the GOP or as dems?

One thing I could almost guarantee.......If those Founders were around today, they would REVISIT and REWORD that 2nd Amendment.
These assholes think it's a good thing the Russians used every dirty trick in their arsenal to help Trump and are counting on them to do it again. The continuing negligence of the Trump administration is itself a form of collusion.
These assholes think it's a good thing the Russians used every dirty trick in their arsenal to help Trump and are counting on them to do it again. The continuing negligence of the Trump administration is itself a form of collusion.

Just for a second...imagine if Obama has requested help from Iran to bash his right wingers on here would be spewing....

(Always remember........."Russia, if you're listening......"
Reading GW's farewell address is a good thing, I often wonder if those guys were here today, and were still super smart, how would they be governing the US, as the GOP or as dems?

One thing I could almost guarantee.......If those Founders were around today, they would REVISIT and REWORD that 2nd Amendment.
I guarantee that the only thing you agree with Washington on is foreign interference.

Nothing makes more sense, than b*tching about antique ideas, while supporting antique people, with antique ideas.
I guarantee that the only thing you agree with Washington on is foreign interference.

Do you know where I suggest you can put your "guarantee"???

(ALSO read Eisenhower's Farewell speech on wanna-be despots and the military complex.)
In the most disheartening days of our Civil War, the Senate began each annual session by reading out loud Washington's warnings and caveats to the then young nation.

In a most memorable passage, Washington warns us against the ever-looming foreign influences in American internal affairs.

What are the chances that senators....and/or Trump.....have taken Washington's warning seriously enough to take all-out action to prevent Russian meddling in our election?

Bear in mind that both the Mueller report and the current head of the FBI....and virtually ALL of our intelligence agencies (now deridley referred to as the "deep state")..... have CONFIRMED and WARNED us that Russia is having a grand old time in meddling in our electoral processes.

Many Trump acolytes mock by saying " was your vote changed by Putin".....which is the equivalent of someone trying to determine exactly how and when he or she caught a cold.

HEED Washington's warnings and don't let Trump's ego undermine our efforts to thwart Putin's growing control of how we vote.

I thought the left discredited Washington, Jefferson, Madison and the rest a long time ago. We are to remove all evidence of their existence. I am sure the tradition of reading the farewell address will be brought to an end very soon. I actually know a gentlemen who favors removal of the Washington Monument and Jefferson Memorial. I asked him if he would settle for renaming. But, he said the stain of history would remain until they were removed. Years ago, I would have laughed at him. I now believe there is a better than 50/50 chance those monuments are removed and replaced in my lifetime.
I guarantee that the only thing you agree with Washington on is foreign interference.

Do you know where I suggest you can put your "guarantee"???

(ALSO read Eisenhower's Farewell speech on wanna-be despots and the military complex.)
Of course. See, that's the difference between us Patriots and you Marxists. Patriots love and respect ALL of Washington's words. You just cherry pick.
These assholes think it's a good thing the Russians used every dirty trick in their arsenal to help Trump and are counting on them to do it again. The continuing negligence of the Trump administration is itself a form of collusion.

Just for a second...imagine if Obama has requested help from Iran to bash his right wingers on here would be spewing....

(Always remember........."Russia, if you're listening......"
The thing to remember is that there is no interest in fairness by the Trumpbots. The ends justify any means and I am about done trying to appeal to to their non-existent sense of fairness.
I thought the left discredited Washington, Jefferson, Madison and the rest a long time ago.

Well, there's a good candid view at your level of education......

Just so you know, MIke.....someone like Madison, Hamilton and Jay would calling for Trump's lynching.....
Oh bullshit. You don't know enough about the founders to say that. What an idiotic ignorant statement.

Nothing makes more sense, than b*tching about antique ideas, while supporting antique people, with antique ideas.

And the most shocking news of all! Mitt Romney tied a dog to the roof of his car and drove cross country!!

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