Senate Unanimously Passes Resolution Condemning Affirmative Action

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All American families have benefitted from affirmative action

It leveled the playing field

Unsubstantiated garbage and nonsense based on your feelings with nothing but a whim.

Put up or shut up.

Thing have only gotten worse since these divisive policies have been instituted.

What a ridiculous statement

Career opportunities for women, blacks, minorities, the handicapped have all been increased because of affirmative action

Perhaps, but now less of them graduate with degrees b/c of the institutions are accepting unqualified candidates that eventually drop out.

And for those that do accept jobs, you have the same market forces acting. . . a lot of them aren't necessarily successful at their careers. When the criteria for a job is not qualifications, but color or sex, failure is a greater possibility, and the blame, resentment, and litigation are more of a possibility. This only causes litigation and harm to the economy and social fabric.

Again, you just don't get how true equality and peace need to resolve and operate. You can't force people to be ethical by being unethical, just like you can't force your kids to be non-violent by beating them.

Yet, millions of women, blacks, minorities are now in the workforce in positions they had traditionally been blocked from obtaining. They lacked certain "Necessities" required to fill management and professional positions.....Necessities that seemed to only be available in white males

You are patently racist and sexist to believe that none of them could have earned their positions in society w/o affirmative action.

My grandmother graduated from High School at age 14. She graduated from Normal School at 16. (That was country college.) Then she went back to teach at the very high school she got her diploma at.

It was a bit of a scandal when one of the parents found out that one of the boys she was teaching was older than she was, (one room school houses, eh?). . . but the school liked her so much, they just kept it hushed up for that two years and kept her on.

Before WWII? There was no such thing as Affirmative Action you bigot.

Fact is...they didn't
They were not even considered for advanced positions

Affirmative Action have to let them try
At first, many tried and failed

But over the last 50 years, the number of women, blacks, minorities filling management positions and professional slots has increased to the point where it is hardly noticed anymore
What a ridiculous statement
Career opportunities for women, blacks, minorities, the handicapped have all been increased because of affirmative action

I suppose so but is that a good thing?. Giving people special treatment at the expense of others.? It's pure racism and sexism but you say GREAT
Why is it when people talk about hate groups, they never mention the ones on the "left?"
Because there are no hate groups on the left. You are misraking lleftist reactionaries for haters when in reality they are defense systems against RW hare.

Right. Where were those defense mechanisms when the left was busy starting ww1, ww2, civil war, slavery, vietnam, dropping nuclear bombs?
The democrats haven't always been left...moron...Some of those wars you just mentioned occurred. Under conservarive democrat administration's.
But don't forget the republican input ...especially with IRAQ and Afghanistan.
You are patently racist and sexist to believe that none of them could have earned their positions in society w/o affirmative action.

HAHAHA. Another of your straw-man arguments. No one is saying NONE could have made it without affirmative action. Of course a few could have. THINK
Please use the term


and not "racism."

You fall into a PC trap using "racism" instead of racial bigotry.
The democrats haven't always been left...moron...Some of those wars you just mentioned occurred. Under conservarive democrat administration's.

uses "moron" and then proves he couldn't pass 3rd grade English....
But don't forget the republican input ...especially with IRAQ and Afghanistan.

The Senators most obsessed with starting a US war in Iraq, regardless of reason, were

Dianne Feinstein
Chuck Schumer
Joe Lieberman
But over the last 50 years, the number of women, blacks, minorities filling management positions and professional slots has increased to the point where it is hardly noticed anymore

You're wrong there. Everyone notices it and everyone assumes they are unqualified and got the job thru AA.
The democrats haven't always been left...moron...Some of those wars you just mentioned occurred. Under conservarive democrat administration's.

uses "moron" and then proves he couldn't pass 3rd grade English....

Ha are a moron...typos occur when big fingers like mine use cell phone keyboards...I can spell with the best ...nice try...but you fail again.
All American families have benefitted from affirmative action

It leveled the playing field
The fundamental cornerstone of the Left's existence is flawed.
Democrats are against Civil Rights.
Liberals demand racial discrimination in employment and education.
But don't forget the republican input ...especially with IRAQ and Afghanistan.

The Senators most obsessed with starting a US war in Iraq, regardless of reason, were

Dianne Feinstein
Chuck Schumer
Joe Lieberman
But Bush was the one who orchestrated it and lied about WMDs He just wanted to avenge what he believed was an attempt by Saddam Hussein to assissinate his father.. Faulty intell from an unreliable source was all he needed to proceed.
ShootSpeeders said:
Senate Unanimously Passes Resolution Condemning Affirmative Action

Quote from: Senate Unanimously Passes Resolution Condemning White Supremacists | The Jewish Press | JNi.Media | 21 Elul 5777 – September 12, 2017 |
The Senate on Monday night unanimously passed a resolution condemning white nationalists, white supremacists, the Ku Klux Klan, and neo-Nazis

Hmmm... something just doesn't add up. o_O

"You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind. A journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of imagination. That's the signpost up ahead - your next stop, the Twilight Zone!" -- The Twilight Zone, Opening Narrative Season 2
The fundamental cornerstone of the Left's existence is flawed.
Democrats are against Civil Rights.
Liberals demand racial discrimination in employment and education.

And then they call these policies FIGHTING RACISM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But don't forget the republican input ...especially with IRAQ and Afghanistan.

The Senators most obsessed with starting a US war in Iraq, regardless of reason, were

Dianne Feinstein
Chuck Schumer
Joe Lieberman
But Bush was the one who orchestrated it and lied about WMDs He just wanted to avenge what he believed was an attempt by Saddam Hussein to assissinate his father.. Faulty intell from an unreliable source was all he needed to proceed.
and yet all of the dems saw exactly the same material and made the same decision. hmmmmm you sure you're ok?
Why is it when people talk about hate groups, they never mention the ones on the "left?"
Because there are no hate groups on the left. You are mistaking leftist reactionaries for haters when in reality they are defense systems against RW hate.
folks this^^^^^ is a bigot^^^^^^^^
I am a defender of equality for all...if there is any bigotry in that ..its towards racist bahs-turds like ewe...ya friggin sheep.
Why is it when people talk about hate groups, they never mention the ones on the "left?"
Because there are no hate groups on the left. You are mistaking leftist reactionaries for haters when in reality they are defense systems against RW hate.
folks this^^^^^ is a bigot^^^^^^^^
I am a defender of equality for all...if there is any bigotry in that ..its towards racist bahs-turds like ewe...ya friggin sheep.
I rest my case.
Why is it when people talk about hate groups, they never mention the ones on the "left?"
Because there are no hate groups on the left. You are mistaking leftist reactionaries for haters when in reality they are defense systems against RW hate.
folks this^^^^^ is a bigot^^^^^^^^
I am a defender of equality for all...if there is any bigotry in that ..its towards racist bahs-turds like ewe...ya friggin sheep.
I rest my case.
I doubt you had a case of anythimg but the clap.
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